My boss accepted my 2 weeks notice effective immediately. I asked her if I was fired and she said no that she did not have to honor my remaining days
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Nick Davis says...
I gave an employer two weeks notice, like I always do, and he got angry with me that I accepted a job paying $6 per hour more, with full benefits, when he only offered a 401k. He tried to negotiate with me to get me to stay, but we couldn’t come to an agreement, so he told me I didn’t need to come back and he’d mail me my last check (for hours already worked).
I immediately filed for unemployment, which he fought, claiming that not only had I quit, but he had paid me severance for the last two weeks. My claim was denied initially, so I appealed, that was denied as well, so I appealed again to have a hearing.
At the hearing I showed my last month’s worth of check stubs (he didn’t think I kept them), and explained that “yes, I intended to quit, in two weeks, but he didn’t let me finish the two weeks and didn’t pay me, thus I was terminated.
The hearing officer agreed with me ultimately, and awarded me my unemployment compensation…more than two full years after I filed the initial claim.