My Book: Change if you dare to Change An insight

My Book: Change if you dare to Change An insight

My Book: Change if you dare to Change
An insight of an Egyptian Communicator.
Author: Mona Mohamed Mohamed ALI.

Copyrights reserved 17.05.2013.





This Book is dedicated to everyone and anyone who can think, link and communicate with others to make a better world for the human beings to thrive in.






Change as Al mighty God put it and I got it.
Al mighty God said “God will not change people if they don’t change themselves”, which means for those who think that change comes from inside out and not from outside to the inside. Change is a self starter and self initiative that ignites the one’s inertia and self will.
Then this self inertia takes the stick to other runners on the same track, and here let me tell you the marathon is the same, the roads take us to the same destinations but the attitudes and behaviors change the directions on the same road to the same destination.
Getting back to the same notion that the society is built up from individuals living together on the same piece of land , talking a language they can all or most understand, eating almost the same recipes , drinking the same drinks and spending the same monetary units, yet not by equal amounts or same luxuries. These societies were the primitive definitions of societies where there weren’t any technologies to show how other people in different spots on earth live, thus people only cared for what to eat , how to meet, what to sell , what to buy , how to exchange benefits and the most how to find the right candidate to marry.
Nowadays, however, the technology trespassed the borders and thus people can now see what other societies, have, possess, own, and excel at, more and more anticipations grow, and more dreams strive to become true and more and more realities are unbelievable. This in turn lead to people wanting to take what’s not theirs and what they can’t have even if they occupied the lands and if they killed tons of people , and even if they controlled people’s minds. The human rule is “ Live and let live” , “ if you want to take , you have to give” , “ if you want people to be generous to you then be generous to them” . Always remember “The good you do comes back to you, and the bad you do comes back to you too”, so simply people harvest what they plant, if you seeded love you will harvest love and vice versa.

To make people happy, let everyone and each one do what he or she excel at. That will let them feel they are beneficial and not only to oneself but to the society they live in , be this society a local, regional or a global one. The society that is good at agriculture let them do, another is good at arts then let them do it , architecture, science, medicine, literature, astrology, fashion, and you just name it , then give the evidence and prove it . The whole world will admit it and you will have no competition or even if you have any, you will be a pioneer, and you can still teach people your talents, excels and practices. The best is the one who can learn and can teach what he or she learns. The best of all is the most useful to all not only to oneself.


Change through age or through ages
In the year 2013, I am fully 35 years yet I still feel it is my year 25 rather than 35. If that tells something it tells being old or young is an inner equation where the inputs come from your mind and body together with environmental factors surrounding you. Yes we can never choose how long we live, we don’t even guarantee we live for tomorrow, but you can choose how to live. Happiness is very relevant issue ; the mood of happiness or sadness can change in a second , a minute , or in an hour depends on how fast you are in dissolving your good moments into sad ones and vice versa.
The strength of your body is actually illuminated from the strength of your mind. If you get back to the medical theory that your brain sends signals to all and every part of your body then that takes us to the conclusion that pressuring your brain will pressure your body and relaxing your brain will relax your body. Yet for each theory there are exceptions so sometimes we find writers who relaxed their bodies yet their brains are on fire. This still tells us you can choose what to be from inside out. The brain is what made us humans and the animals as they are and thus gave us the reason to eat them, ride them and lead them.
Life is built on Paradoxes. The problems we face in life can be hampers that take us back and down the road or can be the real life lessons to learn from and strengthen your character. The bad experiences we have along the life road makes us appreciate the happy moments we lived, live or will live. If you live in complete darkness will never appreciate the light; if you never cried will not understand the meaning of true laughs; and if you are always sad will not treasure happy moments. This life built on a thing and it’s opposite and that’s how we get to know it, experience it and finally master it; yet we will never own it.
Seek love, just true love. When love comes to you, you will know it, and when hatred lives long will be defeated one day. Love can never be hidden and hatred can never be breaded. Some people succeed to a certain level to show what’s not inside them but the masks, veils and false characters sooner or later fall down. The genuine hearts on the contrary live long untouched, unparalleled and shines its best. Just like the diamonds you never mistake them; they know how to shine their best to show they are real and not fake ones. The more they stay with you, the more you feel how precious they are.
Life is rewarding for those who don’t take it for granted. For those who know there is an end for everything and for themselves above all. We will not take everything and will not take anything when we are leaving. Life gives for hard workers, but just watch out what you hardly work for; because simply you will gain from what you went after for long and for hard and for how much. The same amounts, ingredients and length will come back to you.

Pray, Prayers and Preys..
In the road of Change, you need to understand why we have to have a strong belief. A vision to show where we go; how we go and the final destination. All types of companies, associations and organizations if they don’t have a vision will be lost along the way. Human beings who don’t have a vision in life will lead a miserable life. Some people can lead others ways and show them where to go and how to find their ways but the people being leaded need to show commitment to their roles and parts drawn for them.
The Leader has to lead by example not only by talks but rather with deeds. It is very easy to say to people what to do but not the same when it comes to oneself. You can also easily criticize others but not that easy to admit your own weaknesses or accept others criticism. This is no longer valid because objective criticism is the first step on proper change process; but only criticizes if you know the solution.
The solution is not a magic formula but rather an outcome of research, vision, objectives, action plans and audits , which is an ongoing process of inputs , outputs and feedbacks that in turn pours again in the research basin. The research or data collecting on its own is nothing, but to translate these data into doable actions is something and to be able to practice the action plans in successful practices is everything.
The Human beings represent the catalysts for the solutions to work out and take place not in the mind of the strategist but in the hands of the players. The strategist will not do the players jobs or perform for them but rather draw the companies’ maps, who is who, and who will do what, then show them how to do it properly, then together they measure the performances. This is also an ongoing process where the players learn how to self operate, self criticism and self excel.
Innovation is the Sun and Moon of the organizations. You can’t live without them, yet you don’t own them and you can’t pay to let them stay all day and all night. They have timings and you got to respect these timings. They have their own criteria, composition and specialties but can well be used for the good of people. Here the question is how much is enough?. Innovation is always good but when it creates revenues and return on investments. Not all creative ideas are valid and not all are applicable.
Selectivity then is another important ingredient and tool on the way to Change process. The idea of choice in everything in the organization starting from the brand name to the venue, from the staff to outsourcing, from the machinery to technology, and from the audit to Consultancy. Be selective all the way through, because what is inside will come to the outside. This is how you build your personal, organizational and societal images respectively. Here also you have to differentiate between the actual image, perceived image and the ultimate image.

Personal Branding a source of Organizational Branding
On top of all types of branding we know; premium brands, economy brands, fighting brands, corporate brands be them individual or family brands; comes the Personal Brand. The personal brand is the human behind the brand as we see nowadays as an example in the field of fashion we have Big Brands who managed to live long not on the expenses and minds of their founders but rather on the designers behind them.
The Personal Branding is the positive effect of the person behind the creativity and innovative qualities of the brand that gives the product the value we sell to the final consumer, be this product a tangible or intangible one.
Thus Brand equity in this case is measured by how valid this Person’s ideas are ready to reach the market, develop a market segment and a market share. This can only be achieved based on the needs and wants of the target consumer. Brands don’t talk to masses but rather to target consumers. Products can talk to masses where people don’t really care which brand it carries. That’s why not all Brands find its ways in different markets and that justifies why some brands take longer times than others in penetrating a certain market.
This Personal branding idea gives us also the reasons why we can have different brand architectures under the same roof. Different kinds of offerings from the same brand, as well as different models in the same season. You simply profile the brand according to your consumer profile and give it the character that you want your consumer to look like. You finally rationalize the brand that hits the right target market.
The Challenges that comes up front the Brands nowadays are the decisions whether to go mass or limited production. “Less is more “or “More is more”. Some brands manage to sell millions of the same product offering whereas other brands can only sell thousands units. This is what I call “The Market Manipulation”: where the brand is being manipulated with the false market needs and wants. Not all the needs and wants are money makers and generate ROI.
Here comes the role of evaluation of the person behind the creative idea, whether he or she is only introducing clicky idea with bombastic words ; or just following competitions initiatives blindly. The evidences are good evaluation tools here together with archival researches would put risks to the limits where you can put your foot in the right decision field.
The Change in Branding is from human needs and wants but with human value and human quality.


Who drives whom..
The debate for long for computers that anticipates, forecasts and knows the future; is false one, hence the base for the debate is incorrect from the beginning. Let us just refresh our minds who invented the computers, weren’t they humans who in turn are Almighty God’s made themselves.
I think the reason here might be that the human beings are tired of inventions that brought them extra work to do. More and more daily tasks, daily discussions, daily sign ins and outs, and trying to remember passwords that can’t be hacked.
The idea is not in inventing devices that torture us but rather help simplify our lives and make it more likely to be lived. Since we neither choose when to come to this world or when to leave but rather have to live and not to leave.
So technology got to be one of the life facilitators rather than a burden. Humanizing the robots or asking the devices to be real humans is insane, the Almighty God’s gifts of Feelings to humanity where they can feel love, pain, touch and taste can never be transmitted to computers. Just appreciate what makes us humans.
I see technology as a helping hand and a third tool to talk and write to help in immediate transmit. Cutting down the time; and distances of millions of miles. Differences can be brought together in one place where you can form your own learning experiences through reading, listening, watching and communicating instantly.
This is the real strength behind Social Media; people learn how to become real social not only in their own societies by the definitions of International laws for the term borders; but rather by fruitful discussions that narrows the differences in thoughts, mentalities, experiences and above all beliefs.
The differences lead to observations of one’s own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and races he or she is capable to being part of. It teaches that differences in thoughts are not against building up bridges of benefits from each other’s experiences.
The tailor made learning based on case studies can benefit people a lot in forming Models for same industries, for same challenges even in different fields , for forecasting , anticipating and reading the future challenges and mostly to shape one’s Life Lessons.


WISDOM stands for "Wonder Serious Dreams over Miracles"
We almost spend half of the day conscious and alert and the other half lazy and sleepy. So the dreams represent almost a half or even less of our daily lives. So don’t just ignore them or underestimate them. Some are nice, optimistic and of positive drives whereas some are less appealing to us. Some are actually Almighty God’s messages to us to tell us what to do or what not to do.
To have only the power or authority is nothing, to have wisdom is something but to have both together, that’s everything. In the Holy Book “The Quran” specifically in “ Sorat Al Baqara” ; Alaya no. 251 ( Ala aya means verse), Al mighty God said he gave his messenger Dawood both the kingdom and Wisdom , which is the best , neither the Kingdom alone nor the wisdom alone; because when they couple we will see no corruption on earth. Lokman, also was another messenger who had the wisdom and meant to pass to his child rather than the power; Wisdom can be passed through generations but not actually the power.
The power is mere possession of the authority, where the one has the chance to rule, regulate, set a system for people to follow. This is a gift actually but some misunderstand the value of this gift and instead of helping people adapt with the system and lead them along the road of success (because simply successful leaders need successful people to lead or else they are all nothing but a group of failure) they just feel the power of being in the front of anything and may be having more than what others have; but is that the truth, not really.
So Wisdom is what holds the horse from running madly. So that it won’t hurt himself or the knight riding him. Wisdom is wondering in the field of real wisdom of reality, integrity, and most importantly modesty. Being serious and down to earth, even if you have enormous dreams not only while you are asleep but also conscious alert dreams. And last but not least believe in Miracles that Almighty God gives to his chosen messengers on earth and that heavenly fall on all of us because when it comes, it benefits all.





I use my own words: meanings, slogans, acronyms and mostly poetry.
Words are merely words because of their meanings. You can find American English, British English and Australian English as well as any other English, same as Arabic we have Egyptian Arabic and different other Arabic dialects . Each society has their own word diction; that carry the meanings from one generation to another and the culture from one group of people to another.
As a poet, I use my own poetic diction. Words move me deeply and meanings touch my heart. When I write I never think of the language I write with as the inspiration comes to me in English or in Arabic; as I never translated from one language to another. Poetry for me is Precious Over Eternity Trials Raises Youthfulness. Yes poetry makes me breathe the words touches the meanings and spells life.
Slogans are personal flags drawn by words rather than colors and symbols. It sums up the idea in one condensed short sentence of strong unified yet wide meaning. Thus the most powerful slogans are the ones that sum up the idea and this idea reaches to people that they keep remembering them even if they forgot who said it and it was about what exactly. They simply takes them as life slogans for their personnel self branding.
Acronyms, on the other hand are a pool of meanings for one word can be shorthand for so many meanings. Give the letters and just let us form numerous word full sentences of the same Acronyms. So they can be tricky, they can be lucky to be understood. They are just an outcome of how you spell life experiences and what comes to your minds when you first see the Acronym.
I remember when I was a university student; they gave us a long list of Acronyms to study so that we understand the English press papers we read, when I left university and mingled in the real practical life, I realized how many interpretations one can form from the same Acronyms. That is why when we use any Acronym nowadays, we have to identify the words we mean.
Let me just give you simple examples here: M.A.N. can mean lots of things like
Make Angels News; or More Antennas Naturally; or Mass Analysis Nevertheless.
And you can just play the same, put the letters, and form your own words to interpret the Acronyms if they are not self explained.


