My Ex Asked Me If I Was Okay: My Ex Asked Me If I Moved On

My ex asked me if I was okay - My ex asked me if I moved on.

People make mistakes in love all the time. Sometimes we end a relationship that could have worked well had it lasted longer. However, it is never too late to fix the damage. Before doing that though, you need to know if your ex still likes you.

You find your ex taking out time for you: If you find your ex makes it a point to call you when he/she is at work just to say hi or if he/she insists on catching up on a week day in spite of all the work he/she has to do then this can be seen as a clear sign for still being interested.

Look out for compliments: Make an attempt to look nice especially if you know that your ex is going to be present at the event. Wear a new outfit or something that you know your ex would like. Any kind of compliments from your ex is a definite sign that he/she still likes you.

Bringing up your break up: If you find that your ex brings up discussions related to your break up by mentioning the good times the two of you had together or if he/she sounds slightly upset or distracted about not being together anymore then you can tell that your ex probably still likes you.

Eye contact: Post break up, if the two of you happen to hang out with a few friends or if you randomly bump into each other, try making eye contact with him/her. If you find that your ex looks back at you and holds eye contact with you for more than 3 seconds and/ or gives you a warm smile, then there's some spark there.

Flirting: The age old plan of flirting somehow never fails. Subtly try flirting with him/her. Do not make it too obvious or bold. Subtle is the key. If he/she reciprocates then you can be certain that your ex is still into you.

Discuss With Other people: Bring up other guys/girls. If your ex gets quiet while you discuss with your close friends of the opposite sex or if he/she keeps asking you who you like then he/she is probably jealous and uncomfortable. Ask your ex who he/she currently likes and if you get no response or if he/she immediately changes the topic then it could well be you.

Your ex is always present at places you ordinarily go to: Of course you had favorite places then when you were still together. If you see your ex spending his/her time at those places. Then your ex probably misses you and is waiting for that possibility that he/she can see or talk to you.

Your ex is still single: If it has been a long time since you broke up with your ex and he/she is still single, then most likely your ex still have feelings for you which prevents them to be attracted to other people, that is why they're still single.

However, in a break up situation things may not be as predictable as it can be, but if you want to know if your ex still loves you and you notice all the signs mentioned here, you can feel quite confident that your ex still have feelings for you and would like to resume the relationship.

These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide


When your heart is breaking because you and your ex have broken up, you may even feel tempted in your emotional turmoil to get back at your ex, or continue to fight with them over the issues that separated you. The problem is deep down you want to keep fighting because you actually want to get back together with your ex and this is one way to keep the link between you alive. It is also very destructive to what is left of your relationship and will completely destroy any hope of reconciliation. There are better ways to restore a relationship and these five steps can help you make love not war, and get your ex back.

First step: This is the basic step - begin with yourself. You have been focused on your ex and your feelings regarding them and now you need to stop thinking about your ex and the breakup and bring your focus closer to home. When was the last time you thought about what you need right now? To improve your chances of getting back together with your ex, you need to get yourself in a better place. To do that you need to focus on the basics - eating healthy foods and regularly during the day, sleeping 7-8 hours each night beginning early enough to get a good night's rest and regular sustainable exercise. All of this helps you bring your life back into perspective and gives you a stable base to plan your future.

Second step: Learn to identify who you are and what your goals are. As you feel more confident and self-assured through taking good care of yourself you rediscover the person you were before everything blew up in your face, and the person that your ex fell for when you first began dating. Embrace change - the change in you, the change in your relationship, constant change in life and as you work with it instead of trying to fight it you will grow and learn through your efforts.

Third step: Learn how to be flexible and negotiate win-win outcomes. Compromise is the art of finding a solution that works for all parties 99% of the time and will make the relationship work well when both parties are willing to embrace it and use it. Anything that smacks of win-lose is actually lose-lose in disguise so the trick here is to look at the problem together and find a solution to that problem that addresses the needs of the couple together and as individuals.

Fourth step: This step is absolutely critical not only for the health and survival of the relationship but for the individuals as well. The most important part of all healthy relationships and individuals is - forgiveness. This should come as no surprise because almost everyone knows what happens when you hold a grudge and do not forgive - the one who cannot forgive gets hurt and over time bitter and twisted. Forgiveness is something that is required every day for tiny little things as well as big things and it is the action that is necessary in order for the love to flow freely between two people. You do not even need to say it to the other if you don't need to, but in your heart forgive them for that comment, they did not know what those words mean to you; however, if it is important to you, then you do need to say something to them so they gain understanding. When you forgive you let go the right to hold something against someone else and it does not mean that you forget it. It just means that thing no longer has the power to hurt you and make you seek retribution. Remembering is only necessary to learn from.

Fifth and final step: Make a plan to get back together with your ex after careful thought and consideration. You may have discovered during the previous steps that the breakup was a blessing in disguise and you two are better as friends than as a couple. If this is so then you have already taken the first steps to your new life and a new you. If you have decided that your relationship and your lover are worth fighting for then think of a plan, and take action.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you'd like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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