Like many Nigerians, I grew up watching films or movies; got accustomed to western lifestyle, traveled abroad couple of times, but this question kept lingering all through my years growing up; we (Nigerians)watch films or movies shot in beautiful cities, we feel accomplished when we travel abroad and even feel superior to those who are yet to travel beyond the shores of Nigeria. We admire beautiful cities; nature's green; we travel on board aircraft and sometimes want to remain amidst the clouds where everything looks so pure, unruffled, peaceful and calm, as soon as we disembark we are faced again with environmental pollution (noise, air, improper solid waste disposal, dirty streets, the hustle & bustles, the traffic etc), oh!! Is this all there is to life? Is there any way we can improve our surroundings/ environment?
Nigerians are some of the most intelligent, innovative, talented, hardworking and richest people in the world. Yet the blame the government syndrome, lack of a national ideology & vision has left us in the pedestal of underdevelopment for so long.
We have thriving movie & fashion industries but lack appreciation for environmental beauty or cleanliness. In the quest of making money amidst social, political & economic downturn, we have traded basic necessities such as clean air & environment to potential hazards.
Let's pause for a moment; this most neglected sector (Environment) is fundamental to disease free and psychological balance of the human person amongst other benefits.
Why do Nigerians pay little or no attention to environmental cleanliness? But dress in expensive apparels and ride some of the world most expensive cars.
I told myself, I am going to stay here and make a difference. Nobody will build Nigeria for us but Nigerians. We can make Nigeria Heaven here on earth, we can make Nigeria as beautiful and clean as most developed nations we strive to visit or reside. It starts with a mindset; it starts with you and me; that is my dream ' To make environmental cleanliness and sanitation CORE PART OF OUR CULTURE, yes it is possible. We don't need the govt to clean up our homes, if we clean up our homes, we should extend it to our premises; to our streets, to our communities, to our local govt areas; to our states, then round the country everyone is doing the same.
I am an environmental activist, join in your little way, let's make the difference YES WE CAN!!!
This is what Clean & Beautiful Atmosphere initiative is about; we are an organization committed to creating a mind shift and a culture of environmental cleanliness in Nigeria and building strong institutional systems and frameworks for the sustainability of this culture.
You can visit our media platforms to know more about us and join on this crusade.
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