My Corona Challenge to Self: Suggestion #1

My Corona Challenge to Self: Suggestion #1

Instead of sitting at home and waiting for the Battle to come and claim me, I decided to take the fight to the Wuhan Virus! How? Well, everyday till the remainder of the Lockdown, I have started writing down one suggestion / action point / policy recommendation that we can do presently or in the future whenever possible against this Chinese Catch-22 Catastrophe!

I have tried and will continue trying to give original suggestions but may also put forth some ideas that I might have come across through numerous sources while crediting the source because I believe that good suggestions to fight this disaster are nobody’s monopoly. One thing, however, I do promise is that I will build up on a basic concept in order to translate it into a workable solution to the best of my knowledge and experience.

But first, 2 important disclaimers:

(a) I am NOT suggesting any MEDICAL ADVICE or TREATMENT; I am neither qualified to do that, nor is it presently legal. These are more like administrative / organizational points.

(b) By 'We' I mean citizens or administration or Government at whatever level, as per the context of the recommendation.

If you agree with my suggestion, please share it till the time it becomes visible to the ones for whom it is intended.

If you disagree, please feel free to correct me, so that I am also enriched by your perspective. After all, to err is human...

So here goes: Suggestion #1


The Administration at district / Municipal Corporation level should earmark Special Medical Teams designated to only check those at the forefront (both public and private) of fighting this menace. I would go as far as saying that a separate facility be designated for the quarantine and treatment of medicos, if possible.


This is especially to screen the potential asymptomatic carriers among them, so that they unknowingly do not spread the virus to those who they come in contact with, whilst doing their crucial job, with devastating consequences or themselves become victims to this threat, thus weakening our fight. This is also for detecting infected personnel who have still not shown any signs, given the 1-14 days incubation period of the virus, as currently believed.

The Government has done a commendable job so far. However, if by sheer bad luck we fail in our mission, these are the people we will require more than ever, especially medical and para-medical staff. Sadly, we have already lost 2 doctors in the last few days in Madhya Pradesh.

For Whom?

They include doctors, police, essential store employees like supermarkets, delivery boys, administrative staff employed in screening and so on and so forth. Priority to be given to personnel coming in contact with crowds or positive patients over those who are largely confined to their offices.

To understand the entire Action Plan in detail, down to the brass tacks, please visit my Blog below:

Happy Reading!

Finally, to quote our PM Narendra Modi#JaanHaiToJahaanHai!

#StayHomeStaySafe #GoCoronaGo

See you Tomorrow!

Jai Hind!


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