My credit score varies from 585-615 and I need a consolidation loan of $2500.00. Is that possible?

My credit score varies from 585-615 and I need a consolidation loan of $2500.00. Is that possible?

I have some negative accounts on my credit report and want to pay them off with a $2500.00 loan. I would rather pay one payment every month.

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. LOANSANDFINANCES.INFO


Wat can i lose from filling bankruptcy?

wat r the pros's a cons of bankruptcy? is it true u cant get a nursing jobs or CNA jobs??

About bankruptcy ... final stages.?

Thanks for the response. I filed a chapter 7 and it was over a year ago. My lawyer told me in Sept that the trustee finally filed her final report. I'm still waiting for my case to close. He said it will not close until the creditors cash the checks she is distributing from my income tax refund, which will not even come close to paying them 100%. He said the checks will be void after 90 days. I am just wondering what happens if the 90 days passes and they haven't cashed the checks ... since it is getting close and my case is STILL open."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do you obtain a credit report without holding an active credit card?

How do you obtain a credit report without holding an active credit card?

Is it possible to get a auto loan in Georgia with terrible credit and no money down?

Hubby and I just brought a house, so $$$ is way tight and both of out paid for cars died withing a week of each other. I can keep renting cars, but I know that my FICO is horrible."

"How hard is it to get a FHA loan? I have poor credit, and am in the process of raising my...?" score. I am stuck. I don't have documents stating that I have had anything under my name. My loan officer is asking for: - Income Verification: two paystubs, two W2's, names and phone numbers for all employers - Letter of Explanation for borrower situation/profile..include all compensating factors that make you a good borrower - Letter of Explanation for derogatory credit - Letter of Explanation for rental history - 3 months bank statements - 3 reference letters from creditors/banks: (ie; cell phone provider, car insurance co, electricity co, etc) Now, I have everything EXCEPT the 3 reference letters. What exactly is that and what if I don't have anything under my name because it is on a family plan"" Thanks in advance for your help."""

What to do when suffering from bad credit?

What to do when suffering from bad credit?

Free credit is a scam?

I canceled my 7 day free trial yesterday and received an email confirmation of my cancellation. it said my account will not be charge. I looked at my bank account and they took 1 dollar. I don't know why but I will be calling them tomorrow. Did this happen to you or anyone you know? why do they take just one dollar? is it for the cancellation fee? I'm so mad that page is such a scam.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What the best site to go to where i can see my credit score for free?

What the best site to go to where i can see my credit score for free?

"Can I get a home loan for $350,000 for a $300,000 house and use the extra $50,000 to buy a car?"

I am not very experienced when it comes to loans and that sort of stuff but I'm trying to do research to educate myself, so the question is I want a new car as mine is causing troubles. A car loan is always a liability and I don't want my car loan to throw possible lenders off in the near future when I buy a house, so the question is, am I able to buy a house and get extra finance on the same loan to pay for a new car ? Thanks"

Declined an auto loan? Where else?

I want to down payment 1500 for a 13,000$ car, and I make 1,200 a month. I live with my parents, and I make about 300-400 a week. I am 19 years old and I have a credit score of 680. I applied for an auto loan at Wells Fargo and got rejected. Is there any other way I can buy the car? Please help :( I'm buying from a private party. People have mentioned something about a Union and I have a higher chance for a loan. Is it true?"

Best buy credit card/ credit card?

Can I get a best buy credit card if my credit score is 675? , I'm 18 and trying to get a laptop to make payments on it . What credit card companies would accept me that have little apr or something like no apr for the first 6 months ?"

Does paying off my auto loan improve my credit score?

Does paying off my auto loan improve my credit score?

Why do I have to enter a credit card number to get a free credit report?

I went to and each of the three main credit bureau links ended in a request for a card number. I don't have any cards. I don't have an established residence that matches any address my creditors would have. I have tried for 2weeks to get a copy of my credit report... I keep hearing how important it is to know your credit score and I can't even buy one over the phone! any suggestions?

Is a bankruptcy that has been dismissed any different than a bankruptcy that has been discharged?

