My explanation of the duality of waves and particles
Miroslav Zidek
?IDEK: ?ivot i dobro est kako: Rozvoj vedomia je ukryty v my?lienkach tvorby ?ivota v súlade s láskou.
In order to create the correct image and look at the prime number distribution system in a number of natural numbers, we must begin to create the prime number table.
However, the prime numbers are not written in the table, but the values by which primes are found. Each prime has two values, one blue-negative and one red plus.
The two primary values in the row of the given prime number are continually written.
The first addition is the first value or a new sum.
The second addition is the first number written at the beginning of the line.
The new sum is continuously added to the prime number. It means that each new sum is carried by its color.
4 + 5 = 9; 9 + 5 = 14; 14 + 5 = 19; 19 + 5 = 24; etc.
6 + 5 = 11; 11 + 5 = 16; 16 + 5 = 21; 21 + 5 = 26; etc.
Symbolically, we would count with the second summer - the prime could match the quantum leaps. / Quantum to tell you later /
Consequently, the values in each row of prime numbers form a wave in the table field.
Symbolically, these numerical values represent parts of atoms - electrons.
The fact that each prime numbered at the beginning of each row of the table is assigned a blue and a red value means that it also points to the counterpoint of the electron; positron. / positron we will write later /
The core of the atom - the "particle" represents symbolically the center of the prime pair.
Interesting in the method is that no values are ever present in the columns of the centers of the prime pairs, from which a "value table" is created.
There is only a blank column.
It points to the fact that even our sense-eyes and the perception of reality is a concealed way of transferring matter particles through the movement of the photon and the idea of it.