My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me But Says He Still Cares (Why Did He Break Up With Me If He Still Loves Me)
My boyfriend broke up with me but says he still cares - Why did he break up with me if he still loves me.?
You loved him, you gave him all that you could, and made every effort to keep your relationship going, and yet you finally get to know that your boyfriend ditched you - the big question here is, should you get your boyfriend back? even if he is not worthy of your pure love? Before you think about ways to get him back into your life, you must have a clear answer to this question. This article will help you get your answer to this question so that you can decide what is best for you, and get on with it
Was it love or just infatuation? Many times people fall for each other, simply out of infatuation. With time, the infatuation fades in its intensity, and the relationship becomes weaker. You may have truly loved your guy, but he may just have got infatuated to you and lost the interest eventually. Although, this does not give you any reasons to forgive him, but certainly implies that you should forget him. You must face the facts, and forget about chasing him to bring an immediate halt to your sufferings.??
Were you compatible? This is another very important point to consider. If you were not compatible, and fought over things more than agreeing upon them, it does not make sense to get your boyfriend back. He may have decided to quit the relationship out of the frustrating debates and arguments you had together. You are better off looking for a guy who you are more compatible with.??
Did he ever care for you? Was it always about him, and what he wanted, or did he really care about you? If he was too busy to care about you, you better thank the love Gods to have freed you from him. You certainly deserve a loving and caring dude, rather than a self-centered and self-loving creature like your ex.
Is he worth your emotions? How important is your ex to you? Do you really think he deserves all your attention and love? There is no point thinking about a guy who is just not worth your emotions. May be you need to move on!??
What could possibly have gone right? What would you set right if you could go back to past, to have your dude with you. Nothing? Well, if you feel there is nothing more you could possibly have done, you are only wasting your time, thinking about him. All your efforts and sincerity was not valued by you boyfriend, and it makes no sense to get him back.
It can be difficult to overcome this rough phase in your life. You may repeatedly think of different ways to get your boyfriend back. However, the best thing to do is to get over him. On the other hand, if your answers to the above questions are more on the positive end, then may be you should take an initiative and try to make up with him. If you feel he is worth you, and deserves your real love, then you must meet with him at the earliest possible opportunity and patch up with him. Take your time and make your decisions wisely.
These are the first steps in a proven strategy to get your ex back? It doesn't stop here, though. What you do next is crucial to get your ex back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next. To read the shocking revelation that holds the final key to get your ex back visit: Ex Back Guide
The question "How do I get back together with my ex?" may on be on your mind at the moment because you have come to the conclusion that you don't want to be separated from them anymore. You may not have been the one who initiated the breakup or maybe you did, but now you regret it, realizing that they are the one you cannot imagine living life without. Whatever the reason you separated, you can certainly win them back if you know what to do.
While it is not guaranteed that you can get back together with your ex, it is a lot easier to do than people might think. Most couples at some point in their relationship separate for a while only to make up and be the better for it. And it is much easier reconnecting with a previous lover than to meet a new person and build a long-term relationship.
It might be easier to think about reconnecting with your ex than getting to know a new person, but this is not the reason to look only at reconciliation. Don't avoid getting out and meeting new people just because it requires more effort and going through the getting-to-know-you phase all over again. You only want to look at getting back together with your ex because you have decided that they are the person you want to be with long-term.
The first thing to be aware of is don't be in too much of a rush in getting your ex back. If you push your ex too hard, you will find that they could become resistant and then nothing you do is going to persuade them to come back to you. You need to take things slowly and seek to find out what this is like from their perspective. That way you can work out how you are going to approach them with your request to give your relationship another chance. Working out from your point of view and from theirs what the advantages of getting back together are will be a big help in helping persuade them that your relationship is worth working on and fighting for.
Nothing worth having is going to come easy; it will take effort, commitment and time. However, there are ways of making it easier, one of them is by getting expert help. For some that means seeking a good couples' counselor and even if you go on your own to learn good relationship skills, then the benefit to you is going to be worth the effort. For some people, this is not an option, because they do not feel comfortable speaking with a stranger about their personal feelings. Another way is by selecting some excellent relationship-help books specifically on reconciliation and resolution relationship tools and becoming educated in the ways of repairing and building strong healthy relationships. Some people like a mixture of relationship help, preferring to enroll in a course and have contact with someone when they have questions to ask. There are a number of online and offline courses that offer this kind of assistance.
They say that love makes the world go round and it certainly is the basis for everything we do in our lives, it is pivotal to everything within us and we cannot live and thrive without it. The emotional side of it, however, can overrun our good sense and make us do things that we regret later. It can fuel our negative emotions like anger and jealousy especially when we have been hurt by someone we love and who we thought loved us. However, when trying to get an ex back, you will want to think with a relatively clear head and not engage in those negative emotions. You need to focus on positive thoughts and feelings instead.
Make sure you have dealt with your emotions before you contact your ex as you will want to show them that you are the mature, confident person that they love and need to be able to rely on. Whatever issues you may have had, make sure that you have resolved them once and for all, otherwise your previous relationship issues will only resurface to threaten your love relationship once again.
When you approach your lover, be ready to be in that relationship with them again so that you can build a loving happy lasting relationship with them, without any of the previous hiccups. Once you have educated yourself in the way of healthy relationship skills you won't need to ask, "How do I get back together with my ex?" because you will have found the answer, and will be living it!
Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?
Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you'd like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!
Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets