My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me and I Miss Him (He Left Me and I Miss Him)
My boyfriend broke up with me and I miss him - He left me and I miss him.?
You really miss him and can't stop his thoughts. Those lovely moments of your relationship keeps playing in your mind, only that you feel sad as it is all over. Your friends did a good job in supporting you. However, when they discovered that you want him back, they frowned. They probably thought that it wasn't practical and perhaps not the right thing to do. You know that they mean well. However, you just can't get him out of your mind.
Getting your boyfriend back isn't always a piece of cake. If you have tried then you would probably know by now. You did the thinking in all directions to find ways. At times you really wished there was a magic switch that will get you what you want.
Now, doesn't the magic switch concept exist only in the fairy tales? Well,... not really!
If I were to ask how this switch works then one would probably explain that it needs to be activated and things starts happening. You want something, you got it. You want to transform into a bird and presto! You are one.
How does this function? Well, we really don't know whether a technical specification for such a switch exists anywhere. However, we can be sure of one thing. This switch probably has amazing powers. The power to make things happen!
What if, you can tune into such POWER. Here we are not talking about transforming into a bird or generating money out of thin air or acquire any of the abilities that falls under the supernatural category.
It's about you acquiring MAGICAL abilities to... TRANSFORM your situation... by transforming YOURSELF.
As a first step, ensure that when you are putting efforts to get him back, it is not from the flawed premises.
What is this flawed premise? If you are taking actions from the place of sadness, desperateness, helplessness or any emotion that is not empowering then your radar must beep a "flawed premises" alert.
Why is this important? If you want him back for a reason that is not empowering then you are not sending the right signals. He will pick it up drift further away from you. The right choice is to defer your actions till you feel better. In other words, it is like not participating in a tennis match when you are having a sore thumb.
Operating from the position of strength is always productive.
How can you go about it? Do stuff that is fun and healthy for your mind and body. It can be enjoying your workouts or trying healthy recipes, or reading books that empower you or hitting the bowling alley with friends or learning a new language or joining yoga classes, etc. Ensure that you are giving time to yourself. In other words you are focused upon joy irrespective of the situation you are in.
And if you can pump it up gradually then you show up all energetic. An energetic person is always beaming with confidence. Don't they say men like confident women?
And if he happens to meet you in a gathering, just imagine his expression when gets hit by the "wow" factor emanating from you. You show up so composed and calm. The signal radiating from you sends out a clear message that you can be happy on your own. Men find this very attractive.
What if he still wants to move on?
If he wants you back then it must be for a joyful reason, which is the RIGHT foundation to build a relationship. If he decides not, then probably he is having a challenge in figuring out the dynamics of bringing in the joy factor, and, in most instances, it might not have anything to do with you.
Acknowledging and respecting his "freedom" of making a choice, whatever it may be, puts you in a position of power where you can effortlessly access JOY and FREEDOM. And, It's all about joy and freedom, is it not?
Now, let go of the sadness. Commit yourself to raise your joy meter without him being around. This doesn't mean that you are giving up or moving on. It's just that you are taking responsibility for your own happiness. A POWERFUL choice you can activate NOW. This is your MAGICAL switch.
Make Your Ex Boyfriend Fall in Love With You Again
It is possible to make your ex boyfriend fall in love with you again. It is no point brooding over whose fault was it, when you know that you really want your ex boyfriend in your life. It is time to take charge of life and make your ex boyfriend fall in love with you all over again, or you may lose him for good. After all, there are too many fishes in the sea, if you know what I mean.
Though you should make concrete efforts to get your ex boyfriend back, it does not mean you should act in haste. Do not call him up quickly and apologize. If you do so, there are chances when all may be forgiven and your ex boyfriend may patch up with you. However, he has not really 'missed you' because you have not given him time to feel your void. We tend to love people more if we do not see them or hear from them. So work out a strategy that will make your ex boyfriend pursue you, instead of the other way around.
Human beings, men and women; both are attracted to people who play hard to get. Acts like pleading, coercing or stalking will only make people run away from you. If you have just broken up with your boyfriend, take him off your mind for some weeks. Lead your life as normal, have a ball and do not show any sign of longing for him. Your friends will get the message that you have got over him. The news may reach your ex boyfriend or he may find it out himself when you do not contact him for weeks or a month. Your ex boyfriend will be curious to know what is cooking and may just call you up or ask you out, but do not answer his calls or turn down politely saying that you have other things to attend to.
After a point, appear to him in a phased manner, so to speak. Take his calls, reply to his text message but do not really be overtly communicative. At no point of time, you should appear rude or angry. Just be normal and let your ex boyfriend know that you are enjoying your single status. Gradually, bump into him at certain places that you know, he goes to; and agree to his request to accompany him for lunch or coffee. Skip meeting him on some occasions and meet him up at others. This will make your ex boyfriend realize that you are busy in your life, but at the same time you can accommodate time for him. He will pursue you relentlessly if you keep the mystery alive and you will surely make your ex boyfriend fall in love with you again.
Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?
Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!
Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets