Abisagi Nampijja
Public Health Officer - TB specialist, advocate for equitable services for women, children and adolescents.
In the interaction session last week on the adolescent clinic day, each adolescent wrote a letter about their dreams and reasons for such a dream. A PLHIV adolescent wrote this;
"When I grow up I want to be a school director; start a school for children with HIV, with a doctor, nurse and counsellor as good as the ones at my clinic. I will make sure the sick bay is always open for the children to take their ARVs and health workers always present to treat the sick children."
Reason: This will help children on ARV to complete school and get jobs like others.
During a one on one discussion of the letter, the adolescent shared the following
All adolescents have dreams irrespective of health status however, little has been done to support children and adolescents with special health needs. The stigma and discrimination they experience while at school shatters the dreams of the majority, while the resilient minority dream of helping the future.
What of now!!!!!!!