Norman Douglas has died. (un proof read).


17 years ago, I was dying from MRSA.  I had caught it in Las Vegas.  I had rented one of those pill box triplex apartments near the Blue Angel.  Its yard was... guess what?  SAND!  And one mature olive tree that attracted a number of the local cats who climbed it for shade during the HOT HOT HOT days.  Somehow my sand yard was also the local sandbox for all those felines. Talk about stepping in it.  I did.  I stepped in MRSA, which cats sometimes are carriers of.

I digress.

I was in such bad shape 17 years ago.  I knew from the MRSA effects I was ill.  I had broken my left foot which simply would not heal, my skin was NOT normal, the sting, constant itch and PAIN.  A former employer, SCOTT HOLMQUIST, had contacted me by May 2005 and invited me to come back to Los Angeles to help him re-structure his company. 


I accepted as I had been fired for breaking my foot and being off work for that. I was broke, behind on my rent 3 months, had nothing to eat, and my electric was off.  My valuable were all in the Pawn Shop.   In Las Vegas, in fact all of Nevada, you can be terminated for any reason.  Scott or I didn't know of the illness that was slowly consuming me.

SCOTT paid for my moving.  He put me up in a nice Motel close to the offices at Second Alliance as I was walking on my left leg, but had the worst limp.  They who know me are also aware I was over 400 pounds by that point in time.  I was in good company as my Supervisor was also about that weight but a foot shorter, one tooth,  and I swear, a MULLET.  She was warm and cordial until Scott came out to our floor and introduced me to the other four employees.  When they learned the close connection between Scott and I, I instantly became persona non grata to them all when Scott was not present.  When there are Huge commissions involved, this is often the case.  How could I tell my Friend about the constant stream of mis-information that started to hamper my job performance?  He was rebuilding his Company.

One of the side effects of MRSA is the smell!  Its like rotting meat no matter how often or how hard you scrub. So what did I do in addition to deodorant?  Lots of Aramis.

Big Mistake.  Scott didn't care, but WOLFE (this is the name she gave herself.  I heard her real name was Annie, which wasn't butch enough) in charge of his phone staff made that, my skin appearance, the absences that were starting to mount by my fourth month, at Second Alliance she did everything she could do in a sneaky fashion.  She didn't care about Scott's hard work to provide the Clients for us to earn our FAT commissions from.  Wolfe was afraid.  She thought I ran to Scott with all details of each day. NOT.  One day she as on the phone with one of her Biker Friends talking about the fine time she had at some Biker Event.  The same time she had taken off for her Grandmother's Funeral.  It was hard to miss as my desk was right in of hers.

By month seven, I could not endure Wolfe, MRSA, and another fellow employee from Syria.  You wouldn't belive the crap those two pulled.   I guess there its ok to be a sleazy lying BACKSTABBING bitch toward fellow employees.  She didn't care about Scott's hard work either!  I did.   Both Wolfe and this other female were fired by Scott  after I quit.  Scott wasn't speaking to me much by then.  I quit and went to work for Mrs. David Cohen whom I had worked for 10 years previous.

I will always be grateful to Scott Holmquist for Brothering me.  Without his kindness, I would have died in Las Vegas. He is one of the 3 Marines I speak of who have same my life.  I wish with all my heart things had gone better. 

I spoke of the hand of GOD before.  Now see how much God used Scott Holmquist to save my life.  I gave him a poor return.  He deserved better.

17 years ago I was dying from advanced MRSA.  There was no cure then.  I saw all the adds from Eastern European Clinics making grand promises to be able to live a near normal life.  My Doctor advised there was no cure.  So I lay dying suffering so bad I simply lay in front of the TV turned way up to cover my groaning as I was consumed.  I had to go on Disability about a year after I started with Mrs. David Cohen's company.  I couldn't hardly walk from weakness.  I was covered with large lumps the size of chicken eggs.  I looked so bad I didn't go out in Daylight.  And then only to by food.  My landlady Lee Saxon would check on me. Bless her heart.  So did my long time special friend Charlottre Gamola Stoian.  She would make me get up, shower, dress, (not to mention cook, clean, ect...) and then take me to Zuma Beach.  Char knew it was my favorite place in Southern California.  We had a falling out. I miss her musical laugh.  But that is another story.

