Email to ICC (International Criminal Court) and other, 16 June 2020, and related information
About the author
Please, download the file 'About me.pdf'; please, copy and paste the following link on the web-browser:!AgYYdEVtwQvA9my_qLG9YdhrmADg
In the publication 'ICC.pdf', you find details of the two state crimes Australia has committed against me; please,see how you could assist me:
- Author’s experience in judicial corruption in relation to his own matters .......................................... 59 [page number]
- Conclusively, about the WA state crime ....................................................................................... 81 [page number]
- Author’s email, dated 18 May 2020, to WA Attorney General, about his own experience in judicial corruption in relation to his own matters ......................................................................................... 88 [page number]
(The 184-page document, given in PDF and MS Word version, can now be downloaded free of charge by copying and pasting the following link on your web browser:!AgYYdEVtwQvA9X0jE1nBZyWEvuhb)
Abstract and Introduction
The purpose of the document 'ICC' is to prove evidently that the state apparatus can’t be trusted especially about allegations against themselves and or their private entities – it would be proven that the fundamentals of three arms governance have been violated, either by one’s personal biases or undue influences acting directly or indirectly. Therefore, the intervention of international bodies such as ICC (International Criminal Court) and ICJ (International Court of Justice) is required to deal with such cases.
Many states have exercised systematic injustices and barbarity against their people as well as others due to the very fact of undue biases and lack of independence in their three arms of governance (lawmakers, regulators, and judiciary). They committed misery against helpless and weak people with impunity; their undesirable acts have been serial.
Concealment or covering-up a countries’ criminal and offensive behavior, which is a criminal act itself, is an invitation to such conduct with impunity - striking reasonably and humanly unrepentant criminals and their activities, including influences, are not to be considered to be an attack against the national interest of a country, as the genuine national interest is not about harboring and aiding criminal activities.
"First allow investigations in their [the US troops, the Uk troops and all their leaders] conduct in wars before seeking to initiate war crime proceedings against the island nation."
(Ref.: NDTV, 23 May 2009. Lanka lashes out at West's criticism - Speaking exclusively to NDTV, Sri Lanka's defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse has asked to first allow investigations in their [the US troops, the Uk troops and all their leaders] conduct in wars before seeking to initiate war crime proceedings against the island nation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 June 2020])
The hypocrisy of countries such as Australia is such that they want not only to protect the identity of sadistic mass murderers such as the Australian white-supremacist involved in the recent massacre in New Zealand against Muslim migrants but also to conceal the description and footage of the bloody and demonic carnage caused.
The sadistic racist mass murders were triggered by their tolerance and both open and hidden support for the racist and suppressive views, comments, and actions of some members of their public against other nations and races different from theirs.
The judicial systems of the countries such as Australia are merciless against people who have been accused of underage sexual matters. Many Catholic clergies have been accused of such. The merciless policies against the accused personal involve massive character assassination and disclosure of the identity of them with the assistance of their mainstream media, etc.
Further, the action against this type of sexual accused personal involves the following:(a) lifetime cancellation of their travel documents; (b) highly restricted movements within the same country or the state; and (c) enforcement of the disclosure of their normal day to day travel details and human associations almost weekly basis.
Many of these accused people were primarily victims of:
(a) the financial incentive, the government offered criminal competition of up to $100,000
(b) in the cases against the Catholic Priests, the revenge against authorized physical punishments carried out against alleged victims in school days; such as "strapping" or "belting". Please note the fact that the Catholic institution also was the in-charge of juvenile detention centers in many parts of the world, including Sri Lanka
(c) the overwhelming and binding effect caused by just large numbers of witnesses
(d) duress or intimidation caused; that is, pleading guilty under duress in exchange for a lenient sentence
(e) the art of conviction; which is about how to set up the accused for a false conviction by using the weaknesses and biases of the jurors
(f) Media interference - bias and erratic media campaigns, especially by the state-sponsored
It is my resalable guess that almost, if not in all these cases, there were no grounds for a reasonable assumption that the alleged perpetrators had any intention of harm against the alleged victims. Genuine sexual pleasure doesn't mix with intentional harm; the two cannot mix at the same time. One is constructive and the other is destructive; please think far. People normally dwell in destructive thoughts outside the sexual pleasure. Attempts to cover-up the tracks that could lead to getting caught for wrongdoing and then facing merciless consequences could result in human atrocities; therefore, a merciful approach by the authority, media, and the public to issues is utmost important in preventing matters going from 'frying pan into fires'.
I will give you two more examples out of countless others:
There was a case in Sydney around 2010, where an Asian woman spiked her Asian partner's drink (the soup) with sleeping tablets and then severed his genitals with a sharp instrument; because she believed her partner was going out with other women and getting them pregnant. The man bled to death. It was premeditated and highly calculated crime of highest and evil barbaric nature. The case was heard by a woman judge.
The accused was given a custodial sentence of six years and nine months with a none-parole period of three years and nine months. She had spent time in custody already and she was eligible for parole in November 2014.
This is a classic example of the Australian Legal system’s leniency towards crime against sexually active and promiscuous people. If an incident was premeditated, violent, and sustained, it constitutes a very bad case of harm or murder; such crimes should carry at least 30 years and life.
Sydney Court’s decision encourages people to commit atrocities against sexually active and promiscuous people; such kind of system is no second to a barbaric legal system such as those in some of the Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia.
This woman called the paramedics; because she did not want to give the legal system the impression that she did not intend to kill the man and avoid any possible convictions of willful murder.
A woman judge proceeding over woman’s affairs such as this would not give a good impression about the fairness of the legal system.
(Please, go to Appendix-B of the document 'ICC' for further details! (The 184-page document, given in PDF and MS Word version, can now be downloaded free of charge by copying and pasting the following link on your web browser:!AgYYdEVtwQvA9X0jE1nBZyWEvuhb))
There was a case around 2016 in Geraldton, Western Australia; about a Sri Lankan couple. Both were doctors in Geraldton public hospitals. One morning the woman, the lady doctor, took a sledgehammer and bludgeoned her husband to death. The husband died on the spot in a pool of blood. Her excuse was that her husband had convinced her to make pornographic movies with him and stream them online. She only received just a four-year prison sentence. The case was heard by a woman judge.
(Please, go to Appendix-C for further details! (The 184-page document, given in PDF and MS Word version, can now be downloaded free of charge by copying and pasting the following link on your web browser:!AgYYdEVtwQvA9X0jE1nBZyWEvuhb))
The media appeared very easy on these cases and their outcomes; very minimal publicity comparatively.
In none of these cases, the prosecutions bothered to appeal the leniency of the sentences.
These cases have set a very dangerous precedent against men. They have repercussions in the administration of justice and the security of the nations. They encourage women basically to murder their husbands or do something atrocious against them if they are involved in extramarital affairs or sexual matters that are immoral (based on dogma).
Women in this world are not supposed to form feminist views. They are part of the human race and they came to existence as a result of so-called vulgar intimacy between female and male aspects. They had no choice whether to be born or not. They produce babies, and they have sons and daughters. If there's no so such thing called “vulgar"; there's no life on earth. People live in denial and hypocrisy to almost to the extent that they would incline even to deny their urge to go to the toilet.
The actions of these countries reflect those of their invasive and barbaric acts of ancestry.
Senator Fraser Anning has a bloody racist criminal ancestry
I had mentioned several times in some of my publications that Australia has engaged in man hunting against Australian natives.
Wikipedia (18 March 2019) states:
Personal life and family history of Senator Fraser Anning (heading)
Anning and his wife own a number of hotels and live in Gladstone. They have two daughters. [6]
Anning grew up in north-west Queensland on Wetherby Station, one of the Anning family's pastoral properties near the isolated town of Richmond. He is the great-grandson of Charles Cumming Stone Anning, a British pastoral squatter who came to the Australian colonies in the mid-19th century to acquire landholdings. Charles and several of his adult sons established the Reedy Springs property north of Hughenden in 1862, and soon expanded their claims by forming the nearby properties of Chudleigh Park, Mount Sturgeon, Charlotte Plains and Cargoon. [7]
His family was involved in the frontier conflict as they forcibly took the land from the local Aboriginal people. In response to the spearing of cattle, the Annings would ride out with firearms, attack Aboriginal campsites and capture young boys who survived in order to use them as labour on their cattle and sheep stations. [8]
The Annings at times also requested the services of the local Native Police paramilitary unit to assist in clearing "blacks" off their runs.[9] Frank Hann, another pastoralist in the region who regularly participated in extrajudicial punitive raids on Aboriginals, described in his diary in 1874 how he saw "Anning just come back from hunting blacks".[10]
Fraser Anning's grandfather Francis "Frank" Albert Anning spent much of his time at Reedy Springs but also bought into further properties such as Wollogorang, Savannah Station and Compton Downs. One of Frank's sons was W. H. (Harry) Anning who took up the Wetherby property [11] and whose wife gave birth to Fraser Anning in October 1949. [12]
Anning is a Catholic, but not a regular churchgoer. [13]
(Ref.:Wikipedia, 18 March 2019. Fraser Anning. [online] Available at:[Accessed 16 March 2019])
Fraser Anning says
“the vast majority of Australians agree” with his call for an end to Muslim migration
(Ref.: Straya News, 18 March 2019. Fraser Anning on muslim migration ban in Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 March 2019])
Hopefully, this article would help people who live in foolish assumptions, low in guts and wisdom, and prayer without action to walk into high wisdom.
Readers would be taken to evidence stage by stage; deeper you go more you learn and become confident.
As the Hon. Prime Minister of Pakistan, I do believe that a successful leader is an embodiment of integrity; excellent vision, ability to conquer the fears, ability to analyze; and be his/her own excellent critic.
(Ref.: Hon. Khan I, Currently the Hon. Prime Minister of Pakistan, 04 May 2013. Full Address at Oxford Union about the leadership. [online] Available at: , Accessed 30 September 2018)
With the information in this document, including those linked, I have taken Australia's judicial system, the most corrupt and hypocritical public sector, by its “balls” -of course with the help of the work of media outlets such Australian ABC; legal professionals such as QC Tom Percy of Western Australia, Barrister Lloyd Raney, Hon. Justice Martin Brown, Former Hon. Federal Court Justice Carr, Hon. Federal Court Justice Antony Nicholas Siopis and many others.
If you use the pen in the right way, it is mightier than the ‘sword’!
(Lloyd, the author of this article)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
( JOHN 1:1, Holy Bible)
Monetary commitment does help the course of justice, and if you wish to do as such for the work that has been done, and if it's not too much trouble please utilize the just below transaction details:
Name: W Lloyd N Fernando | ABN (Australian Business Number): 35 185 086 073 | Email: [email protected] | Mobile: +61414887931
Bank details: Westpac | BSB/Account number: 735-010 537028
(BSB is 736-010; and Account number is 537028)
P.N: Upon giving the details of the contributor, a receipt would be issued!
Australia now has come under the microscope of Russia - just below is the evidence
Is Australia Committing Crimes Against Humanity Against Aboriginal People? (Robert Eggington)
'240 years ago the British forced their occupation onto our lands...our people were massacred, water holes that gave water to our peoples were poisoned' -Activist Robert Eggington on the destruction of indigenous Australians
(Ref.:Going Underground on RT, 15 July 2020. Is Australia Committing Crimes Against Humanity Against Aboriginal People? (Robert Eggington). [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 July 2020])
It is an evil and hypocritical empire; which has been resorting to genocidal solutions and other kinds of evil to retain its grip on other nations.
Adolf is a good example to compare them with.
Thus imperialism and its evil ambitions are on their last leg; shortly, they would be quashed.
All these years they have been misleading many nations and people into their deceptive traps; they have been living off other people's wealth at the cost of natives. Natives were suppressed and treated worse than they would treat their dogs.
Unquestionably, Australia is a native country of South-East Asia, and it survives on native resources in one way or the other; if anybody who thinks smarter than that must do so where they or their ancestors originally came from.
There was no substance abuse among the natives, and there was no suppression on them. The occupation was a criminal act and violation of the sovereignty of a territory. None of the countries such as Germany, Japan, Russia, etc. had to be under occupation for their advancement. Natives did not ask for an occupation to make themselves comfortable. This occupation has wrecked their lives; it was/is an occupation of ulterior motives. If you want to help a nation, you don't concur with it, you just offer your assistance.
Please, wind forward the following, and start watching it from 19:42 minutes -
(Ref.: 60 Minutes Australia, 20 January 2020. Reporter granted rare access inside secretive North Korea | 60 Minutes Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 July 2020])
End Times Bible Prophecy
Donald Trump In End Times Prophecy / Rapture / Martial Law....
(Ref.: Jason A End Times Bible Prophecy, 07 April 2020. Jason A - Donald Trump In End Times Prophecy / Rapture / Martial Law 2020. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 July 2020])
The evil, hypocritical, and imperialism is getting hammered both within and out!
