My daily reflections - 12/01/2016
You can not move on to bigger goals in life, if you have not yet classified your relationships, and figured out what love means to you, true love, which brings peace and harmony to everyone, and cleans the hatred that dwells within you.
The weed, has to be removed , with its root, out of the ground, for the purpose, that the flowers, which grow near, may grow, and not suffocate, in the same manner, remove all the weed, in your soul, before it takes root, and chokes the beautiful flowers that grow within you.
You can not grow and develop spiritually, when you allow hatred, to grow in your heart, jealousy, impatience and misunderstanding of what is most important to you in this life, list all your distinctions quickly, and let love flow.
Do not wait, for someone else, to make the first move, you can always do something about it, if so, why not start doing it right now? never postpone for tomorrow, what you can do today, so many things, are waiting to be discovered by you, today, but they have to be discovered, in the right atmosphere, in an atmosphere of love and more love and more love.