I digress again.

One day came I was so ill, somehow I knew I was going to finally die.  It scared me knowing NO ONE WOULD KNOW.  Till Lee Saxon or Charlotte came to checked on me.  It could be weeks I lay there rotting.   I DON'T REMEMBER the walk to the clinic down the block.  I do remember the Ambulance ride with the Bio-Hazzard team to Olive View Hospital in the Easter San Fernando Valley.  I remember the Doctor who came to my Bio isolation room.  His name was Steven.  He didn't wear the mask covering his face.   He came and sat on the edge of my bed and opened with "Michael, I want you to know,  YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE."

He told me that it was Olive View Hospital that discovered the cure for MRSA. By bring me back to Los Angels, SCOTT HOLMQIST brought me to the one place I would be cured.  There was no other yet.

Try to tell me it was NOT the hand of God.  Yes I know there is a God!  You see I was a NON ACTIVE ordained Minister. I had withdrawn from My Ministry years before due to Personal Circumstances.  That is another story.

Not long after Dr. Steven gave me the news I didn't yet hope in, Nurses arrived with several bags medicines.  In the five hours that followed the drip starting, the large, ugly hard,  as rock lesions that covered me... HAD GONE FLAT!!!

How does this relate to Norman Douglas?

As I healed, I reflected on the series of events that were too orderly to be dumb luck.  I contacted the local Congregation about being reactivated as a Minister.

It was Norman Douglas who heard the message I left on the phone recorder.  That very day he arrived with food, money for medicine (I wouldn't accept the money) and advice.  Good advice.  Sound advice from a Minister of 30 years who had helped all in his reach to better their lives.  Even when his own wife Ellie committed suicide.  Ellie never took the Faith Norm & I shared.  Somehow Norm kept it together to raise his two daughters ,Nicole & Lacey.

It was the start of a beautiful, pure , in depth relationship closer than what I had with either of my wives.  I got to know Norm.  He was friendly but cautious until the Church records department gave the go ahead to my reinstatement.  It was done in steps.  That is also another story.

Several years passed.  Norm remarried.  His second wife went through all the motions of a devout person. Just the motions it would seem.  One day She decided I was taking too much of Norm's time.  We had become close because of a special reason I don't think Mrs.Douglas was aware of.  Norm and I suffered from Dark Chronic Depression.  We became the oddest of odd friendships.  Norm was very modest, I was flamboyant.  Norm was blue collar, I was white.  I was gregarious, Norm verbally tore into to SEVERAL times to correct bad habits I acquired while not a Minister.  It was punisment I accepted and made the correction that was needed.  We got to know the most detailed events of each others life.  Sometimes he would show up late at night just to have someone to talk to.  It seems Diane didn't care much about how Norm felt about anything.  She owned the House He & his daughters lived in and didn't let him forget it.

The day he told me of Mrs. Douglas's demand, My heart sank. But, I advised him his Family comes first!  I started verbalizing the details of our Business Partnership, what Painting that had sold, (NORM BUILT FANTACTIC framed Masonite panels to paint on) what was owed to him, ect...  Norm was very quiet for a long time as I went on.  Then he mentioned Mrs. Douglas was really ANGRY about the Business not doing well (it was mid 2007), and the $2000 personal loan he gave me from his own savings to move to accept a better Secular Job.  He didn't know She went through his personal papers till she screeched  abouthe loan.  He summed up that Mrs.Douglas would just have to deal with all that.  He wasn't going to give up his one true FRIEND. I WAS VERY BLUNT WITH HIM THAT WAS THE WAY WRONG ANSWER!!!  His Family comes first. To  whixch he replied "What family"?

Norm opened up!  His new Mrs.Douglas had abused BOTH his daughter's so much, they moved out several weeks earlier.   She caused the death of the Douglas Family cat of 15 years by her uncaring approach to everything.  Norm had withheld an intimate detail of his marriage as well he should have.  He  told me that Mrs.Douglas had withheld the fact she had an affliction... till the day after their wedding.  And as a result he was suffering to which the new Mrs. Douglas didn't give much comfort.  He verbalized how much he missed Ellie.  Then he wept.

