My counsel to my children for 2024 and beyond...
'Yemi Adeyemi-Enilari
Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Specialist, Data Analyst, Training & Development, Author.
Dear child of God and child of 'Yemi Adeyemi-Enilari,
As 2023 winds down in a few hours, I thought to share some thoughts with you, and I hope and pray you at least ponder them well enough, and if you find wisdom in them - use them.
The following are some of the things I've learnt in life, but reinforced this year.
1. Be there for people, but don't leave yourself behind.
- We are to be there to support and help others, because you're not truly successful till you've helped someone else succeed. But in tbe process and while doing this, ensure to help and lift yourself up as well.
I have seen and learnt that many help others while neglecting themselves (even in and amongst family members), to the point that the person you helped has now outgrown you, and finds no use for you. They then walk away and find you inconsequential.
In as much as you are to help others and be there for them - do not leave yourself behind.
2. Do not chase after people - anyone for that matter.
- If anyone wants to walk out of your life - allow them, only ensure that you neither chase them out nor chase after them.
Believe me, everything God needs to bless you is in your life, He doesn't need anything outside of your life to bless you - if anyone walks out of your life - they must have served their purpose and outlived their usefulness, it is God's way of removing them to make way for someone and something new and better - for the next stage, phase and level of your life. You would be stagnating yourself by fighting to keep people who want to leave in your life.
3. The place of God.
- Do not, I repeat, "Do not give" give God's place to anyone or anything - you will pay for it dearly, either through personal losses or the loss of that person or thing you have put in the place of God.
God is and should remain numero uno (number one) in your life - put Him, even above yourself.
Worship, praise and pray to Him regualarly and frequently, even if it is 5 - 10 mins, make it regular, frequent and be consistent.
4. Play your part.
- This may be tricky in a way, but there are roles that you can and have to play, that God will not play.
At the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus Christ asked them roll away the stone, even after raising Lazarus from tbe dead, He asked the to remove the grave clothes from him.
What stone do you need to roll away? Which clothes/clothings do you need to remove?
What course do you need to study?
Which book do you need to read?
Also, you need to look after yourself - read varieties of books (it develops your mind), eat well and eat right, exercise at least thrice a week for at least 10 - 20mins, sleep well and sleep enough, avoid stress, stressful and stressing situations and people, but do it without fight.
5. Others.
God did not design us to be alone, we are built for relationships.
What relationships do you need to build, cultivate and nurture?
What relationships do you need to walk away from?
Don't sow seeds you do not want to reap. Remember the golden rule, "Do unto others as you want them to do you."
The opinion of most peope do not matter or count, because "when push turns to shove" - not many would be there for you. Infact, you may be abandoned to yourself.
He who lives for the cheers, will die by the boos.
Be careful whose advise you take. Don't take direction from someone who hasn't left home.
Do not take or seek revenge - leave that to God.
He who seeks revenge should carry two coffins - one for himself and one for the other person.
Lastly, you need God more than you know or even think. So, find a way to keep God in your life, even if it means you're losing everyone, or even losing yourself.
To be honest, I have not mastered these things, but I have learnt them so much that they influence not just my actions, but my thoughts, and I'm not promising you that it would be easy - but they are doable.
Godspeed and God bless.
May your life be beautiful and blessed.
- 'Yemi Adeyemi-Enilari (31/12/2023).