Written by: Jay Doran, CEO and Founder of Culture Matters
This love I owe to you my fellow comrades, we can stand tall with our chests puffed out with pride knowing we have served. If we died today no one could say we had been selfish. Self-serving aims are a target of our weapons and these battle fields are a nasty place to go alone. As I sit, I have my pen in hand and I reminisce the times of our past. Solo in my strife and multiple in my problems, it is only me, myself and I hell bent to overcome them. Now you are here beside me and together we know no evil, no fear only greatness. We will be victorious. When times get tough, I have you to share my burdens with. Shoulder to shoulder we march arms hooked around one another. Regardless of mental or emotional state, we are here for each other and I love you, my comrade, my friend. Together we will rise or fall, but my trust is in you, my heart is here for you, and my mind is yours. We have proven that happiness for a lifetime means to help somebody else. Together we can hear the beat of victory play louder as our bond grows stronger. We must never look back. Our only chance at success lies on the others willingness to understand each other and our passion. Brothers, I love you. Amen.
“We have proven that happiness for a lifetime means to help somebody else.”