My Ex Says He Still Loves Me But Doesn't Want A Relationship (He Says He Loves Me But Doesn't Want To Be With Me)
My ex says he still loves me but doesn't want a relationship - He says he loves me but doesn't want to be with me.
If you find you relationship falling apart then you might want some advice on how to make your ex want you back. The most important thing to remember is not to let your emotions get the best of you. I understand that this is easier said than done. It is so easy to just want to lock yourself away from the rest of the world, but you need to force yourself to move forward.
If you want to get your ex partner's attention then you need to make yourself more desirable. You need to proceed carefully. You don't want to go out looking for your ex so they can see how good you look, but instead you want the word to get back to your ex through a third party. This might take some time so make it a point to improve yourself each and every day. Get new clothes, possibly a new hairstyle, exercise, etc. If you have friends that are also still friends with you ex then spend some time with them so they can see how well you are doing. Do not talk with them about your ex. The next time they speak with your ex they will let your ex partner know that you looked good and that you didn't talk about the relationship. This will get your ex thinking about you.
By focusing on yourself you are actually making yourself feel better and building your self confidence. You are creating the power in yourself you be able to actually be the one that makes the decision of whether you get back together with your ex or not. Why should you be the only one thinking of ways on how to make your ex want you back.
You need to make sure you don't ever come across as being eager to get back together. It could actually be more advantageous to you to do the opposite and let your ex know that it will be good for you to breakup. This will force your partner to realize that they have lost control over you and they will take a closer look at the relationship. Too many times during a breakup, one person in the relationship understands that they have the upper hand and they will put you on hold off to the side in order to have some freedom. Later they might choose to come back, but they don't have to think about it right away. One of the keys on how to make your ex want you back is to take this advantage away from your partner.
Many people make the mistake of using jealously when trying to make your ex want you back. Yes, this technique can sometimes work, but the majority of the time it will backfire and leave you with egg all over your face. I would like to introduce some subtle techniques to make your ex want you back. I have assumed that you are still friends and talk regularly:
1) Talk about the wonderful experiences you shared and the feelings they made you two have. Discuss the real fun times you had together and also the really sad moments. Whether you talk about things that made you laugh or cry, it will introduce a common bond and help you two feel closer to one another.
2) Ask your ex if they remember certain things. Perhaps a funny TV show, or how long since they heard your favourite song or ate their favourite meal. Once again this will bring about a certain closeness between the two of you. This will also have your ex reminiscing about the good times.
3) When you talk about your past together, don't talk about it with regrets. You don't want to be stuck in the past or constantly thinking about the future. Live the here and now. So if you get into a discussion with your ex about your past, recall it with fondness. Say that you were glad you had your time together and it taught you a lot. Plus you have no regrets. This will help to make you appear more independent, confident and happy. All of which are very attractive qualities.
4) You used to use the term "we" all the time. Redefine this phrase! Sometimes rather than saying "you" or "i" to your ex, use the term "we". If you can use it in a way that doesn't imply commitment, once again it shows that you have moved on and are being mature about your new relationship. Just by hearing the word "we" will conjure up all sorts of emotional thoughts in your ex's mind. It may not make your ex want you back immediately, but you have definitely started the process!
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Positive thinking can help you in just about any area of your life but did you know it will also help you to "get my boyfriend back." While this may sound a little far-fetched at the moment bear with us as we explain how to utilize it in repairing relationship issues.
Most people are desperate after a break up. This is especially so with those who are on the receiving end of a dumping. If this is you then we can certainly understand the emotions you are feeling right now but the thing to remember is desperate thoughts will lead to desperate actions.
If you have exhausted every avenue to get your boyfriend back then it's time to change your thinking and start to think a little outside the box. Using positive thinking as a vehicle to get him back is smart thinking on your part.
However, it's not the total solution and is really the first part of a two part process. Just thinking positive thoughts won't bring him back to you. Combining it with positive actions or lack of, can start to work in your favor - big time!
How To Get My Boyfriend Back!
So imaging what you want and then taking the specific actions to work towards bringing those images into reality is the key. The second part of this equation is vital. Too many spurned lovers take the wrong type of action. They know what they want in their minds but their actions will usually be of a desperate or panicky kind.
Here's a short list of things you should both avoid and do to get your boyfriend back:
- You definitely don't want to constantly be contacting him. For example, You don't want to constantly text, email and call your ex. That won't accomplish a thing except perhaps a restraining order. What you want to do is leave it alone.
- It's time to start working on you. Putting the focus on you rather than him will have some excellent benefits. For starters, you'll regain self confidence and when he sees this, the attraction meter will rise. No one is attracted to a clingy, weepy, desperate person and your ex won't be either. You need to take a step back and spend some time working on you.
- One variation to this is don't change who you really are. Remember, it was something about you he fell in love with in the first place. What you're aiming for is getting that confidence back into your make up. People are naturally attracted to confident people.
- By leaving him alone while you work on yourself you are giving him time to miss you again. If you present yourself in a clingy fashion the odds of rejection are high. If you present yourself in a spritely confident fashion then get ready for some positive response.
- Here's the biggest benefit - while your aim is getting your boyfriend back, even if the worst case scenario is that it doesn't work out, you will have grown as a person and will have more to offer whomever you find yourself in a relationship with.
Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide
Don't risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.