Soon after these events Mrs. Douglas started accusing Norm of the worst conduct IN CHURCH.  The man could endure no more.  They separated. Norm led a Monk's chaste life over the next couple of years while he made honest EFFORTS to live up to his Husbandly obligation per the Bible and reconcile his marriage with Mrs. Douglas...who ignored NORM FOR WHATEVER REASON.   Norm told me this over the phone as I had moved to the Bay Area by then.

 (the following facts were supplied by Norm's Widow Leona who stated them out of her honesty as a Fellow Worshiper of the former Mrs.Douglas, Leona felt as I had been too harsh in my view of the former Mrs.Douglas.  She did NOT spare herself.)

About two years passed.  Norm met Leona first on line in one of the Faith's chat rooms.  I wasn't a lot of help for Norm during this time.  I had gone to work For Wells Fargo Financial Crimes and was working all the overtime I could to heal my finances destroyed by a Family Matter I pledged financial help to.  I never would have guessed go would go as bad as it did.   My Sibling pleaded for help to save our recently deceased Mother's house during the AFTERMATH of 2008 Financial Meltdown.  Not only was my Sibling my blood:; but went to the same Church as Norm and I.  It chilled me to the bone when this Sibling went on a drunk and boasted the only reason he went to Church was to get work, that he hated our Mother.  Then I found his cash stash of many thousands while putting away his laundry. 

Norm and I added up all the odd actions of this Sibling and his Son Adult son who also turned out to be a Drunk.  Norm came to the conclusion my Sibling was just not just taking Criminal advantage of my belief in the Master's words "they who do not take care of their Families are WORST than a Person without faith".   Norm recognized a pattern.  He had helped too many Victim's swindled or even killed by a close relative for money.  He realized something sinister was afoot.  Something fatal to me.  He STRONGLY URGED, then pleaded with me to move beyond my Siblings reach.  NOW!  I told him I was not convinced it was like that.  Neither my Sibling or his son could finish filling out a Food Stamp application much less create a complex plot and put it in motion.

Boy was Norm right!  It was my Sibling's drinking buddy that was in control of all this.  Later that early evening I went to my room, flipped the light switch.  There was a bight flash and smell of electrical wires burning.  I quickly left to find my Sibling.  The startled look on his face to see me told me Norm was right.  He came to my room, glanced at the light switch, told me I caused the short by hitting the light switch too hard (hit? are you kidding me) and I had to pay for it (of course).  I heard him on his phone a minuet later speaking in a low voice.  Not long after, I heard someone pull into the Driveway.  I heard the back gate open so went to a bathroom with a window on the back yard.  I got there just in time to hear they would "try again the next night."  It was my Siblings Drinking buddy who was giving the instructions.  I remembered my Nephew had said how much this guy attached himself after my Mother died.  How my unsophisticated Sibling and he would drink several nights a week away.  They made trips to Reno to visit 'Professional' women as he put it.  At the time I thought he was just angry the Drinking Buddy would not foot the bill for him too.   Another time I remember Nephew was again voicing his dislike for Drinking Buddy while drunk Nephew sounded like an bad Actor blowing the lines he'd rehersed .

Then he got angry and said Drinking Buddy made it sounded like line he said saying about this guy setting his own house on fire, then he had his wife and children live in the couple of unburned rooms, with the help of the Red Cross and the local Department of Social Services.  Nephew also snitched that  the loud all night drinking events were recorded by the Drinking Buddy to play on the nights he and my Sibling located building materials...and ...with practically the same breath nephew said Drinking Buddy was going to GIVE him a brand new truck WHEN his Dad HAD his heart attack IF he signed permission so Drinking Buddy to make sure all the Funeral Arrangements were properly done because they were Family.  Like I said...those two are not the brightest tools in the shed.  This guy from Central America had plans for them too. 

Norm wired me $2000 that night as I was nearly broke from footing the Household expenses for a whole year.  I left early the next day after warning the Neighbors, and Fire Department of the intent to Arson.

Norman Douglas had again stood between me and disaster.

 Norm tried to reconcile with His estranged wife.  But  I'm told she wasn't interested.  Norm didn't go out to meet People  after he and his Former Mrs. Divorced.  He moved in with another single man for almost two years.  It was then he met Leona. 