A ticket to Happiness..
Ever tried to go to the travel agency and booked a ticket to the destination called Happiness. If you did please call me or send me an e.mail to tell me where, when, what and how was it. I am serious guys and ladies, this is the only destination that no one can ever book for you ; you all have to tailor your own destinations here.
I kept thinking a lot about this myself and finally found mine in just being content rather than happy. Yes being content with what I have in hand not what I don’t have. If I can still talk, walk, think, communicate, eat , drink , even go to the bathroom without pain, if I don’t have fatal disease but just cold or flu or even high blood pressure, if I can have a remedy when I am ill or diseased, if I can still call a doctor and find him or her on call, If I can go to a well off hospital and they can take good care of me, then yes I am content and I thank Almighty God for what he gave me more than one time a day.
I believe in the saying “Luck is an outcome of hard work” and the more you work hard the more you gain from Luck. Work for productivity not for the sake of spending the time working to convince oneself before others that you are doing your daily duties. Think of the outcome of each day you live; what it meant for you and for others; what you brought from happiness and self satisfaction to yourself and others.
Here is a recipe that works when you are content you will transfuse the feelings to others. They will feel you are so rich, so confident, and very much independent. At that point people will feel they are in need of you not for what you possess or have but for what they don’t have and you do. So enjoy being content to the fullest; but that doesn’t mean don’t work for the sake of being content but rather “Work on your life as if you are eternal and do for your ending as if you are dying tomorrow”.
Spread the feelings, make them blow with the wind; happiness is not a self inside feelings to have but rather it is not perfected until it is shared. If nobody is perfect then let us all be nobody may be we reach to perfection which is unreachable; so just be yourself , search for your own inner competencies , believe in your inner positive powers ; search for where your inner peace really lies; if you don’t believe in yourself , no one else will do.
If you got the guts, get them out and show them to the whole world. “Never ever hide, no matter how high is the tide”; this brings happiness too. It is the best when you know that you are not thinking low of yourself and that you are not hiding from someone or something. If you have something good to show, then show it to people; you never know that might be a strong point of a new start.

Is it the price, cost or Value?
Do you really know what you bought, what you just paid for and what you just gave up to someone else? These questions interpret the idea of selling. Selling is exchange of benefits yet sometimes the price being paid may be higher or lower than the real value of the sold item. So yes we see a price tag on the product but who sets the value behind the number we see.
The products are as we all know classified into tangible and intangible ones. In both types, it is not easy to know the real value of what you paid for unless you know the costs. So Consumers have their own measurement tools; those are simply satisfaction to needs and wants. Then the reasons of buying this product or this brand and dropping others that satisfy the same need or want.
The Selectivity (Choice) is another important ingredient in the buying and selling decisions. The Buying /Selling decisions form a process with two ends and yet some might think these are two different processes where the selling comes before the buying but not true. The buying comes first, if you buy from someone, means you set the value and accepted the price. The buyer selects what to pay for and how much to be paid which is the gear for the seller to tag his or her product.
The Value is simply how we evaluate the product in front of us. People give values to products based on the supply/ demand rule. That’s why we see some products of extremely high prices due to scarcity of the resources from which the product is made of; how far people go to supply such a product; or the product is really rare to find. On the other hand some people price their products based on fake values.
Based on trial, people become experienced how to evaluate their preferred products; so we see some prefer vintage, original and genuine products. Others would go for counterfeits; that just gives the shape but not the real original value. Here the sophistication of the product plays an important role in managing to have no counterfeit chances. This is a very sophisticated business ingredient in its own that has to do with timing of launching the product, the pricing policy, positioning and which markets to hit.
One of its own master piece is a solution; where one can only find one and only one, no matter where you buy. This is where seller can price tag based on the evaluation the value of the product being done rather than the buyers own evaluation.


Marketing or Sales..
After all these years still people ask is it Marketing or Sales that is more important for the company. Which function is better? The one that brings money to the company or the one that takes a considerable budget to throw here and there. Well as a marketer by profession, I can say Marketing is the father and Mother of sales who keep taking care of the product from the beginning to the end. What if the sales did not reach the target, what if the sales failed to sell certain styles, what if people don’t understand the product, what if the people don’t find any use for the product?
Marketing is the art and science of creating demand on a certain product; whereas Sales is to tell the price and how to pay for it. Sales are actually like the scorers in the football game while marketing is the play maker.
Marketing build up markets for products which never had a demand on from the beginning (imagine how we lived before the invention of computers and mobile phones), but when the marketers managed to set the pulse for technology needs , sales started to expand tremendously and even exceed targets .
Marketing opens new markets, and thus carries countries cultures to another one through opening markets and this what we got to see with the experiences of Multinational organizations and how we see people around the globe wearing similar products or even the same (Everyone nowadays own one or more jeans in their closets) actually the jeans became a mindset product rather than just a pair of trousers.
Marketing helps anticipate future products and developing or even changing an existent product or product facility. Let us just remember the first mobile phone each one of you had, how heavy and big sized was it, then upon the market needs studies they changed into smaller ones, light weight, multi functional and so on. Although not all people use all these functions on their devices, but it became very important to people to change their mobile phones as per the fashion spells new brands, products and functions; that some people see buying a new mobile phone is much more important than buying a necessity product.
Marketing is a two way road; marketers who take the wrong directions will never be able to return back. That’s why proper research is very important before going to the market be it with a totally new product offering or by a new offering from a product that already exists, or by a new product that people never experienced before.


Rich or Famous..
Many keep asking on social media what makes someone rich, the answers to this question were of lots of differences and interpretations of being rich. Some might see it in money; others may see it in happiness, or morals or values or worship. This takes us to the high self selectivity of the meaning of being rich; but how much is enough from everything. If we see someone who is fat, can we say he or she is rich in food!
What is inside comes to the outside and not the opposite. If you really are rich then you are rich in your inner resources rather than your outer resources. The richness comes from you and not from others. Humans deliberately give values to things in life and just believe in the idea that these things indicate the one is rich or not. I view those who don’t have regrets are the richest people on earth.
If you can sleep at night and you know deep inside that you didn’t hurt anyone, or steel someone or killed someone not necessarily physically but sometimes people are killed thousand times for stealing their thoughts, their artworks, their efforts and their lives. If people who hurt others can think for a second what if they changed their strategy in dealing with these people, what if they spread the positive energy instead of the negative energy. It is very easy to destroy and demolish whereas it takes time to build and furnish.
People like the idea of being famous, but they never think what fame brings along in its way. When you take fame you give up privacy may be. The exchange is totally unfair ; what is personal is personal and what’s public is public. Yes they both start with the letter “P” but they don’t have the same ending letters. It starts with the glitter and shines but ends in dim and closed a curtain that’s if life is a “Big Theatre”.
Life is actually a game play. So people need to know the rules of the game before they play. Those who do not follow the rules will be out sooner or later. And remember we don’t own our lives; so the rules are not set by us. We don’t guarantee we live forever; we don’t guarantee we can see each other tomorrow; we don’t even know what will become of us in one month time.
We still have to live but live and let live; because if you want to be rich , you need to have less rich people to feel your richness and if you want to be famous , you need non famous persons to identify you as a famous person.
Life is a holistic show for all people and not for one genre or one class or one category. If you have what others don’t have you might be privileged; but you also don’t know what they have and you don’t think you don’t have. No one has everything , no one will ever take anything.


