My essay Morality


What is morality? Is it something we get from holy books or something we have innately or is it something we learn. Morality is a seed from god that when watered by knowledge and experience is born by the flower of correct thought. Innate morality is possible being born with a unique gift to see the right path though is more the provenance of unusual people like Jesus. It is possible also to generate a moral center from holy books. This is however the least feasible of the three. Holy books have been around a long time much cruelty has been done in their names. So as a source of morality they can be suspect. Morality can also come from your parents. My father taught me that all people were the same, that I had a responsibility to my country and to the world, that I should never be blind to human suffering. My mother taught me to do the right thing by people and to love others as myself and always to do what I can for the poor. But is what your parents taught you enough. Do rules and admonitions make you capable of discerning moral thought? Laws do not make people moral. In fact laws can be immoral if not built by moral people. The history of mankind is similar to the thrust of the bible they both are about the ascendance of morality. We start with the first moral law the law of Moses that served to create a social law for the Hebrews. This is the seed of god. When god sets rules for how we are supposed to behave. But if this was all we would be stoning adulteresses today. So that too was immoral. But morality is not outside you it is in your brain. God is not words that adjure you to do right on the contrary God is a feeling that makes you love all people and be kind in your daily actions. When you do not love or show kindness God is not there. Your mind acquires knowledge from experience and reading these cultivate the pearl that is your moral self. The seed of god, the unique holy part of us born to do right, can bear the flower and fruit of human sustenance or become the poison flower of hate. We choose by what we read and experience the path of our soul. We live in a time of a vast universal library, the internet, but we are awash in information. Forty years ago the canon of human of knowledge was collected in 50 to 100 books. This was within the grasp of any human with the patience to read it all. You could sum up ethics in Aristotle, plato, Kant, Spinoza, Kierkegaard, Mills and others. By reading these different philosophers you got a different view of morality from each work. You could also read Aquinas and Augustine and a myriad of moral commentary. I suggest that you read philosophers and sacred writers before you attempt the bible or koran. This gives you a foundation and allows you to get so mush more from the holy texts. What I am saying is reading the holy books needs experience and knowledge in order to harvest fully their content. Morality must be built by what you learn from books and all the reading you do. Ask questions about why are things the way they are? Get answers. Why aren’t people equal in the world. The answers will make your beliefs. For me I believe that all nature is equal, that all my atoms are the same as every atom everywhere that all plants, stones, animals and people are equal to me. Honor everything with value. That is what I believe. Your beliefs for good or better will define your morality. Its not just the content of your mind but the truth you hold the very epistemology that defines you. What do you believe?


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