My Christmas Wish Is...
This is a Christmas poem for my son, Jumelle. I wrote this a few years ago when he deployed to Iraq. Even though he is 31, I still, I find myself missing his funny ways and his quirky smile. But, he is grown now and lives many a mile.
My Christmas wish is... to spend more time with you is probably a bold and selfish tool.
And when you signed up to defend your country and you knew the risk,
I still feel like I pushed too soon, for that, I feel like such a fool!
Christmas is meant to be a celebration of the birth of Christ.
But, since you told me you were returning to Iraq for a second time,
I can't stop feeling cheated and hurt, which I know, is not nice.
Chrismas poems are supposed to be uplifting and cheerful.
But, on Sunday morning, when you finally get on that plane,
I will face extreme bouts of fear and I'll be sad and very tearful.
When you leave us for the second time,
I promise to hold your picture so close to my heart.
Because I know that God will keep you safe and harbor you from crime.
I keep remembering you when you were such a handsome, little boy
And when your only concern was what cartoon to watch or how much food you could eat.
Now, I desperately long for more of those days, while I watched you holding your favorite toy.
I know that Christmas poems are filled with jolly, holly, and Christmas cheer.
And, when I think about you and the sand, dust, and hostile environment you must face,
My Christmas wish spend more time with you as I stare out the window, peeping through the sheer.
Previously posted on Yahoo! Contributor Network