Liars or just giving a lie!
Why people lie to others? , ever thought about the reasons people may have to justify lying. Also they do color the lies sometimes white and some have other colors; at the end of the day they just gave a lie. Have those people counted how many times they hold the truth, or how many people they fooled but were they really fooled.
The problem is that people who give lies think they are smarter than others; in fact they are wrong because no one can hold the truth for long. If there is still day and night, then one can’t stay asleep all the time. People do wake up every morning on the truth that there’s the only one who knows all the undiscovered secrets of the whole globe “Al mighty God”, and if you have the answers why the skies are up and why the earth is down under our feet. Why you can sail with your boat and you don’t sink. Why the Sun rises only from the east and sleeps at the west; then we can just stop wondering and asking.
Change is the only truth we face in life. As we were born so small creatures then we grow gradually in a changing process. If anyone just contemplates will see a whole great system of its own; biological and chemical reactions, in continuous processes from dawn to day to dawn and so on.
So as people are in continuous change; then liars can change too. They can just stop hiding the truth and face themselves before facing others. Liars are actually ill with lying, and there is definitely curacy in just telling the truth, as simple as that. This will be achieved by training themselves by themselves.
The cold wind doesn’t lie, it is cold and do not give the warmth people want but it just blows. The sun in the midday might burn the skin but still tells the truth that it is not just there to have fun under the sun. The sea has water but you can’t fill your cup from and drink. They just knew their capabilities and what they can give and don’t give. So liars can take their lessons from them too.
Liars have a big problem of not accepting themselves as they are, so they try to hide behind their lies. Learn to accept yourself and accept others. Don’t fake yourself or fake others. Just accept people are not alike and to be accepted you don’t have to be like others.



Every day is another day..
Have you ever tried to count how many minutes pass on yourself each day? Do you think the same minute passes at the same time of the day? Do you eat the same piece and bite of food every day? Do you have the same feelings you had yesterday? Do you wear the same shoes all the day and each and every day?
The answer to all above mentioned questions is simply “Each day and every day is just another day” and if you want this day to be different search for what really makes your day; for the small things that make you happy; might be the morning cup of coffee of your chosen flavor; or that special clothing style; hair cut, perfume; the colors of the flowers; the miniatures on your office desk; your favorite chocolate; and you just name it. Search for what makes your day just another day.
Innovation is just a great moment in a day that is made of its own. If you are just being inspired to invent a piece of its own; an idea that might change people’s lives; a solution for an epidemic problem; even writing a poem or an article that people might find it inspirational, then your day is just another day.
Communication is what tells we are still alive. We can send, receive, interpret, perceive, and give feedbacks. If one only sends and do not receive any feedbacks, means he or she is talking to oneself, unheard or talking to earless people. If one only receives then they are just like goalkeeper who is only there for the other team players to score in his net. But if one can send and receive means he or she is in communication and if they have continuous feedbacks everyday that means it is communication process; with set of inputs and outputs.
Interpretation is the meaning of communications being communicated; which gives the value of each and another day. One might read an article, poem or even a quote; it is not actually the reading that matters but rather the meaning of the words being set in the sentence; the communicative message and how people trust the source of this message and in what channel the message was publicized. Here the credibility of the source and how integrity and trust enforces such a message being short and direct to the point will also find its way easier to the hearts and minds of the readers.



We are the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve..
A title like that makes lots of notions come to one’s mind; first we didn’t choose our grandparents, if it were our choice we would have stayed in heaven and never did what they did to come down to earth, we might have stayed alone rather than having all those people who are called our sons and daughters. So many choices, many dos and don’ts would shine to us.
I myself always wanted to be staying up in the sky sitting on a cloud and looking from up heaven down on earth to see from outside what I can’t see from inside. This is typically what a Consultant outside eye is compared to the eyes of all those who work inside a given company.
The company is like life given to the owners in the surrounding environment, and the co-workers are the sons and daughters but still of Adam not the owners. So to come out of the situation of unclear vision and others completely wrong in the real practice; an outside consultant‘s eye on the company is a whole some solution.
Even big and complex organizations like multinational companies for instance need to self check from time to time. Being stretched over a given territory or many countries does not always mean success as sometimes companies are big and at the same time fragile whereas some others are small but with strong backbone, and some are big and with strong backbone too; in all cases the company needs continuous checkups from time to time to guarantee the processes are in the direction of achieving the corporate goals.
The External Consultant will not actually do the corporate citizens (employees) functions and jobs but would rather teach and mentor them on how to optimize their productivity in the workplace. This is not measured by time or how many hours being spent in office but with the outcomes of their daily presence in their offices. The degree of achievements each one will put for herself and himself to do a self healthy checkup on their daily duties.
The Consultant then is a helping hand from up to down the organizations structures; can help re-engineer the business processes and channels to help the employees develop their own on their own. Needless to say how much being spent on training to add more skills, and the outcomes of both the organizations and the teams are the same or even worse.
The optimization of decision making is not only in choosing the right candidates for the right place but also in rationalizing the spending on wrong decisions that cost the companies more than they can afford and sometimes they afford it but can’t afford the consequences.


Yes, We attend the same Classes, but..
We attend the same classes, we listen to the same teachers, lecturers and professors, but we don’t have the same grades and we are of different characters, learning experiences and mentalities. We simply come from different individual own world; yet we belong to the same school, university or family may be but take it or leave it people have personal differences.
Learning then is a single yet plural experience and individualistic yet collective will. All parents want their children to go to schools and be the best in class and then go to universities and become a prominent figure in the society; so this is actually a collective wish for most of parents but not the same for the students; who don’t have the same passion for learning and studying. That’s why all come out with their own learning portfolio.
Nowadays, we see what I can call Post graduate studies mania; most of graduates seek more certificates sometimes in their same specialties and most of the times have nothing to do with it. This in my own view returns to a set of reasons: first they are unsatisfied with their undergraduate studies or else view it insufficient to make them ready for the job market, second the uncertainty about the needs and wants of the job market itself, so they think having more than one certificate in hand might guarantee a job in a world where the only indication that increases is the Unemployment rate.
So you find potential job seekers having more than one resume and will submit the one based on the job description, or they sometimes tailor their resumes upon the job description. Then the worst cases where people tell lies in their resumes. This in turn led to the lack of credibility in what job seekers submit especially if they had experiences gained in smaller corporations. On the other hand the job market is open for those who earned their experiences from big multinational companies, who compete to acquire talents from the open job market and from each others.
Some other times big companies have problems too; when they post jobs with undefined job domains and some job descriptions do not match the job titles; also sometimes the qualifications being asked for in the job post do not match the job requirement. This gives indications that either the people working on the human resources department are lacking experiences or else know nothing about it; bearing in mind that up until now there are no full undergraduate program for Human resources qualifications and most depend on post graduate certificates which sometimes being given from unqualified entities.


