My c-section was a natural birth. Let me tell you why.
An ode to my c-section pals.
In April 2020 I had a planned cesarean birth. Living with a chronic illness and pelvic pain issues like fibroids and endometriosis, my conception journey and pregnancy weren’t exactly straightforward. Eight weeks shy of my due date, my midwives told me I’d be having a c-section due to two large fibroids and placenta previa* blocking the birth canal — this baby wasn’t coming out the front door! Having undergone abdominal surgeries before, I remained (mostly) calm. I was more worried about not being able to have my partner in the hospital with me — we were in those first few weeks of the Covid-19 Lockdown and things were a bit uncertain. But, even though I felt prepared for the belly birth, aftwerward I still felt like I had missed out on some right of passage as a mother.
I've observed a lot of apprehension surrounding caesarean births among others in my life. Many experienced birthers and moms I know have expressed disappointment over not experiencing a "natural" birth. In our prenatal classes, fear of surgical birth is fairly common — and understandably, it's a major surgery coupled with the pressure to recover swiftly so you can take care of your new baby.
I want to tell you what I wish someone had told me and my friends at the time: all births are natural and with proper support and education, recovery can be smooth (or as smooth as possible with a new baby). Whether your birth is at home or in hospital, medicated or not, belly or cervix, planned c-section or not — the safety of you and your baby is the most important thing. Spoiler alert: It’s pretty much never going to go as planned, and understanding your options and rights as a birthing person will help you navigate these birth plot twists with a little more ease.
It can take years for some people to reconcile with how their babies were born, and we get that. We experience so much pressure, guilt and shame in every corner of our lives — and quite frankly, I’m tired of it! It’s our goal to provide education and support, helping you embrace and celebrate your birth experiences. Your belly birth, your surrogate birth, your home birth… it’s all-natural and good, and you fucking did it. Full stop.
Happy International Cesarean (aka Belly Birth) Month. Light a sparkler or raise a glass with your loved ones!
Gill & the Brood Care Tea