My emagine Journey
As soon as I received an interview request from emagine, I immediately started combing through the team info page on our site. Company culture is really important to me so I wanted to get a feel for who my potential coworkers might be. As I read through the profiles, I was so impressed with how down-to-earth and smart everyone seemed and knew that emagine was where I wanted to be!
Where were you in your life when you started with emagine?
My life looked VERY different, I had just moved back from living in Japan for two years and was staying with my in-laws. My husband and I were both unemployed, didn't have our own place to live, and were attempting to navigate a global pandemic along with the rest of the world. So you know, relaxing :D
How has your life changed since you've been here?
Since starting my job with emagine, I've been able to buy my first home and my husband and I are expecting a little boy in early October!?
What has been the most rewarding or exciting part of your journey?so far?
I think the best part of my journey has been the fact that I've been able to balance my life goals with my career goals and didn't feel like I needed to sacrifice one for the other. I've been able to pursue a rewarding career with a great team while navigating new homeownership and our expanding family. I'm so grateful to have felt supported on both sides of the fence and am so excited to continue my journey with emagine!