Straight forward is the shortest way..
No matter what shortcuts you create in your business life; straight forward approach is the shortest way to cut everything short too. This is a good doctrine to take in life. If you want to sell or buy a product, if you want to hire an employee, if you want to withdraw or join a negotiation, even if you want to breach an agreement , be straight forward at least if you lost money , you will not lose your reputation and dignity.
They say “No heart for the Business”, so people will not really be heartbroken if the deal is not as per their requirements. Business life is full of choices, sometimes when a door closes another opens and never take the windows or you will be sneaking and no one like sneakers. If the doors are locked, always knock first, if it opens from inside then that means you are welcome, if not never try to open it yourself from outside.
It is very important to respect the systems being established from the startup of the business be it from years, months and even days before you enter into this system; on the other hand that does not mean if you can introduce a new and better solution for the business to just stay still because you have to comply to the system; but rather apply with your inputs only to decision makers and make sure you give the evidence on your inputs.
You should also be alert that some systems might not be the right match for your experiences; so it will be a waste of time, money and effort just to try to do match making between the system and your own business. That is why it is very important not to build your projects upon expectations from others but rather from what you have in hand. Business is not built upon mere promises but rather on actual signed and sealed contracts.
Another hamper on the straight forward way is hype; which harms both the reputations of the business people and their businesses too. Therefore trust, integrity and telling the truth are important ingredients of Businesses that live long; just like the Buildings that live for years and years and finally become a nations heritages.
Also if you make a deal, make sure to respect its clauses. This respect is not only upon signage but along the time of its validity. Even if you are delegating the implementation to your co-workers make sure they understand the terms and conditions just like you understood them and signed upon them; because simply in one business you are all in the same basket unless the goals are not the same; which means you don’t all belong to the same business place.


Personal Social Responsibility, (PSR).
One of the main issues being discussed on all organizational levels is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is an important factor for the survival and sustainability of a given company in the society it wants to thrive in. This is a token of gratitude and a payback for the consumers who paid for their products. This is also to show that the company gives as it takes.
I view that one more important factor for the society is Personal Social Responsibility (PSR),as the person is part of the company and the company is part of the society; so let us start from the core of the company ( The human being). This can be achieved by donating a one unit of the monetary or currency being surpassed from the company to the employees where one unit will mean nothing to the employee but will mean more to the needy people.
Capitalizing on the idea of PSR; count how many employees at a given multinational organization that works in over 80 countries worldwide employing over 5000 employees at each country, so by a simple equation we can have 400,000 monetary units from each organization. Count how many multinationals we have worldwide and multiply the monetary units with the number of companies, you will definitely have a huge number.
Numbers are nothing if not interpreted into actions. Now how many needy persons around the globe? , by applying one more simple equation and distributing the monetary units gathered from each productive employee to a needy person; no one will be needy at least for the basics that are food and shelter. This in turn will sustain Corporate Social Responsibilities that can direct their efforts to further human development in terms of building schools, or re-structuring a whole spot where there are no human living conditions.
So my idea is basically from human to human donation then from corporate to societies’ donations. Taking it from here we can have happier people, happier organizations and happier societies. We can simply see the smile on all faces not only on the faces of those who can afford to smile. As food and shelter are the basic needs of any human if being fulfilled they will start thinking of how to positively contribute to the society that guarantees them a human living rather than having bad energy towards this society for just being less fortunate in terms of money, food and shelter.
To properly implement this notion, we need clear definitions for poor, under poverty line as different definitions of poverty will arise in each society as the poor definition in the southern hemisphere for instance is not the same poor definition in the northern hemisphere , and so on.


Do you speak the same Language..
Speaking other people’s language does not always mean you understand what they say or do but rather understanding the meanings of the words, sentences or phrases are what matters most. The dictionaries then are not the only tutor over there. It is the real life practices, daily communications and understanding the culture behind the languages.
This will give an insight why a person who graduated from a given system will not fit into a given country if she or he didn’t experience the real life experiences rather than what they read in books, online or saw in movies. Not always the full truth is being communicated; so here seeing is practicing.
Another insight arise from the same notion; why tennis players can have the same racket and court language, and why the soccer player who comes from a total different culture can fit into the soccer field in another culture totally different than his . This indicates that there is another communication language other than speaking the same language but playing the same game on the same court complying with the same game rules.
An interpretation then finds its way why Chess is a global game and why no age or you can say timeless. It is the game that can be inherited from a generation to another. It teaches the language of respecting your opponent and your competition being seated on one table court. At the same time how you can instantly learn from your competitor; and most important how you can take decisions not only based on your own tactics but on others too.
So people might not speak the same tongues languages but can speak the same minds languages and the same playing field or courts languages. They can share the same game rules although they are competitors, they can learn to respect one another and accept that they will not always are winners and sometimes they may lose a game.
This is the same market rules, no brand is an ever survivor without facing competitions, rivals and even hardships that might reach to being on the edge of bankruptcy. This is life ups and downs; successes and failures; pros and cons; but the most important that the brand do not loose reputation for being devaluated in the market. The genius brands then are those who step forward being creative, innovative and challenging even for tough market conditions but just never miss the chance of being cool.



Online or offline Shopping?
A long debate whether to shop online or offline, is the online retail business will finish the battle for its sake or the classic shopping will remain on land. Actually the whole thing does not really need all this debate because simply if there are no in real stores, there will be no virtual ones.
The Retail concept stores are ingredients of the Brand identity. That’s how you get to recognize your favorite brand stores and hit the doors. If you do not shop in real you will not be able to know your exact sizing and thus will not be sure of what you ask for online. If you do not know the exact retail price of the product you purchase, how you make sure you got the right deal online. If you do not take the time to see how products are nicely merchandised, mixed and matched, how you can understand the new fashion trends.
Remember that behind every virtual online experience there lies a real experience. It is not the online stores that sell but rather the real people behind the screens and web pages, that in turn entitles that they must have sales, merchandise, product and retail experiences to be able to work out such online stores.
Also if you still need to do photo shooting, editing and price tagging for the products to be placed online that means there are still lots of offline work has to be taking place prior to online launch of the stores. Which do have expenses too; hiring people to do these jobs be them on full time, part time or freelance basis, still money has to be paid, that is in addition to the permanent staff behind the support of the online operations.
The online shopping stores should actually be a helping hand for the real experience classical shopping stores. That can help create extra sales for the same brand; opening sales channels for those who don’t have time or facility or effort to exert to buy a certain product. It can also be a channel for routine products where people do not care much about the brand and where the decision making do not take long to be taken and the degree of involvement is not high as the fast moving consumer goods. So we can easily buy from an online grocery or supper market. This can also be a solution to different tariffs for the same product which does not have a brand as fresh vegetables and fruits for instance.
Online stores also need taking good care of them because web sites are just like fashion; needs continuous innovation, creativity and various engaging and loyalty programs to keep the consumer attached to the same online channel which cannot be achieved without real performance on the ground. On the contrary Classical shopping can survive even without an online presence as people will not stop going out to socialize even if they socialize on the online Mass media channels.


