My Eighteenth Wedding Anniversary: 29th May 2005
It was 29th May 2005 when my wedding bells rang;
??????I was clad in a Velveteen suit, and my fiancée was wrapped in a?
???????Georgette saree laced with sequins;
???The wedding stage was decorated with betels, sepals and petals;
?????And we garlanded each other amidst the jingle-jangle of the Beatles.
?????????Pandal was erected with Razzle-Dazzle Tangled Tassels;
??????????And Guests gazed at the maze that led to my Wedding Stage;
??????????Where I and my Lief sat in a Jubilant and Reverent Mood;
???And we took the vows of Hephaestus to live happily and gleefully.
??????????????A sumptuous feast was organized to feed the guests;
????????????Caterers were always on their knees to look after guests’ needs;
?????????The aroma of delicacies made them eat gluttonously and voraciously;
?????????????And music bands made them dance higgledy piggledy.
??????????Now, it was the auspicious time for my nuptial night;
?I was hauled to a decorated hall, where my bride was waiting with her face covered in a veil;
???????As I unveiled her face, she blushed and hid herself behind plush;
????????????And in no time, we were head over heels in love.