Police, Protesters Clash in Chicago Over Crowd Attempting to Topple Columbus' Statue (18 July 2020) states:
Earlier in the month, Christopher Columbus' statue in Baltimore was removed from its pedestal with ropes and thrown into the water, as acts of vandalism and violence towards historical monuments spanned the United States amid massive anti-racism movement.Police clashed with crowds of protesters attempting to topple the statue of Christopher Columbus in Chicago. At least four officers were injured in the incident, local media reported.Videos allegedly made on scene and shared in social media show large groups of police units arriving to the site from across the city.
(Ref:, 18 July 2020. Video: Police, Protesters Clash in Chicago Over Crowd Attempting to Topple Columbus' Statue. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 July 2020])
Taking pride in genocide, human atrocities or injustices mounts to a true act of crime; the laws or actions that protect such pride are both unjustified and criminal.
Erection, keeping or respecting of monuments such as those of Captain Cook, Lachlan Macquarie, etc. who were part and parcel of brutal and murderous empires not only mounts to taking pride of carnage and atrocities that resulted against Australian indigenous people but also mounts to an act of being non-remorseful and non-compensatory.
The conduct of its (US') allies such as Australia has not been much of a difference; and both Australia and the US have been dumping grounds of the prisoners, who were not sentenced to death, of Briton (the UK); the history of both have been extremely barbaric, evil and inhumane. Both countries have fought bloody and bloodless fights to independent themselves from the influence and dominance of their motherlands, yet have consistently, deliberately, brutally and tactfully have suppressed the natives and their independence. One of the suppressive methods they have been using is inviting citizens of many other countries to share the spoils of their invasions and by creating a foul democracy by granting themselves and their invites citizenship without the consultation or the approval the natives; by using these bribing methods, they have managed to evade International collective actions against the atrocities that they have been committing.
My email to ICC and other, 16 June 2020
Dear ICC (International Criminal Court of Justice), ICJ (International Court of Justice), UN Human Rights Committee, Hon Western Australian Attorney General (John Quigly, QC), Hon Federal Members of the Australian Parliament(Tanya Pilibersek; Anthony Albanese, and Peny Wong), and all the foreign and local academics (policies and law) and dignitaries, including clergy and His Excellency Sri Lankan High Commissioner to Australia,
Heading - The US and its allies are about concealing their state crimes
Subheading - The proven prejudicial conduct of their judiciary disqualifies them of being reliable or fair in conducting investigations and judicial hearing into their wrongdoings - The coverup of wrongdoings has been ‘backbone’ of not only in religious institutions but also basically in every “corner” of these societies!
First edition!
Author’s notes: Defending a state of its wrong is itself a crime!
Fernando, W Lloyd N (Email: [email protected])
16 June 2020 in the state of Western Australia
The 184-page document, given in PDF and MS Word version, can now be downloaded free of charge by copying and pasting the following link on your web browser:!AgYYdEVtwQvA9X0jE1nBZyWEvuhb
Under the heading 'Judicial reforms suggested by me to Australia; however, those reforms apply fully to Sri Lanka as well as all other countries currently conduct themselves in contrary to those reforms', I have stated the below:
There have been countless serious miscarriages of justice in Australia, and it is of utmost importance to put the Australian legal system in order.
Therefore, I had suggested to the Australian government(s) several times through emails to the effect the following, but there was no apparent manifestation of these solutions, in reality:
(I) Apart from many other measures to be taken against the attempts to rorting the system or commit judicial corruption, the following measure would be significant: the judgment of a judge or a panel of judges must be subjected to remedial measures (for coherency) repeatedly ("backward and forward" between judge(s), the applicants and the respondents) before the final decision can be handed down.
(II) It is a fact that tampering with evidence takes place with impunity. The accused have managed to evade justice or being charged due to their position of trust or the accuser was overwhelmed by the number of witnesses against him/her. I have had firsthand experience with such at least three times. I managed to tackle the 02nd and 03rd incidents with no loopholes by using my secret recordings. Therefore, all interviews and hearings of evidence ought to be recorded independently by all parties, and in the end, all parties must exchange both sealed and opened copies.
(III) The legal profession in Australia is corrupted by biases and high fees as in many parts of the world; one aspect of this corruption is favoring the rich and another aspect is the state of abuse and injustices with impunity – this the situation is totally contrary to the Rule of Law (Constitutional). Therefore, the legal profession must be nationalized, and they should be made to work either for wages and or commission, and it must be made to take cases of the individuals, whether it likes it or not. There should be regulatory bodies to ensure it works independently as a part of independent three arms of governance, without bias, and professionally. An Australian legal professional qualified in Australia, only can work for the Australian legal system; this makes the legal profession to be nationalized quite easily.
