My Ex Boyfriend Is Playing Mind Games With Me (My Ex Boyfriend Is Confusing Me)
My ex boyfriend is playing mind games with me - My ex boyfriend is confusing me.?
My ex boyfriend is confusing me! That statement is said by countless women, all over the world on a daily basis. Ex boyfriends can be just as confusing when they're an ex as they were when you two were together. All those mixed signals he's sending you are enough to make your head spin. The problem is that you still love him so ignoring his behavior isn't going to do you any good. You want to believe him when he says he still thinks about you but then you don't hear from him for days at a time. If you're tired of these games it's time to change it right now. You have to take control of this failed relationship and start putting the pieces back together so he will finally be yours again.
If your ex boyfriend is confusing you, you really need to sit down and think about where that confusion is coming from. If he's been coming back around more and more yet tells you that he's not ready to get back together, pay more attention to his actions than his words. Everyone is wary of getting back with an ex as it leaves you feel very vulnerable and exposed. Your ex is the person who knows the best and the worst about you and if you come to them and say you want another chance, you do risk being rejected. That's exactly what your boyfriend is feeling right now so he's testing the waters before he dives in. He's attempting to spend time with you while at the same time he's saying he doesn't want anything more than that for now. Don't push him.
One of the best things a woman can do when she's dealing with a mixed up ex is create her own distance. If you continue to listen to him sending you mixed signals, you're just going to be hurt again and again. The advice you need to be following right now is to focus on your own life and let him do what he needs to do. Don't read too much into his voicemail messages and don't chase after him if he hasn't called in a few days. Instead, try and forget about him for a few weeks. Go about doing your own thing and let him work through his confusion. If he senses that you're not going to play into his games, he'll stop. That's when he'll come clean about what he's feeling and what he wants from you.
To Get Your Ex Back Show Him You Are Getting on With Your Life
You feel alone because no one seems to understand what you are really going through. Which is true, no one else does. They may have gone through something similar themselves and think they do. But they do not know how you feel. Everyone's situation although similar is different. No one knows your feelings. How your relationship was, how you feel. How much you loved each other. How much you want him back.
If you are trying to put some space between you and your ex you may be scared to go out socializing in case you bump into him. But you do need to start going out, even if it is reluctantly at first. If you live in a small town or where everyone goes to the same places it can be a problem. I know it is not always easy to go somewhere else. Your friends may not want to and who wants to have to pay additional cab fares just to go out when there is somewhere perfectly good locally? But at least at first it is better if you can avoid the places he goes.
On one hand you desperately want to see him and want to go where he will be just to catch a glimpse of him. If you see him your heart will race, your spirits soar and all the old feelings will come rushing back. You think your chest will burst as all the love you have for him spills out onto the floor. And of course you are hoping he will fall in your arms and declare his undying love for you. Unfortunately it does not normally happen like that, only in romance novels.
But on the other you do not want him to think you are wanting to bump into him or are watching what he is doing and with whom. You want him to think it does not bother you and are not interested. You will feel embarrassed and awkward, even if it is a chance meeting, in case he will think it is not. He will think he has the upper hand because he thinks you went to the same place as him deliberately. If you are trying to get him back, you do not want this. Even if it is not the truth. It can still hamper your chances. Even though all you want to do is yell "I love you, please come home" it does not matter how much you want to you must not!
Another reason is you do not want to see what he is doing. It is painful watching your ex chatting up another woman. Even if he is not really interested or he is doing it because he knows you are there. No one should have to witness that even if it is over for good between you, it is a while until you can. But if you are working to get him back it is absolute torture. Worse still, what if he left with her? Your imagination would be running riot even if it were all perfectly innocent or done for your benefit.
I am not saying do not go out, in fact just the opposite. You should go out, it does no one any good festering indoors. Just if possible go somewhere you ex will not be. But if you do see him, try to hide your emotions and just casually and briefly speak to him. Do not stress over it or let it ruin your night or discourage you from going out.
To win him back you need to get on with your life.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick that will have your ex boyfriend begging you to take him back. There is a set of easy-to-follow psychological tricks that will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out - Click Here
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