My Boyfriend Wants A Break To Figure Things Out (Boyfriend Wants To Take A Step Back)

My boyfriend wants a break to figure things out - Boyfriend wants to take a step back.?

Everything seemed to be going so well in your relationship, when, out of the blue, he tells you he needs some space! What's going on? What does this mean?

First of all, don't panic! He may need space for several reasons. He may have problems that he is not ready to (or just can't) share with you. He may want to think about where you're both going, without the distraction of your closeness. He may be having a panic attack about your relationship. He could have problems with his mates or his family. He may, genuinely, need to get away in order to think some things through and get things straight in his head. On the other hand, it may be a feeble, cowardly excuse for leaving you. If you love him, the question you will be asking is "How To Get Him Back?"

The first thing that you should do is accept the separation! I know that this will probably be counter intuitive for you. You may want to start straight into begging him to come back. Don't! Tell him that you agree to him having his space, if that is what he wants or needs. Tell him that it's a good idea for both of you. After all, he will be going whether you agree or not, but this will shift the balance more toward you. Let him know that it is he who will be losing out if he loses you, but leave the door open for his return. (Not literally!)

What should you do when he has had some space? How do you then make him come back? This is when you need to find out what he truly feels for you. If he needed space to consider your relationship, then you will need to know what he came up with. Don't be needy and chase after him. Don't let him know that you depend on his decision (even if it may be true). Get him to come back to you with his outcome.

Keep any conversation from you to a minimum. Avoid, at all cost, constant texting, annoying phone calls, and any form of stalking. All you should aim for are short texts, brief phone calls, passing conversations. He just needs to be reminded of how great a part of his life you are, and how much he needs to be a part of your life. You don't want to crowd him until he is ready, or you will drive him further away. You won't catch a fish by throwing stones at it. Just bait him, hook him, and reel him in!

He will, in his own time, start to have feelings for you again. When the time is right, you can remember with him all the good times you had. Remind him of all the good events in your relationship. Don't dwell on any negative aspects. This is not yet the time to solve any deep problems you have. There will be time for that later. Don't risk any progress that you are making.

In the end, it is what it is. If he is not responsive to your slow but sure approach, then you may need to accept what is. He may not be ready, he may not be interested. If, on the other hand, he shows definite signs of renewed interest, then gradually increase your level of approach. Don't lose him from your line by being to eager, but gradually increase your pull on him, until he jumps back into your net. Sorry about the fishing analogy, but men really can be that stupid! I know.

When the time is right and not before, you can try to tell him how you really feel. If you do this too soon, you will just come over as being desperate. You must wait until he shows definite signs of coming back to you, both emotionally and physically. Otherwise, keep your own emotional distance. (Just keep your finger on the line for signs of him pulling - sorry!)

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets

3 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid to Get Your Boyfriend Back

Undoubtedly, you are going through a tough time at the moment. A breakup can wear you down emotionally and at times it can feel as though things will never return to normal. Any hope for future happiness seems impossible and though you may be trying to get on with your life, you are just going through the motions, hoping the pain will eventually subside. The only glimmer of hope is that you will find a way to get your boyfriend back, end the pain, and put all this behind you.

But how do you go about getting your boyfriend back? Well, you can start by avoiding some of the most common mistakes women make when trying to get their guy to reconsider and see sense. If you can manage to side-step some of these common problems, your future may be a little brighter than you think.

1. The number one thing you are going to want to do is avoid giving him any power over you. Every time you contact him after the breakup, you are giving him a little more power. You are reaffirming that he is in the driver's seat and holds your future happiness in his hands. Forget that - the last thing you want to do is make a bad situation worse. And if you start begging and pleading in the process, well, that will pretty much seal the deal.

Yes, you are an emotional wreck and it may be hard to resist the urge to phone or text him, but you need to think of the damage that may be caused.

2. The next big mistake most women make is to attempt to talk to him when he is around his friends or in public (a party, for example). Guys will always put on this macho image around other guys because they don't want to appear weak. It is almost certain that you will not be able to appeal to his sensible side in a situation like this. He will be so worried about how he appears to everyone else that he may not even listen to a word you say. Try to get him alone if you have something important to talk over.

3. The next thing you want to avoid at all costs is losing your temper with him and saying something that you simply can't take back. While you may be furious, you need to exercise a little self control. Certain things just can't be taken back that easily - no matter how sorry you are for saying them. If you have a short fuse, you need to control your temper until you can get away from him. Also, try to steer away from topics that are sure to cause a heated argument when you are talking to him. If he is antagonizing and provoking you, you need to recognize this for what it is and end the conversation.

If you are able to steer clear of these 3 common pitfalls, getting your boyfriend back may be easier than you think. Give it some time and stick to your principles. If he is smart, he will realize what he had and what he stands to lose.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!


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