My Experience in Foundations of Business Intelligence

My Experience in Foundations of Business Intelligence

This past fall semester, I was lucky enough to take the course ITSS 4351 or Foundations of Business Intelligence at the University of Texas at Dallas. I was able to learn and grow my experience with many tools that I hope to further utilize in my career. Some of these tools include MS SQL Server 2019, SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Data Tools 2019, Tableau 20.1, SAP Crystal Reports 14.2, and Alteryx Designer. I have always been interested in technology and business intelligence however it was not till this class I was truly able to get hands-on with many tools that have expanded my knowledge in the realm of analytics and BI. The best part of this class was that this was not just a class where we were lectured for three hours, but more where we really got to firsthand know, understand, and learn the material.?

One of my favorite things that I worked on in this class was the project that we were given to find a dataset and create meaningful insights from it. We were able to find a dataset with information about popular music on Spotify over the last two decades. With this data, we took the time to understand each attribute, create correlations for insights, and utilize data visualization to display our insights within a dashboard in Tableau. We were also lucky enough to present this information and have it evaluated by industry professionals. Their feedback was invaluable and I sincerely appreciate this opportunity where I was able to apply what I learned and present to a large group of avid individuals.

Additionally, we were able to absorb many other topics that I know will stay with me as I continue down my professional path. These include topics such as Data Warehouses, Data Cubes, Data Marts, SSRS, SAP Crystal Reports, and Mining Techniques like Decision Trees, Clustering, Neural Networks, Naive Bayes, and Time Series to determine the best model to predict data variables and patterns. Many of these pieces of information and tools can be utilized to navigate data and streamline data analysis allowing one to have better insight when making decisions regarding a business. I hope to take this knowledge and hopefully apply it to my future endeavors.

This class has made me realize the importance of Business Intelligence and how companies should continue to take advantage of it in order to further propel their business. BI allows businesses to make educated decisions based on data that has been previously collected in order to create the most accurate projections possible. Through tools such as data visualization, we are able to gain insights about the best choices that can be made to achieve success. I have learned many things through my time as an Information Technology and Systems major, however, this class has truly opened my eyes to what Business Intelligence can do for any type of company.

I would like to thank my professor Gaurav Shekhar for making this my favorite course to date. He did an amazing job engaging his students and making this a class I was excited to attend every week. Overall, I loved taking this course and can not wait to apply everything that I have learned going forward.

#itss4351 #jsom_fbi #utdallas #businessintelligence #tableau #sqlserver


