My Boss
A manager can make or break a job. So many times we forget that people work for people. Many companies promote supervisors into roles of leadership because of prior position performance. That does not mean you are ready to lead. It means you mastered those duties. Does your company give you a complete assessment of your competencies before? Most do not. A leader is not only a manager of processes, but they are the face of the company. The company's agendas, strategies, focus, vision, mission, and more! How well a leader can communicate all of this to a vast array of personalities, cultures, and skill sets is key. Also, not to mention living them all by example! As you can see, the supervisor/ employee relationship is extremely important. To many, their manager is the face of the brand. Therefore, the right leader and the culture they have created is a major factor in employees staying with a company long-term, despite changes within the organization. Companies should analyze the skill sets of their leaders and develop long-term training strategies to support their growth. Don't assume just because they have the experience, they have the competencies of a leader.
John Sanford
The Retail Support Group