My Ex Changed Her Number Because Of Me (She Changed Her Number and Disappeared)
My ex changed her number because of me - She changed her number and disappeared.?
"My ex won't speak to me because I did a really stupid thing. I am entirely to blame and if I had my life over I would not do it again.
I've told her best friend this and asked her to pass the message on because no matter how many messages I leave or e-mails I send my ex has made up her mind that she won't speak to me. I suspect that all her so called friends are telling her that I may be sorry now but "once a cheater always a cheater" and so she is not even prepared to let me apologise.
I don't expect her to take me back.
Yes I want her to but I would be stupid to think she would. I've already been stupid once, really stupid, so I have experience at that!
I've tried everything. I've sent her flowers and had no response. I don't even know if she received them. I've sent e-mails and text messages.
I've driven past her parent's house and seen her car there. I've phoned the parents and they say she's "not in" and to please leave her alone. How can I blame them for taking her side and shielding her from me after what I did?
Every time I phone the office I'm told she is busy and to "leave a message".
I've even followed her in the hope that she will stop somewhere that I might have an opportunity to talk to her - to explain that I am sorry. But she goes straight home after work and doesn't move from her parents' house till the next day. I spent four hours parked down the road the other night in the hope of catching her on her way out - nothing. She stayed at home the whole Friday night.
I suppose I should just accept that my behavior was unacceptable and certainly unforgivable. But that is easier said than done.
I love her and I have realized this too late.
We had the most wonderful relationship and I blew it all in one stupid act of bravado and male - I can't even think of a word to describe what I thought. Was it ego? I don't know.
My ex won't speak to me and I desperately need your help."
This is a copy of a letter I received from a young man who foolishly had a one night stand whilst on a hockey tour. He knew what he was doing was wrong but says he felt obliged "because the whole team" were egging him on and he was too weak to say no.
His remorse was genuine but so was her pain and she had literally wiped him from her life. Who could blame her?
Yet with the right guidance and approach we were able to get "Lawrence" back with "Gail".
It took a long time, a lot of patience and a lot of understanding and healing but they are back together and recently announced their engagement.
They are so right for each other.
This was one of the most difficult cases I have come across but it is also one of the most rewarding.
If you had a relationship with someone and believe that it is worth fighting for, if you are prepared to give everything you have to get it back together again, don't let the fact that your ex won't speak to you stand in your way.
Even if you are the only one trying find out what you need to do to turn the situation around and make it work.
Remember that your ex loved you once and it is up to you to rekindle that love.
Yes it will probably mean starting all over again and taking things slowly. But is that so bad?
Just because your ex won't speak to you is no reason to walk away from a relationship that is worth fighting for.
Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets
5 Magical Tips to Get Her Back
If you really truly believe that you and your ex girlfriend were meant to be together, then you have to learn how to get her back. The process of learning how to get her back is not as difficult as it may seem, but in order to get any kind of positive results it is going to take a a fair bit of thinking and some intelligent planning.
1 - Although this will sound like the opposite of what you think you should be doing to repair the relationship, if you are going to learn how to get her back you need to start by cutting all contact. Doing this is going to be an extremely painful thing for you to do and you will feel like it's tearing you up inside, but believe me it will be tearing her up a whole lot more. After a short period of time she will begin to realize how much she misses you and will also understand just how much she needs you. By cutting off all communication you are implementing one of the most important and probably most vital steps needed to get back with your ex.
2 - Give yourself some time for Emotional Recovery. By this I mean, if you want to learn how to get her back, you need to calm down and gain total control of your emotions. There is nothing more off putting to a woman than a man who showing signs of being needy and desperate. So you must get you head together and move on from those emotions way before you even consider trying to get her back into your life.
3- Find someone new to flirt with. Once again this may feel like a very relationship harming thing to do when you're main aim is to repair things, but it is an extremely powerful emotional weapon to use when learning how to get her back. If she sees you talking and flirting with another girl it will be too much for her to take. This will benefit you by getting rid of some of your stress and also show your ex that you are moving on with your life. This in turn will make her jealous and make her realize just how much misses you and wants to be with you.
4 - Act as if nothing bothers you. If you want to learn how to get her back, one of the basic but key things to do is to just "play it cool". Do you really think she is going to be rushing back to you if you are acting down and depressed? It's important that you show her that you having a great time, everything in your life is cool and you have overcome those "I've got the break up with my girlfriend blues!"
5 - Always make sure that you look your complete best. You need to make sure you look your best at all times and are always dressed to kill. When she sees you looking that good she won't have a chance of resisting you. Your appearance will play a big roll in letting your ex girlfriend know that you're moving on and taking care of what you look like. She will automatically act in a positive way towards you when she sees that you are taking pride in the way you look and you are definitely looking hot!
Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?
Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!