My Corona Challenge to Self: Suggestion 2
Adityavardhan Pathak
Fauji-turned-Farmer-and-Father trying to make a Ground-level Difference / Accidental Agripreneur / Captain 'Aam'erica / Closet Idealist - Aspiring Pragmatist / TedX Speaker
My Corona Challenge to Self: Day 2
(Policy Recommendations / Suggestions / Action Points during times of the Crisis)
Suggestion #2
(For the previous suggestions, please check my earlier posts)
The Administration at District / Municipal Corporation-level should start a Make-shift Community Langar in open spaces like grounds / open fields near various slum dwellings / chawls in the Containment Zones / Hot Spots (especially designated Red Zones) using volunteers from those areas. While the option of Cooking areas of religious places that are probably better geared like those of Gurudwaras is also available, in my opinion open grounds / fields are safer.
For Whom?
This suggestion aims at targeting 2 types of beneficiaries:
(a) Primarily, it is for the front-line Government staff like doctors, nurses, police, ASHA workers, active administrative officials, etc deployed in these areas for whom this food is primarily being made with a view to ease their hardships. At the time when their families need them, they are out to serve and protect us.
(b) The slum / chawl dwellers, especially those who have worked as cooks in residences or restaurants or catering services or catering / kitchen entrepreneurs or Women Self Help Groups (SHGs), can be gainfully employed for the same. This will exclude those people already receiving Government benefits like Direct Cash Transfers. Moreover, the scope of this initiative can be expanded in due time to also distribute the food made to them, with certain precautions / conditions.
My suggestion aims to address the following issues simultaneously:
(a) To kick-start economic activity for lower strata of society who are most vulnerable right now by providing employment to people having the ability and willingness to work. This is a more dignified and sustainable way to fight starvation.
(b) Social distancing presents a problem when one is staying with 5 others in a 10’x10’ room. Thus, by decongesting in a very limited and controlled manner, may be social distancing might be better implemented.
(c) There is a spurt in instances of domestic violence as people are cooped up. Things become even more toxic in those families where there is substance abuse / addiction. If a member of such families gets employed in this initiative, it might act as a safety valve and diffuse the frictions.
(d) Timely intervention and Contact Tracing of the Wuhan Virus in Red Zones. The people employed in these Langars can be a Control group to trace this contagion as they will be tested regularly as described in Suggestion #1.
(e) A lot of social organization and non-profits are doing a good job in distribution of food-grains. However, there are instances of black-marketing (where beneficiaries sell their free ration to others), pilferage, etc the extent of which is difficult to gauge. Furthermore, what happens to the perishables like vegetables if not supplied in time?
(f) Another major issue of concern is of people crowding to receive their food grains. By delivering ready-made meals at their doorstep, this might be avoided.
(g) There are many migrants that are living in the city slums that are not identified. Hence, during calamities inter-State coordination with regards to their well-being becomes very difficult. Thus, we have seen how stranded migrants are forced to walk back to their villages!
(h) Ancillary employment can also be provided to people as delivery boys, cleaners, packers, etc. This will also help industries like packaging, mandap decorators (as these are temporary arrangements), etc.
To understand the entire Action Plan in detail, down to the brass tacks, please visit my Blog below:
Happy Reading!
Finally, to quote our PM Narendra Modi, #JaanBhiHaiAurJahaanBhiHai!
#StayHomeStaySafe #GoCoronaGo