My choice or God's choice
The person God has sent to you will not lead you to sin. Please understand I don't care if they say they're a Christian. If they say all the right churchy stuff or even go to church with you. If they are not leading you closer to Jesus, if they are instead leading you to compromise your boundaries and leading you away from Jesus that person is not sent by God.?
The person God has for you will lead you closer to God; they will have Godly boundaries established and will keep those boundaries not compromising them. I'm not judging their relationship with God I am saying fixing their relationship with Jesus is not your calling. That's the job of the Holy Spirit. You are to pray for them just like you pray for so many others God brings across your path. Matthew 7:13 reminds us enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction and those who enter by it are many. Please choose the narrow gate and not the wide gate many will choose the wrong gate. You must be strong and not be one of them, the choice is yours. As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord.