My Dreams are Filled With...
Ken Ohlwiler
At Cruise2next LLC, we strive to provide our customers with the best travel experiences possible. Our mission is to make travel easy, affordable, and enjoyable for everyone.
What are you dreaming these days? I have learned in my dreams that nothing is impossible in my life, unless I think it is! Opportunity to improve myself and my standing in life is waiting for my action. I am the one in control of my opportunities. Since being laid-off, I have taken up a new passion, and it is learning more about me and how I can better myself. I have also learned that people really look up to me and seek me out for advice. This is something that I have always had in the back of my mind, but it took me to get laid-off and start working for myself and dreaming that I came to this realization.
You can make a difference in society, no matter what and who you are....whether it is a housewife, an entrepreneur or someone in the military. You could be rich or poor, male or female. Your success in your chosen field is all about your hard work and dedication. I remember receiving awards and promotions when I was younger and all I could think was, "I was just doing my job", but it was the dedication and hard work ethics that allowed me to dream of these opportunities that were presented to me. My dream in college was to graduate and become a buyer. I checked this off my list as I was a buyer for many years and was recognized as one of the top buyers in the US by a trade magazine. My next dream was to marry the man of my dreams. This was checked off my list. My last dream was to work for myself in a growing market dealing with products that I love and to educate others. My current dream is to live a life where I am able to give back to others, build an international machine with my team, help others prosper and help educate people.
If you put a limitation on yourself....stop! Take time today and dream! Look at all of the creative ideas that you have and attempt the seemingly impossible task today. Would you rather say I did it than I regret I did not do something? The opportunity is yours and yours alone. I challenge you to go dream! If you take the word Impossible and make one small change to it, it says: I'M POSSIBLE.