My Experience with Product Owners @ ITCN Asia 2024
I completed my graduation in 2014 and in 2016 it was the first time I come across the idea of Agile through Agile Pakistan.
While navigating through my career from developer to lead and then manager, I have seen and experienced various ways of doing Agile wrong. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. I have been putting my efforts into learning more about Agile and practicing it. Notably, following resources helped me a lot.
1. Google Project Management: Professional Certificate via Coursera
2. Product Mastery Pathway (Explorer, Navigator, Adventurer) via Agile Mastery Institute
3. Free Micro-Certifications via Product School
Tools for Stakeholder/Client management
This is not a comprehensive list of tools but I found these very useful to adapt in the beginning of Project/Product management career.
Project Lifecycle Lifecycle
Product Vision
Product vision help us align our stakeholders / clients with the actual goals and remove unnecessary items from the list.
Everything is important from stakeholder perspective but we need to prioritize what is valuable for the product and keep the backlog up to date. Following tools will help stakeholders and clients to visualize what they really need.
Always convert feature request into SMART goals to further analyze the feature, it's impact and timelines.
Communication Plan
Stakeholder analysis is pre-requisite of communication plan. It helps us to identify with each stakeholder
I was really excited by this opportunity to speak with Product Owners at ITCN Asia 2024. This event was organized by Agile Pakistan. Along with sharing my knowledge on expectations management, I learned some new skills from other speakers and panelists.
We need more people to come forwards and support these initiatives