My book is in final draft. In the meantime, here's an article about another toxic nonprofit, just to make things harder for the rest of us.
? 2022, Alan Harrison. All rights reserved.

My book is in final draft. In the meantime, here's an article about another toxic nonprofit, just to make things harder for the rest of us.

I’m in the final stages of finishing my book on nonprofit arts organizations and ideas to move them from pedestrian purveyors of pulchritude into achievers of quantifiable impact. I'll be back with regular columns on Tuesday, September 6.

In the meantime, here's a post that was sent to me recently by a friend whose message was simply:

“Hi Alan—I’m no longer working in the nonprofit arena and this article is why. I thought you might enjoy it.”

I can’t in good conscience say that I “enjoyed it.” In fact, it made me sad that there are people in the charitable giving sector that are neither charitable nor giving in any way. It opened my eyes to the potential (and real) toxicity everywhere in the nonprofit arena. And it made me angry that good people, like the amazing person who sent this article to me, are leaving the sector because of bad acts.

Anyway, back to the book. Looking for a great publisher if you know one. In the meantime, if you need me, please shoot me an email: [email protected]. Or, as always, you can message me right here on LinkedIn.


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