** As some answers have suggested that it was bad that I don't know my own court stuff... first of all, it isn't mine. LOL... so No i do not know all the specifics with the case. Thanks for everyones help though."

Loan or Cash/Payday Advance??

I am having some financial trouble, I am not purchasing anything right now...I am slowly going in debt and I am only 19...I am trying to get out of these debts fast! Thanks"

Whats the easiest way to beat the last hunter in the caught in the hunt quest on oblivion?

Whats the easiest way to beat the last hunter in the caught in the hunt quest on oblivion?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How is the interest calculated on purchases? on cash advances for the TD Emerald credit card.?

How is the interest calculated on purchases? on cash advances for the TD Emerald credit card.?

Looking to buy a new car?

I am looking at buying a new/new to me car. I am friends with the owner of a chevy dealer and the finance manager of the same dealer. I recently had to file bankruptcy but I need to buy a car to get back and forth from place to place. Both have said they can get me a good deal on a car new or old. What kind of a deal do you think they can get me? Thanks for any help you may have.

How much will it cost me to file bankruptcy in indiana?

my husband has outstanding debt from before we met or got married. how much will it cost him to file?

Are payday loans included when you want a debt consolidation loan?

Are payday loans included when you want a debt consolidation loan?

How long after a foreclosure/bankruptcy can you buy another house?

How long after a foreclosure can you buy a house? A realtor told me people buy a house a year after a foreclosure. Is this true? I have lived in apartments for 3 years with no late payments (good rental history). Unfortunately I made a critical mistake (call it being young and dumb). I bought a house when I was 21 and decided that it was too much for me. Instead of selling it, I turn my house over to my parents who are landlords for other properties in the area(they were to keep all the profits when if they/I decided to sale it). To make a long story short, they ended up losing their business and are now stuggling themselves. So they let my house go under without telling me and now it's on my credit listed as a foreclosure (I found out 6 months after the fact). :( I'm debating on rather to bankrupt or not... I want another chance at home ownership (now that I am older and more responsible). What should I do? How long before I will be able to buy again?"

Auto loan??

OK, i'm getting VERY discouraged!! I need some help! I'm applying for an auto loan, my first and i cant seem to get approved! I bought my first home last year with my fiance and its dragging me down (creditwise), They wont approve me because applying by myself somehow make me responsible for the entire house payment.... I would have my other half co-sign but his score is really bad and he has bad payment history... What should i do? My grandma said to try buying a brand new car cause they get anyone into them?! I dont know!!!!! Help!!"

My credit score varies from 585-615 and I need a consolidation loan of $2500.00. Is that possible?

I have some negative accounts on my credit report and want to pay them off with a $2500.00 loan. I would rather pay one payment every month.

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. LOANSANDFINANCES.INFO

When should you consider bankruptcy?

I am up to date on most of my credit cards and loans but we have medical bills and my husband is about the have his wages garnished because we can't afford an unemployment overpayment that wasn't our fault. Both of us are falling apart because of the stress of everything. I didn't want to do this but I think it might be our only way to save our sanity.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What is the difference between chapter7&13 bankruptcy.?

What is the difference between chapter7&13 bankruptcy.?

How come my credit score was Zero after Bankruptcy Discharge & how can i build my credit?

I filed bankruptcy in 2008 and discharged same year. My Credit Score is still Zero, How can i rebuild my credit score again. I got a 2 secured credit cards, 1 from USBank and the other from Golden1 Credit Union."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How good is 608 credit score?

Is a credit score of 608 good enough to buy a home in the state of Kentucky?

What is the chance that a charged off credit card debt will go to court for a judgement?

i have filed less then 10,000 the past 3 years on my taxes as a indipendent contractor. i have 3 accounts charged off that i have no way of paying at all. what are the chances that these will go to court for a judgement against me? i have recieved minimal calls and hardly any letters. it has been over 6 months since they were charged off. should i file bankruptcy? or do you think my chances are low enough that i would not get a court judgement that i could avoid doing so?"

How much would my monthly mortgage payment be on my house?

If I bought a $300k house and made a down payment on it for $60k how much would I pay each month? How about a $200k house and I made a down payment on the house for $40k how much each month for that? And a $250k one? Thank you so much for helping me!

