The Pace of Consistency in Marketing
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

The Pace of Consistency in Marketing

Experiment #: 4

It is always expected that we churn out new ideas at a regular pace. It is a given that the pace must pick up with time. As enlisted in ‘Perceive the Pattern’, the to-do list stretches into eternity. Today’s marketing manager is expected to shine as brilliantly as the Sun.

I still remember a time when the best practice for posting on Facebook was once a week. It then went on to twice, thrice and now - multiple times a day. Sure, you will find several resources and studies that say that it should be more frequent or less frequent. But the fact remains that you have to consistently churn out new stuff to engage the customers.

So I have become resourceful and I am gaining on the competition

I focus my attention on the next challenge: Being Consistent.

What does it take to keep this consistency alive? How do we “Create.Post.Report. Repeat.” all the time?

Consistency is not unlike a marriage. Consistency is the commitment. A commitment that builds interest, trust and loyalty over time.

There are times when we have to execute time-bound, intense campaigns. But a long-term strategy that revolves around consistent communication will ensure we are not forgotten.

But how can one remain consistent and interesting every time?

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