My credit card info was stolen by a virus - What do I need to do?

My credit card info was stolen by a virus - What do I need to do?

One night my boyfriend used my old laptop to surf a porn web site. Not long afterwards, I started getting a weird popup for antivirus software that wouldn't go away. My computer crashed after I tried to delete some infected files. Two days later, I checked my credit card statement and found a charge $30 from a porn web site! I'm pretty sure it was the virus and not him - I never gave him access to any of my credit cards. I contacted Transunion and put a fraud alert on my card - what else do I need to do? Help!!!

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions.


What financial institution will extend credit for an auto loan to a first time buyer who has no credit?

My daughter, who is 19 years of age, only has 2 student loans (which are deferred) on her credit. Her credit scores are over 630. She has been gainfully employed for over 12 months."

Will disputing closed/paid in full auto loan with 30-60-90 days late raise score if it gets deleted?

Will disputing closed/paid in full auto loan with 30-60-90 days late raise score if it gets deleted?

Should I buy a new car or used car? (which is better)?

I am 19, with no credit and my downpayment will be 2500$ to 3000$ and I'll have a co-signer as well. I'm thinking of getting either a new car or a newer used car. if I get a new car I was looking at a ford focus (either 2010 to 2012) I can get it on the Z-plan too because my papa used to work for fords. Also where I work I think I can get one too. or I was going to try and get a new Mazda3 or mazda6 If I don't go get a new car, my other option was to buy a newer used Mazda3 or Mazda6 from years 03 to 07. Or I'll try and get a used ford focus. I am just looking which would be a little cheaper and what would be best for me. which car would be best for me too? which car would be cheaper to maintain and on insurance? any suggestions or opinions? thanks!"

How can I get a free copy of my business' credit report so that I can examine it?

I own a small business. I'd like to check my business credit report every year or so. How can I get a free copy?

"Can debts created by power of attorney be their responsibility and not be for whom they sign for? if so, how?

mom had power of attorney. son was deployed. mom did alot of credit damage. son unaware of any wrong doing until paycheck is garnished and automatic withdrawls he has set up are declining. now his credit score is so low that a loan is impossible. is bankruptcy his option? what is the best way for him to recover financially.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Do I have to pay the auto dealer any money since I was approved for a auto loan?

I was approved for a auto loan today. I'm not sure if I have to give the auto dealer some money also.

Why is 2.718 thought to be a most important number?

I've heard something about bacteria expanding at this rate and log e. Is there any other reasons?

What is a good credit limit for a first credit card?

I got my first credit card a couple years ago via Bank of America, and my current credit limit is $9000. Since I don't have any experience with credit cards in the past, I'm wondering if this is good or not? Is there anyway I can increase this limit? What do most credit card limits start at?"

Using Capital One Auto Finance?

I recently applied (with co-signer) for an auto loan through Capital One. A few days later I had received an e-mail stating that I was approved for a loan amount up to 15,000 dollars. I know all about the vehicle stipulations and the LTV and participating dealership restrictions, etc. My question is about the actual loan packet itself. The e-mail read that I will receive the loan packet in 3-5 business days. I have not yet received it and am curious as to the contents of the package. Additionally, are there any other steps I will have to take to procure the loan (ie sending pay-stub or drivers license, etc) or can I just start shopping once I receive the 'blank check'? Lastly, am I fully approved for the loan or am I just at a 'pre-approval' stage right now? I logged on to the website and it doesn't specify any required documents from myself or my co-signer. It just says that the dealership which I decide to use will have to send over various documents and a text reads, What's Next: You are good to shop! Please ensure you chose from the many franchised dealers listed on our Dealer Locator"

Where to get a (non-payday) personal loan from with bad credit?

Where to get a (non-payday) personal loan from with bad credit?

How can I get a free credit report online? is it possible?

I need my free yearly credit reprot from the major credit agencies. I have heard that a law was passed and all agencies were to provide a persons credit report free once a year. I have encountered several websites claiming to be free but there are none that i have yet to come across. I do not have a bank account to paypal any of these credit report sites. How do I get my free credit report.

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Which bank offers free credit card in Germany?

ialready have ec for db, but there's some online transaction that req visa or master"

Do you know about BANKRUPTCY? help?