Even Perfection has measures.
They said “Nobody is perfect”, this is true but some people reach perfections in some domains and perfection does not mean being complete, but rather excellence in performance that exceeds the measures of the successors. So perfection is a changeable state; the same person might not be perfect in other domains in life but possesses perfection in something which is convenient for him or her and to others at a certain point of the life station.
Perfection then needs to have a model to measure upon the performance of this perfect state. I view the measurement tools in the Acronym of PERFECTION itself:
P = Performance, E= Existence, R= Resources, F= Failures, E= Exits, C= Cases, T= Tolerances, I=Interests, O=Order, N=Newness.
- Performance of the individual in singular and plural states.
- Existence of valid solutions rather than imaginative one.
- Resources available in hand rather than hypothesis.
- Failures are lessons to learn from not to sink in.
- Exits from failures at the right time and place.
- Cases are the base of studies for optimizing performances.
- Tolerances of the solutions to fast changes.
- Interests of the public never compromised.
- Order of solutions, exits and cases.
- Newness in the ideas before the executions.
That means perfection yet an individualistic state but not optimized if not tested in public. Solutions validity depends on how realistic they are to solve epidemic problems. The plan should always be realistic building upon what one has in hand and not on what can be later on supplied. The failures are life lessons to learn from not to stand in front for long and this depends on how planning put in consideration the issues one might face on the road of implementation. The models optimizations come from the realistic plan based on each case study which proves its validity based on similar cases but without generalizations that is why it is a model and not a theory. The solutions tolerance depends on the ability to be modified or even changed. Any plan should put public interest as a priority to build upon. The logic thinking in ordering solutions exists and cases are crucial for the model validity not only on papers but in real performance. Newness and creativity should always be in the planning phase and not during the implementation phase.


Consumer is not always correct..
The old rule was that consumer is always correct, but this is not true. The consumer is a human being too and can do mistakes (meaning they don’t take or forget to take or ignore to take). Sometimes consumers misuse the product, or do not read the washing instructions for instance or do not read the sales terms and conditions and some others they use the product then want to return it back.
The consumers are different in classes, spending powers, education and perceptions; so do the brands. Sometimes the brands fall into the mistake of marketing to all consumers whereas these marketing efforts are waste of time and money as they don’t hit the target and instead they just add brand consumer rather than brand loyal customers.
There is a difference between just consuming the brand and being a loyal customer for the brand. Consumption is just about using the product timely whereas being loyal to a certain brand means developing kind of a bond between the brand and the brand user. Just like having an email account in a website and you just keep it for long and no matter how many websites are created you keep loyal to the same email address being created on this website. The same happens with retail stores, when people prefer a brand they become loyal not only to the brand but to the store door.
Constructing loyalty programs can be done through years starting from youngsters until they become old. One can see three generations from the same family wearing the same brand name that even made brands create fashion lines and collections for different age categories yet having the same design and name just the sizes address juniors or seniors; so you can see like mother like daughter and like father like son styles.
Pricing policies and tags on the products are differentiation and branding tools of themselves. One can see stores named under certain monetary unit which attracts the consumers for the price point tagged on the product no matter what brand it carries. On the other hand we see brands communicate more than one message on different hang tags for the same piece trying to justify to the customer why this item might be higher in price so it is like giving reasons why a pant or a shirt in this store is higher in price than the pant and the shirt in another neighboring store. Also some customers like to wear like no one else so the one piece of its own retail stores or boutique styles can be also found.


Drive the drive.
In a car with a driver, one normally says the driver knows the way to a given destination, he has the navigation and maps but he does not know the direction. The same with the companies we have front liners who are sitting in the front of the ship but do they really drive the company. Not really because the real drivers are the Top Management level; because simply when the shareholders decide to sell the whole ship, no one from the lower levels will have the rights to change such a decision.
The same goes with top executives, they are at the end of the day executing and not really planning on a strategic level. They can be chiefs but as executives not as futurists or strategists. For the company to sail safely the whole sailing crew needs to be equipped with the navigation rules yet not all will be navigators but still need to be oriented with the main destinations, this will make the road to achievements well paved in terms of quality of outcomes and the processes of work.
Motivation of the staff is not an occasional or seasonal event because this leads to seasonal and occasional achievements too; and no company would want conditional achievements but rather an ongoing one and from one point of achievement to another. The motivation system then is part of the whole organizational structure and a clause that should be written and signed upon between the company and its corporate citizens.
As companies are keen to endorse loyalty in their customers; the same enthusiasm should go to its internal publics because they are the first degree customers for the company in terms of adopting and acting according to the company’s final goals. If you want them achieve, induce them to do so. They will in turn act the same way externally with the company’s customers. All you have to do is to teach your employees to teach your customers. At the end all will talk the same product language, so you will finally reach to content propagation about your company, its products and even employees.
This is what we can call Personnel Branding (PB); where the talents joining a given company will be an added value of their own and company assets as they themselves can be reasons why people should deal with your company, or ask for your products or show interest in your company and product updates. At this point you can share experiences with your customers, front liners and the back stage staff working on the development of the products where you can always start and restart from the customers’ needs and wants.


Do you really mean the name of the brand?
In the world of meanings rather than words, we need to ask companies about the meanings of their brands. A brand named “Best” not necessarily is the best brand in its domain yet it can be and can have the potential to be. We are all every possible adjective in life but depend on time, place and circumstances.
They used to say choose a brand name of few letters as much as you can for easy remembrance. Nowadays, we see brand names of two words matching or mismatching even in online brands. The meaning then of the brand emerges from the value people perceive from using the product or asking for the service which may even add lots of meanings to the original meaning of the brand.
The marketing and distribution channels of the brand give more dimensions to the meaning of the brand tolerance to changes in the market needs. How strong and powerful it can compete in the live market races. Some brands deliberately choose to enter fewer distribution channels and market fields where it excel at and survive for long but they lose the innovative and creative essences yet they still have loyal customers. Others choose to create and innovate in the same domain where they built their heritage upon. And another brand chooses to keep their heritage along with innovative and creative channels which is the optimum in my view point.
This is basically a strategic approach to choose one meaning or multiple meanings in the brand books. The company chooses to be mono or multiple channels one. The geographic expansion of the multinational companies actually sets the rule of the multichannel choice on purpose to cope demographically because if you want to trespass the continents you need to understand that people are different so do their needs and wants.
The strategies then should be communicated in the appropriate communication channels from inside to outside. So if the communicative messages are understood by the internal staff, the companies’ strategies directed to the targeted markets should be carrying the same meanings or else the feedback will not be positive in terms of the companies’ final objective which is to sell and achieve sustainability in an ever changing environment.
Also it is very important to choose the Brand Ambassadors who perform the brand stories in the market theatre. Whether those are celebrities or non celebrities from early adopters; who in turn communicate the brand messages to the majorities. They might add value to the brand and sometimes are by minus to the brand. So selectivity is a proven factor for success in this essence.


