My Country, right or wrong.
My country right or wrong
?It was American patriot and naval hero Stephan Decatur who coined the phrase ‘My country right or Wrong’, but the spirit of this phrase would find a cozy home in most nationalities. This phrase has been taken in and out of context, but it can be said to be a declaration of complete, possibly blind, patriotism mixed with a fervent prayer that this patriotism will not be misused by those in power.
?Countries have been both built and destroyed by this kind of blind patriotism.?Those who condemn this kind of unquestioned patriotism conveniently forget that their freedom to condemn was bought and paid for by those who actions were governed by blind patriotism. It is blind patriotism that allows a nation to unite against a common threat and every nation in the world owes its existence to the generations who showed unchallenged patriotism. Those who went over the top at Vimy Ridge and faced looming death did so out of unqualified love of country and often paid the ultimate price for that love.?For the winners there has been the, often temporary, gratitude of their nations as the foundations of these nations have been built on these sacrifices.?For the losers, there has been the inadequate pleas of ‘I was only following orders.’?More than one patriot has had to hang their head in shame and utter the words ‘What was I thinking?’
?So, what makes a patriot give up so much without question? ?What allows any intelligent person to make the ultimate sacrifice, which is not limited to their life, but also their values, their history, their morals, and rights, for a national identity? ?The partial answer is the unspoken prayer that the gift of unqualified patriotism would not be misused.?Stephan Decatur’s statement ‘My country right or wrong’ was followed by the words ‘May my country always be right’.?There is an optimism, rather than confidence, that the action of the leadership is governed by a moral compass and that the political system possesses the safeguards to protect the power of unbridled patriotism from abuse. ?Add to this plea the fact that national strength comes from unity and a lifetime of propaganda welds us to a national identity, and the equation becomes more complete.?The need for a national identity requires a complete expenditure of emotional capital, and it is soul crushing to recognize that a lifetime commitment to a national identity has been abused.
?My family went over the top at Vimy Ridge, fought with the Canadian army from Caen to the Rhine, and were grievously wounded in the Battle of the Atlantic.?My Canadian identity was forged in Canada’s history and for much of my life I possessed an unquestioned loyalty to an image of Canada.?I spent years hating Quebec because they did not show unswerving loyalty to the Canadian identity. Until I realized that Ottawa’s power over me depended on me hating Quebec and it was my unwavering patriotism that blinded me to how dark natured the federal government was. ?The federal government’s only talent has been to portray itself as a noble protector against a malevolent threat to Canada, but that threat has always been seen as internal. ?Moreover, the internal threat wasn’t just limited to Quebec separatists but changed as generations lost their unchallenged belief in the federal government’s wisdom and started to question its wisdom to rule without limitations.??When the Reform party sprang into existence Jean Chretien’s Liberals rabidly warned of the ‘forces of darkness’ from the West, but it was Covid 19 that made me draw a line in the sand.
?I define myself as a Westerner, have a very low opinion of Justin Trudeau and his Liberal hordes and am very skeptical about the federal Conservatives who have fallen into their old habits of taking the West for granted.?Despite all of this, I fell into a trap of my own making with Covid 19.?Suddenly there was a national threat and the mentality of ‘My country right or wrong’ kicked in.?The spirit of Vimy Ridge urged me to put aside my apprehensions and make the sacrifices needed for the greater good of the society I cherished.?I took the shot, wore the mask, and practiced social distancing in the belief that some shreds of inner good existed in the system to guard against the political excesses.?In retrospect, although I did not hate those who opposed the government dictated protocols, I did wonder why they did not get with the program of sacrifice for the greater good.
???Then one strain led to another, one shot led to another, and concerns began to leak out that could no longer be ignored. The rabid condemnation of those who dared to question the most extreme government sponsored measures unmasked an authoritarian spirit that transcended responsible government and exposed the myth of democratic safeguards.?The vilest terrorist or mass murderer was not worthy of the scorn and hatred heaped upon those who exercised their right to question government overreach and the fever of blind patriotism became a national disease.?‘Anti-vaxxers’ became an accusation that entitled the government to use all its existing power, and some it wasn’t sanctioned to use, to deal with a perceived internal national threat. The police forces that many of us supported without reservation, suddenly became the tools of oppression as the most ridiculous rules were conjured up and enforced. Neighbors were encouraged to spy on each other in a situation reminiscent of the darkest era of Communism, and the cure suddenly became worse than the disease. ?
What many started to notice was that despite the evidence that Covid was a foreign created threat, the authorities ignored this unpleasant fact as they focused entirely on those countrymen who questioned government logic.?Sinister groups like the WHO and the WEF descended on the chaotic situation like political scavengers and stated that only they could protect the world from future threats.?However, this dubious protection would come at the unspecified price of every country’s sovereignty, and the lack of concern shown by the entire political establishment toward the ominous goals of the WHO and the WEF, spoke louder than words. ?Throughout it all those with unlimited, and undeserved power showed a fiendish delight in their newfound ability to manipulate the narrative.
??Of course, exposure to any disease will eventually give you an immunity to it, and with that immunity comes the ability to examine the disease with maturity, not dread. ?The unacknowledged fact is that patriotism is not limitless and when it reaches its limitations, the most flag waving patriot will say the one word that all authoritarians dread, the word ‘NO’! ?The establishments mistook their countrymen’s gift of patriotism for a docile, eternal acceptance of governments wisdom to chart a national course even if that course robbed the people of the freedoms that the population had a right to take for granted.??The population’s belief that there was an inner goodness in the system to protect against abuse was forever dashed as the media squandered any credibility it had to become a mindless propaganda machine of the establishments. While the various opposition parties were reduced to issuing pathetic, tepid pleas for the government to restrain itself.?Opposition parties themselves bought into the mantra of ‘My country right or wrong’ and by doing so lost the courage to even question if the government’s actions were right or wrong. Ultimately it was the collapse of the apparatus of opposition that caused many patriots to finally take off the blinders.?
??The weakness of the patriot has always been their ability to be manipulated.?The authoritarians took full advantage of this weakness with Covid.?The weakness of the authoritarians is their inability to understand that the patriot’s loyalty is not to any national identity, but to the values that the patriot feels defines that national identity. Rights, values, and democratic expectations can be put aside temporarily, but it is expected that there will be an end game, and there must be an accounting. ?The entire political system worldwide does not seem anxious for either one.
?Anger has now replaced fear as a growing number of people have suddenly imposed their own end game. Now we all want explanations about Covid 19 that includes all aspects of this pandemic especially government overreach. ?Was Covid man made, was it done on purpose and most of all, when could we expect an accounting of the government’s actions while dealing with a threat of questionable beginnings??None of these legitimate questions have been brought up, much less answered as Covid has become the gift that keeps giving for authoritarian rule. Nor can people ignore the fact that it is rare to find any politician, political party, or even political media to even bring up the subject of a real accounting of Covid and its toxic legacy. ?The optimism that our political system had safeguards in place to protect our values and rights from government overreach have been replaced by a cynicism as it is obvious that those safeguards are an illusion. The strength of the patriot has always been their ability to conquer fear, and the fear of Covid is no exception. Once people lost their fear of Covid, the authorities lost their main tool to control the thought process of the population.
??My connections with Linkedin have given me access to contacts worldwide and often I feel a kinship with different nationalities.?The United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands to name a few, are nationalities that I can respect and relate to.?The one thing we all have in common is a patriotism that can often be defined as ‘My country right or wrong’.?We have all made our sacrifices for what we thought was the greater good, and we have all seen our governments see those sacrifices as a sign that the people are weak and are incapable of understanding what their best interests are.?We are at a pivotal moment where authoritarian rule is launching a relentless assault on Democracy. Many of us are bewildered and bitter that our willingness to sacrifice has been turned against us by politicians who seek to be our masters, not our servants. We are also increasingly aware that those official opposition parties that want to replace our existing governments, are unworthy of our trust. ?Our patriotism can no longer be toward a nationality that has become alien to us, it must now be toward our core values that no government has a right to define. ??‘My country right or wrong’ has now being replaced with the heart-breaking realization that ‘this is wrong’, and the traditional patriots are the only ones that can fix it.
??Many of us honor past generations for the sacrifices they made for the benefits we now enjoy.?One of those benefits is a set of core values that we have now taken for granted.?Those values are under attack and just like past generations we need to step up and confront the threat.?The only difference now, is that in the past the threat was external, now its internal. ?????
Mark Nickel
Wisdom and knowledge are uniquely different
1 年Well said Mark - well said ??