My Bookshelf: Factfulness by H. Rosling
Factfulness Book Cover

My Bookshelf: Factfulness by H. Rosling

Factfulness by Hans Rosling has been in the reading list of Bill Gates for some time now, so who am I to add anything to make you read the book?

Mostly, it's when I read it: confined at home, during the Covid-2019 pandemic.

Is it possible to be factful and, yes, optimistic at times like these? Why is it important to read it now? Which lessons can we learn from it?

To me, the answer is yes, we should be optimistic and enjoy every page of Hans Rosling book. And that is why:

  1. confinement is stressful and we are constantly exposed to bad news or, worse, fake news. Putting things into perspective, learn to ask the right questions before jumping to conclusions, avoid simplifications and generalizations are all tools we need more than ever and that this book gives you (or recall you to use);
  2. it's enjoyable cover to cover, with plenty of real life experiences from a life far from ordinary.
  3. Plus, at the time of writing, it was on discount on Amazon for Kindle!

Is it already on your bookshelf? How changed your perspective on the world we live in? Let me know!