Do you know what TEAM stands for?
Not all people in different places around the globe can work properly in a team. It basically needs harmony to play the concerto according to the musical notes. Not necessarily this team is a host of friends or family members but they know how to work things together without confusion, delay or mal functioning.
TEAM for me stands for Truth, Establishment, Aiming, Measurements. Always start by telling the truth and only the truth about your qualifications, your company’s situation, capabilities, and set true objectives rather than just SMART. Keep in mind that this team is an establishment of its own should have a leader, objectives both short and long term, functions and hourly duties because simply “Life is precious cause time passes”, so each minute matters. There are common aims for the team this makes them work in harmony as they see the same vision, work on the same mission even if the work objectives differ from one department to another the final goal is one. For the team to keep the momentum on the track they need measurement tools, times as well as criteria.
For the team to succeed not necessarily they come from the same educational, geographical or same age categories but they rather need to have common collective will for better work performance and the tendencies for achievements in a team work essence rather than individual achievements. One can find undergraduates working together with post graduates together with professors and can form a harmonious team. Also top management with senior management with juniors and front liners can still form a cross level team where the strategy meets the execution.
Multi-functional teams are also effective in creating another melody; Organizational functions are just like the different musical instruments each has its own role in the orchestra. The departments can well be in the same company building but disconnected in terms of completing each other and having the same goal directions. Whereas one can find the organization different functions extended along the continents and still can work in Harmony. Nowadays also we can see organizations working virtually utilizing internet communications to keep online and in-line with each others.
Communication Stream (CS) inside the team is a main instrumental tool in optimizing its Channeling of the organizational functions and fine tuning of the performance. Communicators thus need to be clear, articulate, and evaluate their communicative messages on daily bases; to ensure the flow of communication is optimized in all directions not only from decision makers to executives but guarantees the speed and momentum of the communication current (cc) just like the stream of electric current if not optimized will be cut off.

Bad Energy at the work place.
Imagine what hatred did to the whole world, more wars and more bad energy being spread along the years. The same applies to Business organizations, foundations and companies, name it as you want. The negative outcome has the same definition everywhere which is complete failure in all corporate initiatives to accomplish its ultimate goals of selling its products be them tangible or intangible one.
The basic idea is that when you spread love for work, love for the company and love for the sake of the goodwill of all corporate citizens; the outcome is tremendous just like a football team playing on their home ground; they feel the love of their fans being after them even travelling from different places to support them; this is what I view as big positive energy, where the fans do not play for the football players and do not take the prizes after the match ends but rather have the moral and the intangible outcomes of the football match, those are the glory of the glory.
The Moon shines together with the stars; it never said the stars have to stop shining but rather it shows how different a shine is from another way to shine yet they all do shine in the sky. On the other hand the Sun has to take its place alone in the mornings but in some rare cases we saw the Sun and Moon shining together; this is the moments where miracles do take place; when the extremes come together. The company is the same can utilize the times of miracles to shine its best making ultimate use of extremes, but not all Chief Executive Officers have what it takes to embrace such giving; here comes the role of strategists and futurists who can see what the executives do not see.
MIRACLES for me are Merging, Interests, Race, Applications, Communicate, Local, Excellence, and Survive. If different companies can merge their interests, resources and privileges then in one given company the same can easily happen even if this company is operating in over 80 countries. Race the Applications by applying innovative ideas and embracing the future while keeping an eye on history and abreast on the present. Communication is the life saver for all times in goods and bad, in health and sickness. If you want global excellence, you have to achieve local corporate excellence first “Those who don’t have, can’t give”. These factors should only lead to survival if you believe in the survival cannot be on dead ends, but rather on open ended achievements where one generation can hand the stick to the following generation and so on.
The Survival Success (SS) measures are simply the ability to pass values, morals and corporate traditions to the generations to come. No matter how long people live, a book, a company and memories live and last longer.

Stealing is a crime.
If someone steals your work, ideas, computer or flash memory, this is a crime but some people do take it lightly and just smile. If those people just put themselves in the foot of the people they stole their properties; they would have never done it. The world is cyclic and what you do will come back to you. If good then good if bad then bad; not necessarily the same act or the same react but people taste the bad as they taste the good too.
Fake acts inside the organizations are killer factors. Hype, double faced, lies are the entire first steps on the ladder of failure. No matter what people hide, time will reveal the whole truth and one never knows when, but sooner or later happens.
Building trust with organization citizens on the other hand will enable an open communication channel where people can learn from each other; without the need to steal each others’ intellectual properties but rather one creates and the rest work on the realization of this creative work into tangible or even intangible product that can be traded; and thus all can benefit from one persons creative capabilities rather than stealing them.
Creativity is a mental state and is of ownership to the creative person, this should not be a curse for him or her but rather a God’s gift to be appreciated even from the organizations they work in as they benefit from them as equal or even more than the creative person do benefit. The one creative person is being thanked once for what he or she did, whereas the success of their ideas remains for long and benefits are extended.
The creative can set the vision for all the team to act upon. Each team member can have a role based on this vision. The Creative is like the Script writer and director at the same time. Where the team members can be the rest of the movie crew; according to their skills and what they excel at. Always give each one the tasks they excel at and never over or under estimate anyone. Appraisals then cannot be self given but rather upon performance personnel are being acknowledged and compensated.
The performance models can be valid at a certain time, but can expire at another. Here comes the role of the creative person to redesign the model or even introduce a brand new model for the organization rebirth or else it will be writing its death certificates by itself, not only in one field but in all fields and if a multinational will be dying more than one time.



