My Breakthrough Fixed Putting Things Off..
Jeremy Jordan
Helping Busy Parents Turn LinkedIn Into A Simple Cash Flow Side Hustle. Living The Laptop Lifestyle.
For years, I didn't experience any success
in my side businesses because I always put
things off.
I mistakenly thought that it was because of
a few things that I believed stood in my way.
Whenever I tried to show my business to
other people, they would reject it. So, I
would go back into my cocoon and avoid
showing it again for a while.
Occasionally, somebody would join me, but
as I negatively anticipated, they would quit! So,
I would regress and avoid the income-producing
activities again.
Why? Because people said "NO" and they kept
Oh, trust me. I would blame the company. I would
blame my sponsor. I would blame the products or
services. It certainly wasn't my fault!
I even blamed the leader of our team!
I was going to quit one day and told him. Little did
I realize that he was going to be brutally honest
with me.
He "hit me between the eyes" and not just implied,
but told me directly that I was not persistent and
lacked desire and patience for my so-called goals.
How DARE HE say that about me!
He even told me that when I stop being a 'paid'
affiliate, I would no longer be allowed in the team
groups or functions!
I was so angry that I threatened him and said, "If
I DO decide to come back, I will tell the few people
in my team that you have no integrity and I would
not even want to join your stupid group functions,
I did not know that team and group functions were
for "paying affiliates" only. I actually believed I
was entitled. I was wrong and didn't even see it.
Here is where I had my breakthrough..
I heard someone say this corny little quote:
"If it's to be, it's up to me!"
My success is contingent on myself and no
one else!
I dropped my negative attitude and expectations!
Then I found THIS...
A Consistent Flow of 100 to 200 Leads
per day to look at my business!
Not only did I sign up, but after about a month's
worth of daily emails to those leads, I began to
get results.
I finally understood that success takes the patience
and persistence that I denied I lacked.
What about you? Are you fed up with lack of
Just do it!
Connect with me after you get started. I
will give you free tools and add you to
our Support Team in Facebook to help
you leverage your success.
See you on the inside,
Jeremy Jordan
PS - Connect with me after
you start receiving your daily