My Fall Capsule Wardrobe Ideas
It's time to share my fall capsule wardrobe ideas. It was difficult for me to keep this to just Fall since it's September 1st to December 1st with weather from 90* down to zero and it's my first attempt. It sure feels like winter by then, although temperatures certainly can get colder.?I almost wanted to do a Fall/Winter and a Spring/Summer and maybe that's what will happen since I'll only add a coat to my winter list and probably won't take much of anything out of the rotation.?At any rate, I checked a few capsule blogs and wrote down the number of items in each category.?That helped me see where I was off and by how much.?It was enlightening and discouraging.?
One thing I did in June when we moved into our home, was to put all my hangers backward - turning them around when I wore something.?In my defense, all my colder weather garments are still back facing.?Also, when I took pictures of everything for the blog and the apps I'm trying out, I took some things out and donated them.?I also added the items that I'm planning on ordering (one pair of pants and one sweater).
Since this is such a work in progress, I'm giving myself the Fall/Winter to figure out what I'll keep and what I'll get rid of.?So bear with me.?I'm only 7 months into this process.?As a kudos to us, the kids have gone through their belongings several times and bags of donations are still being slowly filled.?The house was a huge undertaking and we're very, very happy with it.?With ten kids still at home, I would have thought that the house would take much longer.?There will still be streamlining and the constant decluttering, but it's in a nearly perfect place.?The garage - that will take a little time - but it's about 80% there.?After The Purge, I wanted to go through each season and see what we used.?Plus, we do have some dressers in the garage, and having kids means it's an ongoing battle to keep things minimized.?The garage tends to be where things go when you don't know where they should go.
I used a few other blogs to breakdown what their capsule wardrobes look like and then did mine. I'm not sold on 33 or 37 or anything exact although under 100 for each 6-month capsule would be easy.?I'm more interested in having a number that's workable for me.??It's clear that shoes and tops are where I'm a little heavy-handed, so that's where I can focus on minimizing.?I'm certain several items will go - skirts, shoes, tops depending on what I actually wear.?I also didn't add my 14 pairs of leggings.?Yes, it's like a disease the way I like leggings.?They are all for exercise, but I wear them when I'm not exercising (and they're separated from my running tights), so they should count here.?I'm in the process of?going through them and paring them down. I like the idea of setting aside dresses and dressy shoes for special occasions.?I saw a common "rule of 3" in that department.?Right now I have 4 dressy shoes and 8 dresses, so I know I need to let go of a few dresses.?I'm planning on trying them all on again and adding to the donation pile.?
My above capsule number is a total of 71 items.?Now that I've separated my closet and only have these items available, it will be easier to scale it back, decide what's not working, what I have too many of, etc....?but I'm giving myself the season to do it.?Interestingly, I think my Spring and Summer have fewer items, so it should be much easier to work on those when the time comes.?
Jenn is Mom of 18, Transformational Coach for Christian women, host of At A Crossroads with The Naked Podcaster, Author, Runner, Minimalist, & Healthy Lifestyle Advocate
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