My Canditate Experience
Rohan Andrade

My Canditate Experience

As a Talent Acquisition Advisor I have had the opportunity to interact and have conversations with some of the brilliant minds in the software tech industry and thereby assist them in the interview process and thus be a catalyst in achieving their dream job. It's actually a process that can be quite tiring and challenging at times but with the support and coordination from the candidates it can be a very satisfying and pleasant experience.?

After a couple of months joining Sporfy | Techplay I was given a challenging role and I started sourcing for the role in full swing. During this process I got in contact with a brilliant candidate who was already interviewing actively. The candidate was super excited on hearing the opportunity and wanted to explore it. Generally it's really a challenge getting availability for the interview rounds from candidates.

But in this case the candidate was always available and answered my call every single time he was contacted. The candidate however ended up clearing all rounds and the offer was made. In the meanwhile he got yet another offer which put the candidate under a lot of pressure as all of them were quite good. He however was in a dilemma as the location was not his preferred choice and he thus reached out to me and revealed his state.

I had a conversation with him where I educated him on both the roles from a career point of view and also the experience that he would gain in the long run. He was quite convinced and also his confusion was pretty much cleared. Finally after a week he himself contacted me and revealed that he had accepted the offer. He eventually even joined the organization and ever since then he has been performing exceptionally well in the organization.?

This experience gave me an all new perspective to the work that I do and also motivated me to always be like a friend to my candidates and give them the right guidance. No matter how the candidates interact with you, you always need to be calm and always help them in the process.?

In general, we as Talent Acquisition Specialists are often faced with challenges that are very hard to crack but our mindset makes all the difference. No matter how hard and impossible the role that we work on feels by trying new things and having patience and perseverance we can make it happen.



