Ronald Joseph Kule
"Writing biographies, historical fiction, and other genre books for paying clients."
?“Conversation with Animals ~ From Farm Girl to Pioneering Veterinarian, the Dr. Ava Frick Story leads readers to view interacting with animals from a different perspective of insight and inspiration. From the git-go, my biographer Ronald Joseph Kule gave priority to investigating and learning about my life. He delved into what happened, the significant people there for me, and how the layers of change over my years created the person I am today. I highly recommend Ronald Joseph Kule, who will preserve and share your life story without compromise." -- Ava Frick, D.V.M., Founding Inductee, Animal Chiropractic Hall of Fame
?“Ron was given the difficult assignment of writing my life story, Living Beyond Impossible, a story of ups and downs and many bridges to cross. Selecting Ron to write my biography ranks right up there with the very best positive decisions I have made in my life. To me, he is the best kind of dedicated writer, researcher, and professional biographer. I would, without hesitation, suggest this talented biographer to anyone serious about sharing his or her story.” – Dr. Terrence Stanton Hitchcock, B.A., MBA., Ph.D., J.D., Clearwater, Florida
"I was very fortunate to seek out and find a writer that had decades of experience in book writing, and this person is Ronald Joseph Kule. After spending a couple of hours on the phone talking to him about the book, Ron impressed me with his openness and his knowledge. The journey we took together in writing the book, A Brooklyn Saga ~ Stories from the Stoop, was a poignant experience that brought out creative talent that I noticed in myself for the first time; and the reason was Ron. During the process of writing our book, I learned from him how to keep the reader engaged and keep the reader interested in wanting to read more. I highly recommend him. —Carolyn Angiolillo, Longboat Key, Florida
????“Working with my Biographer Ronald Joseph Kule has been such a pleasure and a great experience. He is funny and works very hard. An excellent writer, he cares a great deal about his clients. I love him, and highly recommend him for your biography, memoir, or fiction book.” (forthcoming biography) – Ron Moss, Music Artist Manager (Chick Corea, Isaac Hayes + 28 others), Clearwater, Florida
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Ronald Joseph Kule writes EXTRAordinary books on commission in any genre. His published titles consistently rate five stars in reviews. Kule's writing services (writing, ghostwriting, editing, and rewriting) are currently available. Contact the author through his LinkedIn profile for references, rates, terms, digital samples, and testimonials, on request.