My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me For Going Through His Phone (He Broke Up With Me Because I Looked At His Phone)

my boyfriend broke up with me for going through his phone - He broke up with me because I looked at his phone.

So you have decided the breakup was your fault. You are now beating yourself up. I know how you feel! But you must understand everybody make mistakes and definitely nobody is perfect. You can expect you are going to make mistakes and your ex also will make mistakes.

What to do then when you make a mistake? Know that a mistake is a mistake, a mistake only calls for correction. It is not a cardinal sin. You will not be condemned to eternal hell with no redemption. So put away all the negative concepts associated with making errors. Unless you killed somebody your actions should be reversible. Put your mind to it and you will see the light.

Next identify what exactly are the mistakes and how it could be remedied. Some are simple and some are more complicated. For the simple ones you can see readily how you would correct them. For the more complicated ones you will need expert help. In any case formulate in your mind how you would proceed to mend the relationship. A rough idea is all we can hope for at this stage of the game.

If you bear the burden of fault and have a sincere desire to get an ex back, then consider these tips for ways to make your desire come true:

1. Accept responsibility for your actions and apologize. Sometimes we try to shift the responsibility of things going wrong onto others. If you are constantly making excuses for something you did, then stop. What you should do is make a heartfelt apology and ask you ex for forgiveness. Your ex knows you well and will be able to tell if your apology is truly coming from the heart. In order to make a heartfelt apology it has to be sincere. You have to fully accept responsibility for your actions and have a true desire to make amends and not to repeat your mistakes. Don't expect your ex to come back to you just because you apologized. This is only one step in the right direction.

2. Embrace self-improvement. Seeking ways to improve yourself and then taking action will not only be good for you, but your ex will be sure to notice. This is one of those ways to get an ex back that benefits everyone, both you and your ex. Self-improvement is a goal we all should embrace.

3. Forgive yourself. We all make mistakes as we journey through life. Mistakes are a part of life. Learning from our mistakes equips us with invaluable lessons to apply to our life. Take this lesson and embrace it as a life-changing lesson. If you have not been able to forgive yourself, then this burden you carry will reflect in your relationships with others. It will stop joy from entering in your life. Your ex will be more receptive to you, if you project contentment and peace within your life. This cannot happen when you are carrying around the burden of un-forgiveness. Forgiving yourself should go high on your list of ways to get an ex back.

Realize that after a relationship breakup, both you and your ex will need time and space apart so the process of healing can begin. While this is happening, embrace these tips and apply them to your life. These ways to get an ex back can make a difference in your relationship with your ex.

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Are you at the end of your tether? Are you ready to try just about anything to get him back? You may have just broken up with your lover and thinking, "Maybe I need something like Love Potion No. 9 to get him back..."

Before taking off to the local apothecary and trying all sorts of potions, there could be a simpler way to get your ex back. Having a calm conversation with him could be the start of getting back with him. Another start could be simply writing him a letter posted through the mail telling him what is happening with you. Do not text him. You cannot fully explain your feelings through a shortened abbreviated form of communication. Sending an old-fashioned letter is sure to get his attention, and some men value being able to hold the paper and reading your message more than once.

So what will you write that he will want to read more than once? Here are 3 tips to writing that letter:

First tip: Keep it light and positive. Now is not the time to for heaping on guilt, expressing angry thoughts or telling him how your heart is breaking. Actually, there is never a good time for these sentiments to be expressed. What will help is to admit honestly your responsibility in the breakup of your relationship. Even if he was the one who mostly erred, your responses to his actions also contributed. Tell him why you did what you did so that he can at least understand. Do not justify what you did, as this will not achieve anything good. You cannot go back and change it in the past, only in the future.

This leads nicely into the Second tip: This may sound contradictory but do not say that you will change. If you do make any changes, make them because you have decided that you have things that need work. You cannot change yourself for every person you date, as you will not be true to yourself and frankly, it is not healthy. You can, however, tell him what you are planning on working on and do not be afraid to tell him why.

Third tip: You can talk about how things are without him, but do not try to make him jealous by telling him about the great new guy you are going out with, this only reinforces for him that he did not mean that much to you. Do not tell him that you are down, or depressed. Tell him the good stuff, not everything in detail but enough to make him curious. Make sure that you finish your letter on a happy note, reminding him of the lovely happy confident woman he loved.

You do not need to run off to the local apothecary and get the latest Love Potion to get him to fall in love with you again. All you need to do is help him remember how good things were between you and how much he loved you before it all went downhill. If you can do this, you will increase your chances of getting back with your ex, without resorting to anything other than your natural charm.

Let me show you something that helped me get my ex back within 9 days flat. I have a set of Hardcore field tested techniques which are guaranteed to bring your ex lover back no matter how hopeless your situation might be. This is an absolute must read for you, visit: Ex Back Guide

Don't risk losing your ex forever, improve your chances to get back together with your ex by using a method so controversial your ex will be unable to resist.


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