(IV)- (P.N: not included some of the previous correspondences): If any country, including the US, has a problem with alcohol or drugs, it must take up the matter directly with consumers as it is the best solution. There are reasons why people take drugs and alcohol: therefore, that reason must be addressed and dealt with. Squashing the source of drugs and alcohol trade is not a good solution as people will resort to more dangerous alternatives such as home-brew, sniffing solvents, etc. If governments are interested in tackling drug and alcohol problems, it would target the consumers directly; and then, humane deterrence measures would be taken on those individuals. If the governments into genuinely toppling the drug trade, there are two measures: 01st and the best is the forgoing measures I recommended, and 02nd would be the distribution of them by the governments to the addicts freely or at a highly subsided rate with conditions that the consumers would undergo rehabilitation.
(V)-(P.N: not included some of the previous correspondences): Based on the following, a copy of my conversation with a friend of mine from India about my latest post on Indian workers, ICJ (International Court Of Justice) should widely open the allowance with pro-bono assistance for individuals, especially a foreign national of a state, to file actions against that state without having to go through his/her country of citizenship!
[8/5, 5:44 pm] (a fiend): I know. It's very difficult to explain or understand. It is a democratic country. Everyone has the freedom to go anywhere. People choose to go outside the country for quick money but others exploit. It is not easy nor quick fix due to a long history.
[8/5, 5:47 pm] Lloyd: You are correct; it is an overpopulated country. However, the Indian government must pursue justice and duty of care for its citizens.
[8/5, 5:49 pm] Lloyd: Through its diplomatic channels and ICJ (International Court of Justice).
[8/5, 5:53 pm] Lloyd: If a state commits a crime or deny justice towards a citizen of another state, the latter could pursue action through ICJ on behalf of its citizen. It's an unfortunate fact that many governments don't use this avenue to pursue justice for its citizens. [Therefore, rules of ICJ must be changed to bypass this obstacle "negligence committed by the States against their citizens"
Thank you so much for your kind attention!
Respectfully yours,
Lloyd (Fernando, W Lloyd N)
More related information
Why Australian employers want foreign workers?
From: W Lloyd N Fernando <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, 2 July 2020, 12:38 pm To: [email protected] <[email protected]>; Quigley, Minister; [email protected]; Albanese, Anthony (MP); [email protected]; Ellery, Minister Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; fedcourtservice
Subject: Why employers want foreign workers? The answer: slave labour and wage theft (it may include superannuation, etc.); the employers are looking for, basically, every possible avenue to discriminate and blame locals
Dear Hon. WA Attorney General, Hon. WA Premier, Hon. Federal MP Tanya Plibersek, Hon Federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, Hon Federal Senator Penny Wong, Hon WA Minister for Education Minister Sue Ellery, and WA CCC [Corruption Crime Commission],
Why employers wants [Sic.] [want] foreign workers?
The answer: slave labour and wage theft (it may include superannuation, etc.); the employers are looking for, basically, every possible avenue to discriminate against and blame locals. Apart from these, the following:
The evasion of workers compensations, especially, those that would be work-related illnesses occur in the long-term; and
Calling Immigration or the Border Force through indirect means on illegal workers, when they are not needed, and then, creates an opportunity steel their wages of around two weeks.
Just bellow are three references for your attention:
*Patty A, 30 June 2020. One in four international students earn less than half the minimum wage. [online] Available at: [Accessed 02 July 2020]
*Catalina Florez, 01 July 2020. International Student Carolina is one of thousands to have her wages stolen in Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 02 July 2020]
*Please, download the attached folder “AustralianIndustrialInvestigationsTertiary” from the following link; and read it ‘word by word’ -please, copy and paste the following link on the web-browser:!AgYYdEVtwQvA9WuoC03htDq5RI7S
For sure the businesses and the government that supports them have to find an excuse (the way to blame the locals); i.e, by blaming the locals of not wanting to work or being lazy, etc.
The employment agencies are useless in this situation for locals; and those agencies are also finding ways to blame their clients, such as CV issues, etc. To show why their clients could not find work.
The government has given the allowance to discriminate people based on their history. This is extrajudicial, and apart from that, it is totally against the genuine public interest as it causes a burdening effect by impeding a person’s rehabilitation process and constructive contribution.
The Business [Sic.] [businesses] and all government institution[s] must work for the genuine public interest.
The genuine public interest is what is fair, just and the best, not necessarily what the majority wants. Doctors are supposed to prescribe what is best for their clients, not necessarily what their clients want.
In this situation, locals are victims of these baseless accusations and discrimination. These action and allowance for such are treasonous - against the constitution and genuine public interest.
The job of a regulator body is to be totally independent – the principal of three arms of governance; and not to work as covering up body for the wrong doings of the government and private entities.
Legal Aid Australia has told me straight over the counter it was a government funded organization, and therefore, it would not have funds to assist cases of the victims of the wrong doings of the public sector individuals. This is a total violation of the principals governance and entertainment of authoritarianism and anarchism.
Thanks for your kind attention!
Respectfully yours,
Lloyd (Fernando, W Lloyd N)
Australia has been in engaging in covering up of state crimes and other offenses and has not been remorseful - the below information provides factual background in that regard not only about Australia, but also its main military ally, the US
Head M (para.04, 03 August 2019) states:
As Robinson explained, the vendetta against Assange began in 2010 when WikiLeaks published the devastating material leaked by the courageous whistleblower Chelsea Manning. The exposures included the infamous “Collateral Murder” video, 90,000 incriminating reports on the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and 400,000 on the Iraq War, 800 Guantanamo Bay detainee assessment briefs, and 250,000 secret US State Department cables revealing illegal killings, coup plots, regime-change operations and mass surveillance.
(Ref.: Head M, 03 August 2019. Despite briefing by Julian Assange’s lawyer, Australian politicians still refuse to defend him. [online] Available at: [Accessed 04 August 2019])
CBS News (12 May 1996) states:
Madeleine Albright Says Deaths Of 500,000 Iraqi Children Is Worth It….
(Ref.: VexZeez, 18 March 2011. END WAR: Madeleine Albright Says Deaths Of 500,000 Iraqi Children Is Worth It; UN Sanction Genocide. [online] Available at: [Accessed 02 May 2020])
Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning dedicated themselves to expose corruption, cover-ups, and evil in human organizations. The situation of both has come to a very serious and ugly point in the history of mankind with the current US administration lifting the moratorium on execution in relation to Federal offenses, which includes those in relation to treason; the situation for Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning would become irreversible if forceful actions are not taken promptly.
The current US president, Trump, is a personification of evil. Evil begets evil! (Jesus Christ, Holy Bible)
Here is the evidence of the true colors of Trump; …!
Trump DOJ to resume federal death penalty after 16-year break, schedules five executions
[RT, 26 July 2019.] Trump DOJ to resume federal death penalty after 16-year break, schedules five executions – AG Barr — RT USA News [Accessed 26 July 2019]
It is reasonable to assume, given the time frame, that he re-activated the Federal executions to wide open for the US judiciary to sentence Julian Assange to death and then, carry out the execution.
YOUNG E(27 July 2019) states:
"US President Donald Trump is known to be a fan of the death penalty, suggesting last year that it should be brought back “into vogue.”" (para.03)
Just days ago, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden – vice president under Obama – said he would scrap the federal death penalty if elected. Biden announced his new opposition to the death penalty citing 160 instances in which people have been executed but later exonerated. (para.07)
(Ref.: YOUNG E, 27 July 2019. US federal government slammed for 'barbaric' restart of death penalty. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 July 2019])
Trump’s barbaric character could be seen through the foreign and domestic policies that he has been entertaining, apart from these is his disrespectful attitude towards women. He has come up with filthiest statements in relation to some of the women. He called President Dr. Bashar al-Assad of Syria “an animal”, when truly himself by his own satanic principals is an "an animal".
Donald Trump Caught Speaking Vulgarly About Kissing and Groping Women
(Ref.: Inside Edition, 07 October 2016. Donald Trump Caught Speaking Vulgarly About Kissing and Groping Women. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 June 2020])
Especially, based on former FBI Chief’s statements, there is a likelihood Trump was a guy who enjoyed women urinating on him; and had hired women for such. Apparently, the FBI was holding a video that was secretly recorded while he was engaging in getting women to pee on him. It is very interesting to look at the news articles on
“From steak to aftershave to urine tests, how Donald Trump’s merchandising empire has collapsed”
(Ref.: Ben Riley-Smith, 18 April 2018. From steak to aftershave to urine tests, how Donald Trump’s merchandising empire has collapsed. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 June 2020])
“Absolutely Every Single Thing We Know About the Pee Tape”
(Ref.: Madeleine Aggeler, 18 April 2019. Absolutely Every Single Thing We Know About the Pee Tape. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 June 2020])
There was a possibility that many Americans, including their system’s regulatory, tried to cover-up these crippling allegations against the morale of their president out of shame.
Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning are heroes, who dedicated themselves to expose corruption, cover-ups, and evil in human organizations; they exposed heinous crimes against humanity committed by the US and hidden under United States’ Security Act. Apparently. Former President Barack Obama’s main reason to pull the US troops out of Iraq was Iraq’s refusal to give the US military personal immunity from prosecution within Iraq.
Julian Assange is trapped in a UK’s prison for skipping bail on genuine grounds, and he is facing extradition orders to the US on unreasonable grounds. Chelsea Manning, who was pardon by Former US President Barack Obama, got locked up indefinitely in the US for refusing to testify to the US’ grand jury. Chelsea Manning under no obligation provides answers that evil seeks for its existence and propagation; and she is under no obligation to betray people who stood up for justice.
The situation of both are at grave risk; therefore, effective measures are required to be taken promptly on behalf of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. All those who want to impede, within international norms or laws, the UK-based but US-led racial imperialism are obliged to act fast.
Australia, a very strong ally of the US, has engaged in serial acts of war crimes and atrocities together with the US and allies – I have no doubts whatsoever about these, especially as the admissions had come from people who directly took part in operations. I have spoken directly with few Vietnam veterans in Australia, and almost every one of them has admitted to committing war crimes – pushing the captives, including civilians, off helicopters to massacring civilians by open firing on villages; these acts were tantamount to highest degrees of terrorism and war crimes, a person could imagine. One of the SAS guys, a church pastor, was boasting with me about how he killed the captives with his bare hands – if he did these while knowing the enemy was under control, it certainly an act of war crime. The guy who admitted to pushing people off helicopters was an IGA supermarket manager. The other who admitted open firing on villages on orders was an Australian native, and he, when I met him in the train to Fremantle(W.A) from Perth (W.A), was on his way to the mental hospital for shock treatment.
Any use of force even in defense should not be intended to kill, but to bring the enemy under control with the least possible damage.
The US administration and that of Australia are based on a criminal foundation and continuing criminal and inhumane acts: the crimes range from those against natives, other nationalities (especially, in the past those against African slave migrants and their descendants), and many other countries.
A new reference, slightly different from the previous -
The secrecy in the Witness K case is an attempt by the government to avoid scrutiny!
(Ref.: Gosling k, 06 July 2020. The secrecy in the Witness K case is an attempt by the government to avoid scrutiny. [online] Available at:[Accessed 06 July 2020])
(Supporters of Bernard Collaery and Witness K outside Canberra supreme court in August 2019. The case and secret trial ‘can only be seen as an attempt to prevent further embarrassment of the Coalition and as a vindictive punishment of Collaery for causing it’, Luke Gosling writes. Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP)
Previously, I had brought many others attention to the following reference-
Australian federal police ask prosecutors to consider charge!
(Ref.: Karp, P. (02 July 2020). Australian federal police ask prosecutors to consider charge. [online] Available at:
(Police stand in front of the main entrance to the ABC headquarters in Ultimo during an AFP raid on the building in June 2019. Photograph: David Gray/EPA)
On the basis of my publication, the file "ICC.pdf" (The 184-page document, given in PDF and MS Word version, can now be downloaded free of charge by copying and pasting the following link on your web browser:!AgYYdEVtwQvA9X0jE1nBZyWEvuhb), and on the content of the above references, it has become quite clear that Australia has been in engaging in covering up of state crimes and other offenses and has not been remorseful. This is a clear proof of its engagement in authoritarianism and anarchism, which is totally in breach of rule of law, which says no person is above itself and those based on it. There should be zero tolerance to this barbaric offensive behavior. It has come to the stage that Australia must be held accountable and deterred in committing such offenses. It must be done by tackling it from its "roots".
As I had [or might have] stated, this is a South-East Asian country, under foreign occupation. The occupation has engaged in various kinds of human atrocities and suppressive methods, including those of migration and psychological nature, against the natives, the owners of Australia. There are no Australia natives in any other part of the world as natives; they are unique, and they are only natives to Australia. Australian natives have the longest human history of 85, 000 years plus. Australia would be brought to justice; and it is time to play your part, which is an obligation, to ensure that Australia complies with justice and the rule of law.