He had led that Congregation for 25 years.   I was living here in San Francisco when He called telling me he was in town, in fact he was on the street outside my Apartment.  We went for coffee at the San Francisco underground City of shops and eateries that most don't know of.  Its quite a place!

Norm needed my help.  I had long ago repaid the $2000 in a lump sum instead of the 2 year payment program he had written into our contract.  We made arrangements for his mail and other items of business.  He told me of the excommunication.  Then he told me of Leona.  Wonderful Leona.  He had married her!  And, he was moving to Regina, Saskatchewan.  Leona worked for one of that Provence. 

Back in 1966, the Recession that year forced my Parents to move to the Family farm in Missouri.  There were no houses being built.  My Parents were wiped out.  I only mention this as I told Norm of what a shock it would be to his Depression move from semi tropical Los Angeles to near the Artic Circle where Winter ruled with darkness a great portion of the year.  Even with the support of his GOOD WIFE Leona.  I asked him to get a sunlamp to help when there is more night than day for months on end.  And take vitamin D.  It comes in cheap gel caps.

My Friends wedded bliss was all any man could hope for.  I was delighted.  Good things should happen to good people.  Norm took the steps needed to be REINSTATED As a full time Minister!  He was happy with his new life.  He never said a single negative thing about his good wife Leona. 

Norm couldn't work in Canada.  He borrowed funds from me at one point and paid it all back.  He had always been well to do, but not in Canada.  Leona was LOYAL.  But Norm, who had always provided for his I feared, became worn out with the Canadian work restrictions and the cold & snow.  California ruins you to live year round in a colder climate.  To help he was prescribed Klonopin (Clonazepam) a drug very similar to XANAX.  Klonopin has a secret.  If you take it more that a 10 day period, you have a great chance of having a STROKE that will kill you.

I had the same problem. The smartest DUMB person I've met ever, a Dr. Wang had me talking the maximum dose twice a day.  I guess he expected the number of perscriptions he wrote to pay for  a Porche or some other expensive toy.  He belonged to the Brown & Tolan Nob Hill Group of Doctors.  This is the same  'doctor' who told me IF I LOST 100 pounds THEN he would authorize a lap ban.  I was about 319 pounds at the time.  What a MORON!  Another words he was just an Employee and DID NOT care what I needed. 

It was Dr. Yates Brown FREAKED (a little).  He advised me of the stroke danger with Klonopin and supervised weaning me off this dangerous drug over six weeks.  I passed this info on to Norm a couple of years ago. 

This past December I got a strange message from Norm by E-mail that to most People would have meant our LONG trusting friendship was over.  He mentioned going into Rehab and not to contact him.  He would contact ME.  I feared Leona had given the same demand to Norm that selfish Diane had... to end our association.  It didn't make sense.  Norm had sent me his excellent Resume and Letters of Recommendation so I could help him & Leona relocate to live in  San Francisco.  I located a Company in Rohnert Park owned by Men who were of the same Faith as Norm, Leona, & I.  One of the Primary's there has known me since I was 17.  He knew of my work with Wells Fargo Financial Crime & wouldn't pass un motivated employee on him.  I made arrangements for Norm to be interviewed. That email went unanswered.  Instead I got the "CEASE COMMUNICATION message.

I came to grips with the fact my beloved, most forgiving and reasonable, friend had reason to sever ties with me.  I WAS A WORTHLESS PERSON to have caused Norm to break with me.  Seeing what People do to each other tears at my heart.  It causes me a very real pain.  I have been having fleeting moments of thought that it was time I left this World.  I keep dreaming of a hangman's noose.  Odd in itself as I would take a superover dose of Insilin and go to sleep till death took me.

Yes , Norm and I were at an end.

He hung himself by the neck until dead on December 30, 2015.

His  GOOD WIFE Leona called me a few hours ago.  She had Norm cremated and is bring him home to our beloved California.  I know I'm in shock.  

Even in shock I know the Husk of a man who hung himself was NOT Norm.  I think Norm most likely had a series of small strokes from the Criminal Rehab Center's SORRY excuse for medical treatment..  To They took him off Klonopin cold turkey.  They kept him confined for 10 days.  Then Turned him out with no support or Doctor to supervise recovery.  After NORM'S DEATH THAT SAME CENTER REFUSED Leona ACCESS TO NORM'S MEDICAL RECORDS!!!  They coldly gave her an Attorney's phone number.


Norm ALWAYS thought of everyone else before he thought of his own comfort.  I think that remained in the fractured mind of the Husk.   I think it knew its mind was damaged beyond repair or hope.  I know Leona would have devoted the rest of her Life to the care that would have been needed.  I think that part of Norm said GOODBYE as best it could to Leona, daughter's Nicole & Lacy, his other loyal Friend Steve Brooks, and ME.  This MIGHT explain why I keep seeing the Hangman's noose.  It MIGHT have been the last thing the Husk of my Friend saw.  We do not know what a Perfect Human Brain can do...much less one that is flawed.

Norm took this drug and no surprise became addicted as it is one of the most addicting substances on Earth.  If his loyal wife Leona permits, I feel like I would attempt tangle Satan Himself to get Justice for her, and daughter's Nicole and Lacy (who will be a Bride this coming June).  I need to recover from this worst tragedy since my older Brother Jim took his life 32 years ago.  But how

As for Norm, I have to wait till the Dawn of Resserection Morning to see him again.  The teaching that Humans go to Heaven (with the exception of the Men and Women chosen by Yahweh to be Priest Kings along with Jesus) isn't true.  We were created to care for the Animals in the image of Yahweh by his 1st CREATION Jesus Christ.  Everyone you have ever known (who was not willingly evil) is Promised a new body and be free from dying again because of Adam's Faithlessness.  But that is another story. 

Remembering these TRUTHS so I could tell You, has had a DRAMATIC effect on me.  The swirling  manic emotions have settled into a Sad sense of Loss.  I'm calm.  Bent but NOT Broken.  I have HOPE again.

 Norm would like that.  I must remember to tell him.

ps...APRIL 9, 2016...I got a Text from Norm's Widow Leona A FEW DAYS AGO.  He had willed me some money which his Faithful Daughters have put in the mail to me.  I Thank the Douglas Family.  THEY AND I... would give all we own to have Norm back.  I must remember to tell him.

;o(  X

He was a good man and was there for me several times.

Sammi Lynnette Garoutte

Fraud & Financial Crimes Specialist/Analyst

9 年

I am sorry you have lost touch with your good friend Norm. Do not follow him too soon, There is still much for you to do here and the "Master" has not finished with you just yet, me thinks. Nor have I for that matter! Grieve as you must, but do not despair my friend. Take a trip down the N and spend an hour or so watching the sea, You know it always helps you out of the darkness. If I were there I would come take you myself.


i MADE the most remarkable Friend today. A tiny woman, white hair, a walker, started speaking to me. She is 95! We talked of the chemicals in oil paint, the 1920's when she was a girl, her double degrees in Chemistry and Physics, my art, the 5 book deal offered by a Publisher, my dead friends Norm, Marvin Valentine-Musical director for the Jackson Family, Robert Keaton one of the most FUN handsome men to walk this Earth. All the girls would sweat when Robert walked the Venice Boardwalk in just his shorts and his Parrot 'Gizmo' on his shoulder. He was poisoned at the Wilmington oil refinery and died before age 25. Gizmo was taken care of by Robert's dad. Gizmo lost all his feathers and finally died asking for Robert. Emma and I spoke for more than 2 hours. She was sent to me as an example...i think. I hope I'm as articulate at 95!!! ;o) X


Dearest Caroline...I somehow lost yesterday. I guess I sat and stared for 24 hours. A trait that Norm and I shared. Still...he would not want me to wallow in self pity. I left my home, got groceries, returned DVD's of Downton Abbey to the main SF Library. I called my youngest Son about the ( NICE! REAL HARDWOOD FLOORS!!!) house he and his wife just bought IN A GGOD AREA of Sacramento, CA...& moved in this past Monday. I AM proud! I contacted the Publisher who offered me a 5 book deal about a half hour before I got the news about Norm. I'm muddled but Life goes on. I created the next planed painting for the WWF for Australia. It will be of the Hairy Wombat. You are kind Caroline as have been so Many from around the World. TY! X

Sapanjeet Kaur (Actively looking for Job Change)

Business Development Manager -( Direct connections-30,000)

9 年

My sincerest condolences.



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