My ECCE Exam
It was the year April 2014. It was around 6 p.m. and I was preparing for my Diploma exam which was starting the next day. After a whole year of hard work and toiling, it was my time to shine. The exam was of ECCE- Early Childhood Care and Education. I was studying to become a preschool teacher. So, when I was going through my notes, my son called out to me and said he was not feeling well.
Immediately I went to him and touched his forehead-as a mother one gets these intuitive messages- God’s gift. On touching his forehead, I realised that something was sreriously not right. His body was exceptionally hot. Without wasting a single second, I checked his body temperature. The result was not less than a nightmare- it was 103.
Hell broke loose on me. I was controlling my tears as I knew someone had to stay strong. I called my husband, he was in office, and told him to come ASAP. Informed family members and started applying the water strips on his forehead. The water had sea salt- I always keep it handy.
As soon as my husband returned, we called the doctor and he diagnosed the medication and we did the needful. By the time the arrangements were made, it was almost 9 p.m. and I was about to put the food back in the fridge- we really didn’t feel like eating that day.
Suddenly as if like a jolt, something struck my mind- I had exams the next day. What kind of mother would I be if I left my son and went to give the paper? Written as well as practical. I couldn’t really recall the efforts and hard work of the past whole year where I stayed up many nights to complete my projects and travelled to another part of the city to get a specific material for a lesson, the times when I was awake whole night to stich muppet dresses for my presentations and those times when I attended school empty stomach just to ensure I reach on time. Nothing really mattered. Thinking of the financial investment was out of question. My husband understood the situation and told me, “Its ok, you give your best, after coming home, be with him the whole day. Its just a matter of few hours.” I thought about it whole night, sitting beside Vivaan-my son and while changing the water strips and in the morning-at about 6 a.m. made up my mind to appear for the exam. There was this voice inside me guiding me. I was getting a feeling that I have never harmed anyone and never wished ill – even for those who hurt me – God is kind and will definitely do what is best for me. Vivaan’s fever too had come down to 101.
With a very heavy heart I went to school for all the days and gave my exams. Live was a PARADOX. At home I was taking care of my ailing son and in the school, I was laughing and making little kids of preschool laugh and was putting up a brave front. I had requested my maam to allocate one classroom to me after school for a few minutes with no one else around- she understood and allowed. Every day after the school-exam I would kneel down and cry for sometime till the whole pent-up guilt, hate for myself, duty bound emotions just burst out. Once I was able to hold up. I would join the teachers for the meetings and instructions for the next day.
I never slept for a single night that week. It by the last exam, I had got these huge dark circles and the stress was showing. By the time my exams got over, my son too had recovered.
2 weeks down the line I had my result. It was like a big celebration as it was our farewell party as well. I was nervous and got butterflies. When I was about to receive my report card, I was not expecting anything great as I knew the situation in which I had given my exam. I received it in a sealed envelope. After getting down from the stage, I opened it and the result startled me. I was one of the toppers of the college and had got a distinction. I burst out right there and the principles and teachers and everyone was smiling and were happy for me. My mentor told me that it was not the 5 days of exam that gave me this result, I was the efforts that I had put the entire year. I was given marks on my dedication, punctuality, my efforts in all the lessons and projects and assignments. She added that I might has lost some marks because of underperforming in the final exam but she said that in spite of the personal challenge, she was proud that I did not let the school suffer as they didn’t have an alternate teacher. They didn’t tell me earlier but they were hoping that I don’t miss my exam.
After this experience I realised so many blessings in my life and learnt many lessons.
1. One always has a choice.
2. One should take full responsibility of their choices and actions.
3. Its not the final day but the entire efforts, that determines the result.
4. As you sow, so shall you reap.
5. If one is sincere towards their duties and has pure intentions, they will be rewarded by the universe.
6. Family values matter so much. A supportive and caring spouse will be your pillar of strength.
7. Its important to balance between duties and responsibilities. Choosing one over the other can create an imbalance.
The final learning: PRAYERS WORK. They do.
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