okay, i need advice. im nearly 21 years old, and working at a fast food joint. i made a stupid decision when i was in a car accident with no insurance, and hit two different cars. each car insurance company was wanting 4500 from me, i had been paying 100 bucks a month to each company since this all happened. a medical injury bill came in from one of the companies, so instead of 4500, i owed 17,000. along with this accident, i have criminal fines i have to pay (did stupid things when i was younger) that total out to about 3-4500. i realize bankruptcy wont relieve me of my fines. my mother also put me in debt with my debit card, making me owe 2000 dollars. so, im paying 300 bucks a month in the accident/credit card alone. plus 100 to one fine. and my wages are going to be garnished (25 percent) for a bit for another fine (i didnt know i had other fines that still needed to be paid..ive had a rough start in my life, i want nothing more than to pay these things off) if i add all that up, thats 700 bucks a month total in debt. or aroud 400-500 after my wages arent garnished anymore. i make about 1,000 a month. im renting out a room in a house. i own nothing. i saw a lawyer, he said it'd be a good idea to file because its better to do it while you're young than older..because i dont have anything to lose, and i dont plan on buying a house anytime soon, or a brand new car (i prefer buying from craigslist) im thinking it might be a good idea to file. i know its a last resort, so im seeking advice from the more mature and wise. 100 bucks a month to a 17k debt..thats about 15-16 years of paying that. every month i call, they say if i miss a payment, then our agreement is over and ill owe it all. in 15 years, thats a lot of chance to miss a payment, or slip. also, the lawyer told me that having this unpaid debt over my head, for so long looks awful. and my credit may never be decent, until its actually paid off and clear. the sooner i have this debt clear, the sooner i can put more money into my criminal debt, so i can wash my hands from that. i mean, i realize that 20-21k in debt isnt that much. but, in my situation..and given how much i can actually afford right now.. ill be stuck in the same puddle for a very long time, BARELY squeezing by..for years. atleast 2-3 maybe 4, which is when i'd expect to get most of my other debt off besides the 17k collection. what do you think? i live in washington if it matters. also, i am thnking about going to a trade school and getting into the medical being an xray tech or some sort.. i know bankruptcy would disable me from getting a job at a bank (well more than likely) for example.."

If someone posted their credit card number online is it illegal to use it?

If someone posted their credit card number online is it illegal to use it?

Can I get a new car if I put a lot down but have late payment history on my current auto loan?

I've paid my current auto loan late a few times but only owe $13000 and my car is worth $12,700 as a private trade-in (so basically sell for cash). If I sell will I be able to get another auto loan? My credit is fair not great."

"Best shampoo for brittle, oily, dandruff hair?"

i have thin, fine, brittle, oily hair with!"

"In ohio you have three days to cancel any contract,so could i payback a payday loan in three days?

and not pay the interest by voiding the contract?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do i pay my wells fargo credit card?

i just got a wells fargo credit card about 3 weeks ago and they never told me how to pay it off. for my debit card, i get an online statement. will i get an online bill for my credit card or will they send it through the mail? how much do i have to pay off each month? i got a student credit card. do i send the money through the mail or use bill pay? or can i just go to the bank to pay it off? thanks!"

Where can i find a loan shark in Houston Tx. I really need to payoff some bills. my credit score under 600?

Where can i find a loan shark in Houston Tx. I really need to payoff some bills. my credit score under 600?

Exactly how do I get free credit reports from the 3 major credit reporting companies?

I'm trying to help my step-daughter get the free credit reports which the 3 major credit reporting companies are suppose to provide. She can not find a phone number for any of the companies which is answered by a human. What must she do? Write them? If it can be done through the Internet, exactly which are the real websites?. Any and all help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you Tony"

Where can I see all of my open bank accounts / credit cards in one place?

I have had a number of bank accounts since I was a child... most likely forgotten. Is there any place where I can view every active bank account I have open in one place. Credit cards too would be a bonus. Many thanks Adam

Loan Tax information.......?

It was a personal loan so i guess i dont get the interests back but i did however take out a loan to invest with it would that make any difference?

My credit card info was stolen by a virus - What do I need to do?

One night my boyfriend used my old laptop to surf a porn web site. Not long afterwards, I started getting a weird popup for antivirus software that wouldn't go away. My computer crashed after I tried to delete some infected files. Two days later, I checked my credit card statement and found a charge $30 from a porn web site! I'm pretty sure it was the virus and not him - I never gave him access to any of my credit cards. I contacted Transunion and put a fraud alert on my card - what else do I need to do? Help!!!

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions.

Were can I get a 200 dollar loan online?

Bad credit I make around 4k a month and im in the national guard please no loan referal sites

Which you be worse on my cerdit report: bankruptcy or foreclosure?

Which you be worse on my cerdit report: bankruptcy or foreclosure?

Can u claim a court orderd debt in bankruptcy?

my wife and i were evicted from our apartment and the court orderd us to pay the past due and the court costs can that b claimed in bankruptcy

Best way to get an auto loan with poor credit?

My dad is currently looking at getting me (17 years old) a first car. We have found a 1999 Mercury Cougar and a 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Only problem is that his credit is abysmal due to some financial issues back in 2003. What is the best way for him to get an auto loan? He has approximately $2000 to put down for the car and both vehicles are $6000. He'd also like to get it paid off within 2-3 years.

Bankruptcy in Georgia?

I have a very complicated question concerning bankruptcy in georgia. #1 I have tax issues IRS and GA, #2 i have federal backed student loans. #3 I have private student loans co-signed by a third party. I do not think I could file a chapter 7 and have these taken care of but if I file a chapter 13 will it just schedule payments to the irs and student loans? How high would my payment be, I only have one secured vehicle."

Citizens Bank Auto Loan website?

I have an auto loan via Citizens Bank and I cant find the website to login to see my account. Can anyone direct me to the website? I have my payment auto drafting from my account so its not crucial but I would like to find the website to login. Thanks so much!

Are there any private interest-fixed student loans?

Excuse my ignorance. But i have found that most private student loans have a variable rate with interests. Are there any that offer a fixed low-interest rate so i won't have to consolidate after graduation? I have already used up all my finaid loans, so please stick to the question asked."

If I declare bankruptcy do I lose my 401k and IRA money?

If I declare bankruptcy do I lose my 401k and IRA money?

How do you get your free credit score online?

So I'm either retarded or it just hates me? I went to the and did everything it said and when it directed me to the credit bureaus it wanted me to pay. wtf? So how do i get it for FREE? I thought we were allowed that once a year?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

"If a house goes on a short sale but seller later files bankruptcy, what happens?

does this mean the house will go into foreclosure?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Medical Assistance when there is a bankruptcy filing underway?

I'm looking for answers from those within the legal/medical community. My husband owned a business for several years. When he became seriously ill, the company took on significant debt. Eventually, he regained much of his health, but his company still went out of business. He met with several financial advisors and lawyers, and they came to the conclusion that filing for bankruptcy was the only thing he could do. He has another job now, which is a Godsend, though it pays him half what he made when he owned his company. The unfortunate thing is, it offers no health insurance. Neither does my job. I applied for a state run health assistance program, but realized that to finish the application you need a copy of your most recent taxes. Because my husband is still in the filing process, we didn't file 2008 taxes. He's not dying anymore, but his immune system is still recovering from his illness and he gets sick a lot. Our medical bills are threatening to drown us in debt, and I am wondering if there is any program that offers help for people in our situation?"

"I'm 20, and my credit score is 727. How does this compare to others my age, and how does it effect me?"

So, I got my free credit report from American Express today, and my score is 727. Is this low bracket excellent category? I feel as though I fully understand the fundamentals of a credit card. Now, I am looking into auto loans. How would this effect me if I were trying to get an auto loan? I have 4 credit cards on my report - two of them are low limit cards for stores, and I have not used the card yet. The other two are my American Express and Student Visa (i don't really use visa anymore) but my credit limits are 2,000 and 1,700) So, are these other cards bringing my score down? I don't want to move into the good"" category at any point in life... Or will my score increase as I own these cards for longer and continue to pay off the balance every time? (my student visa is from 2007"

Just got approved for an auto loan with a 9.99% APR?

I was approved for a $11000 loan with a 9.99% APR, this would be my first loan, and I managed to get it despite having no credit history at all. Is this a good rate given my situation?"

Bad Credit Auto Loans?

I need a car. I want something reliable, and so Im looking for something around 6,000. First question when I get the loan can I pay back more than my payment at the time?? Has anyone worked with Bad"

How can i get multiple payday loans at one time?

How can i get multiple payday loans at one time?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

The Hartford Mortgage Protection Plan?

Has anyone heard about this and is it worth it? I just bought a house and keep getting annoying letters from them telling me to sign up. They claim that if I die, then my mortgage will be paid off. What I want to know is are there any catches and will my rate go down as my mortgage amount goes down? Any one have any insights on this?"

I got looped into those payday loans. I can't seem to get rid of them. Anyone have any suggestions!?

I work two jobs already, I cut back all expenses except the necessary. By the time I pay the payday loans I don't have money to pay the bills, forcing me to go back. What do I do?"

I require a payday loan of 2 lakhs rupees very urgently. can some one helpme ? I am from India mumbai city?

looking for a pay day loan of 2 lakhs, urgently"

Does lending ruin your credit?

Does lending ruin your credit?

Where can I get a monthly credit report from the three big once for one small price?

Where can I get a monthly credit report from the three big once for one small price?

Can you upgrade or convert your Best Buy store credit card to the Best Buy mastercard?

Can you upgrade or convert your Best Buy store credit card to the Best Buy mastercard?

What is a credit score?

Hello, the lyrics in this song says: Can't find nothin' cheaper than my credit score "" What is a credit score? Here is the song: and here are the lyrics: thank you for your help :)"""

My credit card info was stolen by a virus - What do I need to do?

One night my boyfriend used my old laptop to surf a porn web site. Not long afterwards, I started getting a weird popup for antivirus software that wouldn't go away. My computer crashed after I tried to delete some infected files. Two days later, I checked my credit card statement and found a charge $30 from a porn web site! I'm pretty sure it was the virus and not him - I never gave him access to any of my credit cards. I contacted Transunion and put a fraud alert on my card - what else do I need to do? Help!!!

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I always visit this website where you can find all the solutions.


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