My evolving relationship with my Higher Self

My evolving relationship with my Higher Self

If the terminology of the Higher Self is new to you, you might be asking yourself what I am talking about. What do I mean when I talk about the Higher Self? The better question to ask if What is the Higher Self for me? Because it can be something different to every one of you. You make up your own rules. You can get inspiration from my description and others but in the end, I want you to find your own definition that works for you.

My definition of the Higher Self

So let me share with you first what the Higher Self is for me. It’s my connection to the divine. To a higher, more intelligent power that we are all a part of. I am a spiritual being having a human experience in this 3D reality. And I am connected to the divine and that is what I call my Higher Self.?

My Higher Self is the version of me that selected this life to experience as Linda Lange. I chose this life and all that comes with it, but that is me on another dimensional level. So in a sense, I am my Higher Self but I don’t currently experience being it because I experience a human life on this earth. Briefly, this is my definition of my Higher Self.

Should I really share this with you?

I talked about my experiences with my Higher Self over the last few years in this article which is just over 6 months ago. Check that one out afterwards, if you want to know how it all started and how I receive messages from my Higher Self. But since this article middle of last year, my relationship with my Higher Self has evolved and I just received the full picture of this a week ago. So this is still very new and, to be honest confusing to me.

I decided to open up about this and take you on my spiritual journey. I was not sure if I wanted to talk about it so openly, but I said: “Linda, step out of your comfort zone and do something that feels uncomfortable.” And here we are.?

I’m going to share my personal experience over the last few months and then what happened last week. Maybe you have spiritual experiences, too, and realize that you are not alone. Maybe you would like to have more spiritual experiences like this and my sharing mine gives you an idea of what this could look like. To be honest, I think it looks different for everyone but in the end, we all end up in the same place of being in awe and love with these connections to the divine.

My evolving relationship with my Higher Self

Let’s get into it. Since last summer, I have been exploring new spiritual practices and over the last few months, I became aware a couple of times of an energetic presence during the practice. For me it appears to be dark and just pure energy but with a human-like body shape. Both times the presence was there to provide me and the other people in the room with healing energy which was an amazing and powerful experience.

It was a humbling experience but I thought it was just a presence and energetic being that visited us for the time we had our spiritual practice. And it only happened like this 2 times to me – until last weekend when I was visited by this presence again during a meditation.?

This presence visited me again for the 3rd time

I was on a weekend with friends and we meditated together. So during that meditation, it arrived and asked me to give my hands. It then signed something on my palms and asked me to put my hands around my friend who was sitting next to me and let the energy flow through my palms.?

This all happened not with the actual body. I did not physically move – but more energetically. And it only happened for like a minute and then the meditation was done. I took my hands back and asked the presence if I did it right. And it said yes, I did a great job. And then it was over.

I just thought it was so surreal but so cool at the same time. I even told my friends about it but still did not think anything of it, other than a cool experience. But then the day later something was revealed to me in another meditation, the last one we did together that weekend before we all left to go home again. And like I said before, I am still confused about it and don’t really know what this means to me. But I am still going to share it with you.

The big revelation in the last meditation of the weekend

I actually talked about this exact meditation already in last week's article but now I am going to share the rest of the message with you. I was told during that meditation that the dark presence that I experienced by now about three times was not just an energetic being or different beings that visited me or us, but that it was my Higher Self.?

Even during the meditation, I was like: “WHAT?” What does this mean? This presence is my Higher Self? And what does this mean now? And like I said already, I have no clue so far. I guess I just have to let it sink in and let it reveal to me over time what this means.

This is a huge step on my spiritual journey

But for me personally, this is a huge evolvement of my relationship with my Higher Self. In the past, I just received messages that I became aware of. And apparently, now it shows itself to me in an energetic form and provides me with help or support when I need it. It’s so magical, so amazing but at the same time still confusing me. And that’s ok.?

It just means I am out of my comfort zone. Which I am big time. Never in a million years would I have thought a few years or even months ago that I would have these kinds of experiences and would start connecting with my Higher Self like this.

I will keep sharing with you – even if it’s scary

My intention is to keep you updated on this journey with my Higher Self and share more about my spiritual and mystical experiences. If this is not really for you, no worries. Just read the other articles that are more practical and connected to our reality.?

But I have the feeling that I want to embrace more of my spiritual side and share it with the world. It seems that this is what life still has to offer to me and I can’t even imagine where this is going to go. It’s such an unknown to me which makes it very exciting and of course a bit scary. But that’s just human nature to find the unknown scary. Doesn’t mean that it actually is scary. It’s just how our systems react to stepping out of our comfort zone.

Build your connection to your Higher Self with this Subliminal

If you are interested in connecting more with your Higher Self, I actually created a subliminal for it. It’s full of affirmations to open your subconscious mind to let messages from your Higher Self come to you.?

Our subconscious mind is the bridge between us and the divine. So you can reprogram your subconscious mind to open up for this connection and allow you to start receiving messages or have spiritual experiences. You can find the subliminal on my YouTube channel in the meditation playlist. It’s called Connection to the Divine Subliminal.


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