My dear Israel a Shavuah Tov 25-7-2020, it is coming...... by our unification.
O Dear Lost Sheep from the House of Israel let we try to make a Holy Agreement? No matter what your religion (or none religion) is, with Love and respect for each other. But let the 'base' be the Divine Commands given to Moshe Rabbeinu nothing lessor or nothing more......
The is a Home for all the Lost Sheep from Israel who turn back to Adonai their Elohim with all their heart and with all their being. But also you can represent yourself, your group or nation in unique a way. You can open a Profile and put blog-posts. Create a group with blog-posts and forums. People can subscribe to notifications updates from groups. The is dependent on donations. To hold it free for maintenance and further development for everyone from the Lost Tribes of Israel…..
The goal is that we Jews and Ephraim may come to the ultimate ‘agreement’, a Holy, set apart by Adonai’s commandments agreement. As is foretold by the prophet YeshaYahu:
When it shall happen: the disclosure of His Messiah - His Name..... Read more......