I might have previously brought your attention to below, a copy of my message to a friend of mine on Facebook -
If there is no social security, the businesses will collapse due to lack of people, who could afford to buy things; there would be a rising in crime and suicides, there would be beggars and homeless, there would be people "shiting" and "pissing" everywhere, poor health conditions, diseases, etc. For a good economy, there should be an even distribution of wealth.
There are principles of justice; one of them is that justice can't be exchanged for incentives. You can't support a crime racket, because it is giving you food, money, and shelter.
This is politics and justice; where brains and wisdom are required.
It is the Aboriginal resources that make life the way it is in this country.
I might have previously brought attention also to below, another copy of my message to a friend of mine on Facebook -
I don't think so; and there are no grounds for that. There was no substance abuse among them, and there was no suppression on them. An [Sic.] [The] occupation is [Sic.] [was] a criminal act, and violation of sovereignty of a territory. None of the countries such as Germany, Japan, Russia, etc. had to be under [an] occupation for their advancement. Natives did not ask for an occupation to make themselves comfortable. This occupation has recked [Sic.] [wrecked] their lives; it was/is an occupation of ulterior motives. If you want to help a nation, you don't concur with it, you just offer your assistance.
Five hundred Australian legal women call for reform of way judges are appointed and disciplined
Australia got the most immaculate system in the world and it has got the perfect and uncorrupted system; and its majority consists of good sheep that believe and worship the system that looks after them, and they don't believe or respect any complaints against their system - just below is just only a fraction evidence available against corruption that has been going on in Australia with impunity, and it proves how stupid the majority has been!
Deep cultural shifts required: open letter from 500 legal women calls for reform of way judges are appointed and disciplined !
(Australian former High Court judge Dyson Heydon - AAP Image/Joel Carrett)
(Ref.: Gabrielle Appleby, Professor, UNSW Law School, UNSW, 06 July 2020). Deep cultural shifts required: open letter from 500 legal women calls for reform of way judges are appointed and disciplined. [online] Available at:[Accessed 06 July 2020])
- They were produced to impede injustices and hypocrisy in Australia. This is a country that points its fingers with the US at many other countries. Its injustices and corruption should be loud and clear on the basis of what I had provided. The most effective way is to pursue the agenda through human rights and other movements. Most importantly to bring these issues directly to the attention of entire spectrum of UN; and Russian politics, especially Kremlin, Russian Council of the Federation and State Duma. However, lack finances around me has been a major obstacle, undoubtedly.
- This level of corruption and injustices in a country such as this is not only an invitation to other countries keep a blind eye to such, but also encourage them to do so with impunity. A problem of one could well be the problem of others. Our thoughts and physical aspect are at constant battle between good and bad. Moment, we lose our impedance to such, we will surely rot to death; a person not only could die physically, but also spiritually, if the bad spirit takes over. "Man does not live on bread alone." (Jesus Christ, Holy Bible) Humans need more than just sustenance to have a fulfilled life; people have spiritual needs as well as physical needs. ( [Accessed 12 July 2020] )
- We humans are supposed to be different from dogs - As dogs respect and love their masters, who feed and nurture them, regardless of what type of characters they are; people like Adolf Hitler and their dogs had strong bondage to each other. Australia migration system has allowed most dangerous people in - it allowed in so many white supremacists, and backers of Adolf Hitler, Mussolini and the alike, including those who took part in the American CIA backed violent activities in other countries.
- Too much diplomacy is counterproductive; I don't see much of a chance of diplomacy with elements of cognitive problems. One of the administrations that had serious cognitive problems was that of Adolf Hitler; this is a lesson from history. The US administration is full of cognitive problems; I would not waste my breath on diplomacy on such.
- Every element that sides with the US administration is not only a hazard but also a traitor to the world and that of the nation that he/she is in.
- The US and its allies have been working on soft targets to pursue their unjustified self-interest to maintain superiority over them. These games should rapidly come to a catastrophic and permanent end.
- The permanent solution to a problem can only be achieved, only if the root causes are addressed and dealt with.
- Dealing with injustice and application of deterrence against it often follows the method of how we read books. For example: if a person has more than one book to read, it is obvious that no more than one book could be read at the same time; and if the books are far apart, it is often the case that the closest one is dealt first.
2 年Hello sir, I want your suggestion on an international law a person cheated a company and claimed huge amount. Can we discuss regarding the issue please let me know sir