Cash Converters Loan Query?

I just heard you can apply for small loans from Cash converter stores in MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. As i am a uni student and am unable to find work recently, i think that this system will come in well for making small payments, such as car registration and minor bills which my welfare check cant pay for. What is your understanding of this system? How does it work?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"What type of laundry detergent is best for grease, powder or liquid?"

What type of laundry detergent is best for grease, powder or liquid?"

What to do with bankruptcy court reports from employer who filed bankrupt?

Two years ago I worked for a company that went bankrupt and now they keep mailing me reports from the court hearings because appearently the case hasn't been closed. All this law & court stuff is mumble-jumble to me...what are these documents? And what do I do with them?

My credit score is 678 and Im 22.. is this good?

It said on the site that I have fair credit. But all they are going off of is credit cards. So really I don't have much credit. For being 22 and not having very much credit, is that a good credit score?"

How can I get an auto loan with no credit?

I don't have an actual credit number, but the short history I have is good. No debt. Everything paid on time. I've managed to save $7000 for a down payment on a new vehicle and have a trade in valued at around $1500. I've had a stable job for a year and a half. What are the odds of me getting a loan for the remaining price of a new car and where is the best place? I'm also a college student. I know some places help students with rates."

Is it true you can only get one free credit report per year?

I'm confused. I'm looking to get my first mortgage and honestly haven't needed to have a credit report before. My friend told me you can only get one free each year, is this true?"

Federal Debt Relief Grant?

Ahh... someone please tell me it's a real thing. Is it? I've done my research on the internet about it and have come up with some interesting information such as writing a grant proposal but nowhere ever says where to send it to or if there are any papers that need to be filled out. Does anyone know anything about this? If so I would greatly appreciate any kind of information or steps on how to do this. Thanks so much!

How do i contact chase bank about a past auto loan?

I had a past auto loan through chase bank and I refinanced that loan with my personal bank. I also had gap insurance for that loan that was paid off early. I am trying to recover money from the unused portion of the gap insurance.I need letter from chase showing the loan was paid.

Credit score?

The only credit I have is my credit card which I have paid all bills on time and have paid more than the minimum amount required. Also the credit card company has just increased my balance. Is this good enough to be approved for a car loan or are there other factors that I may need?

Quick question on increasing my credit limit...?

Ok. Thats what I was thinking. I think I'll just bite the bullet and do to see what it is, just so I can know where I stand. Hopefully my credit has gone back up to the 700s. I wasn't expecting anything better than like $750 or maybe even $1000 from increasing my limit. I am aware $1.5k is a stretch. Thanks though!"

Who is that cranky old lady in the

I know that the singer is Eric Violette and that really isn't him singing, but I cannot find that other Easter Egg"" - the lady - anywhere! Anyone have a name? Thanks! BTW - Y!A suggested Pregnancy and Newborns for the section. Huh?"""

"I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, will I still get my tax refund?"

Single with one child, supposed to get $1900 back."

Is there anywhere on the web that I can get an auto loan with negative credit?

I don't have really bad credit, just a reposession and a few unpaid bills."

What are some good options to get an auto loan?

I have $5000 balance in credit cards, and other loans. Which all are paid as agreed. My car and other cards, and loans are paid off and I just paid off a loan with them. Never late.. The only issue is my student loans, they went into collection but I am paying them now. My score is 606. My credit union denied me, what is my next best options... I make roughly $2500 a month and my credit score is 606. Should I do a buy here pay here, dealership, or try an online auto loan. And would a joint loan hurt me or help me if my Wife's score is around mine"

Is it safe to buy stuff of ebay or any site and put your credit card number can somone easly steal your identy

is it safe to buy stuff of ebay or any site and put your credit card number can somone easly steal your identity

My mortgage lender wants a letter of explanation for inquiries on my credit report?

Please help

My credit score varies from 585-615 and I need a consolidation loan of $2500.00. Is that possible?

I have some negative accounts on my credit report and want to pay them off with a $2500.00 loan. I would rather pay one payment every month.

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. LOANSANDFINANCES.INFO


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