Futuristic trending.. Applying or thinking.
I ever believed there is nothing called Futuristic trending, as the two words mismatch from the beginning. Trending means prevailing and people follow; have you ever seen people following the future; if that is it then there would be no problems on earth. If we all know what will become of us and our lives then we can just push the button to change everything at anytime.
We can definitely think about our future, forecast and of course dream of better one but trending this is not acceptable for the human minds. If that was the case then why the millennium is different from the 70s and from the 80s or why people didn’t jump into the future machine to see what would be of us after we die. Have we ever heard about someone who died and came back from heaven? ; I myself haven’t seen any.
Trending the future kills imagination and creativity, also draws back dreams where you already have to fulfill the future norms being drawn. Yet there should be measures for how valuable these futuristic ideas are in terms of social, economic and investments sciences. The notion that everything is valid until it proves the opposite is incorrect; so people has to test the validity of the ideas before applying them. Just like when the company do copy testing for their advertising messages before being publicized.
To think for the future, one needs to plan and this plan should be focused as one idea can be implemented in multiple ways, but always only one way is the most effective one ; where efficiency is being proved in terms of cost, time and effort. Taking it from there, one needs to study the past and take life lessons not to fall in the same mistakes; then one can easily measure the present tenses we live in because simply you can change what you have in hand by simple probability measures. The future then seems clear through a realistic visionary plan.
The visionary plan starts with Imagination of a better situation; this is achieved in a better context; this entitles clear content messages to interpret both the situation and context. A scenario then can be constructed for how the organization, its personnel and its products can fit into this futuristic context. This can be scripted based on facts, figures, consumer and market analysis based on the changes in demography of the societies from a decade to another. Even when we see some fashion trends back to 70s, they are not offered in the same offerings as back to this time; it just the essence.
The most important issue for the organizations is not to lose their business ethics and protocols on the way of the future thinking .like we see nowadays many brands and products being subject for fraud and counterfeits problems.


Positive Powers (PP)..
The humans have several powers some are positive and others are negative. It is just a line to draw to make the negative positive. Before one tells a lie can think to tell it or simply tell the truth. A choice, that builds up one’s reputation and image in the heart and minds of others. People are being perceived both on emotional and mental levels. Sometimes we just like people and dislike some others; although you might have not dealt on a personal level with those people; just like when you like a Tennis player and start being a fan for.
There are lots of powers to name some: The power of Love. The power of Believe. The powers of Praying. The power of Love turns things upside down; if you love your enemy, he will love you in return. If you love your life partners, you will all become life stakeholders. If you love your pet, it becomes loyal to you. Love does make dreams reality living in our body and souls.
The power of Believe is the core of our lives. We believe in God the Almighty creator of this universe. We believe in life and death. We believe in good and bad. We believe in another life in Heaven or in Hell. We believe in our personal powers; that we can construct our futures. We believe in other people who can be a husband, a wife, a work partner, a physician to cure us.
The powers of praying are heals from daily downs. One has twenty four hours a day to pray to meet Almighty God without prior meeting date or time. The open door policies; where you even don’t have to knock the door before you enter into his divine world. No business cards are needed and no resumes but pure heart is your ticket to mention his names and ask for his mercy. To ask when you need and to cry when you feel like without being shy that someone would feel you are weak. From Almighty God’s power we learn, we gain and we live and trade in non ending funds.
Imagine if these powers are your company ethics and values. Corporate citizens navigate the sea of human powers; Utilizing facts of the universe surrounding them and their company. Acting upon powers of figures, facts, ethics and values; being supported by open channels of communications with their peers, in the same departments and in departments located in different countries in Multinational companies; then trading their ideas in transparency, where copyrights are saved for the Idea owner.
I was not dreaming writing this article but fully conscious in the daylight of Almighty God. I am just an avid dreamer who dreams of better life not only for me but for the entire humans everywhere on earth as we were basically created to worship Almighty God, to lead a better life and die in peace of heart and mind. So Worship, Lead and die.


Retail needs a Handbook.
Retail is not only about store design, nice merchandise and zoning. Retail is about conversion of products into currency units. Simply liquidation of products while maintaining corporate profits. Retail starts with the plant of production, passes by supply Chain processes and ends up with sales in a cyclic process that lives as long as the company lives.
If one does not know what is in the company’s warehouses then the company will not achieve efficient sales operations; what to sell, how to sell, to whom to sell and at what price and where to sell. It is the employment of marketing communications in the store floor; the communication process from inside out, from the décor, ambience, and music to the face to face human communications.
The Store Floor Merchandise (SFM) must talk the same language as the storage area in the store; which in turn interprets the product combinations in the warehouses. The same zoning outside is the same zoning inside.
Then the in-store posters should be an added value rather than just a good picture. People should picture themselves in the picture. They should see an example they want to be like; eat like, drink like, dress like, or ask for the same service like. It should then be the art of likeness and the science of portraying this likeness.
Merchandise what you want to wear yourself. If the salesmen instore like the product and believe in, they will sell it and selling means money in return. Communicate with customers not of the technical details but rather of the value added to them from buying the product. Not all people care about what you spent time doing before getting the product instore, but they do care about their own benefits.
Put yourself in the foot of your customer. Try to figure out do they have enough money to buy this particular product, always know what to offer so as not to lose a sales opportunity. Always be prepared with convenient answers not bombastic words. Tell them the success stories behind the brand and what makes this brand a heritage and how it lives because it has values, techniques, strategies to reach their customers wherever and whenever they are.
Retail is communicating your brand , products and personnel in obvious and overt details.



Success is not perfected if not shared..
Success is a group event rather than individual incident. No one is just happy on her or his own, but happiness needs to be shared, communicated and mutually appreciated. Success can be given as a legacy but not inherited. How many successful organizations died after its founders; On the other hand how many others managed to live long and make further successes be them by those who inherited or by its success partners, no matter those partners are employees, co-workers, shareholders , designers or even outside consultants.
Success is planned and not a glimpse of luck that a genie found in a bottle would give to the company’s owner. It is the outcome of the company’s handbook; for each individual, group and the whole company to comply to, respect and most importantly apply.
Success is the end line of the speed race the company goes through competition; where the choice is the virtue of high standards performances. When one chooses the suitable drivers in terms of performance, experiences and creativity of doing things “their own ways” but in the company’s context; here the market business race and the races to come are guaranteed to be finalized for the sake of the company’s returns on investments.
Skilled Workers Mergers (SWM), this is what I prefer to call it rather than talent acquisitions because people can be merged in the company and not acquired. Companies don’t buy people but add values to the companies. Such a merger should be balanced between Elder and younger generations; for the juniors to learn there should be seniors, and for seniors not to lose their directions there should be a leader.
This leader is the road guide to success. He or She needs road map, knows the directions, anticipates and plans for probable risks, knows how to maneuver hard times, and overcome seasonal depressions in the company.
Money is just another measurement too. Where the company gets to know they optimized their spending on all possible inputs on the way of production, marketing and sales .As these are normally the departments to be always blamed when the results are not up to the standards.
Successful people are gifted and talented too. We share knowledge but we don’t share talents. We share the same offices but we don’t have the same brains. We share the same company inputs but we don’t give the same outputs. So Success is individual yet collective stamina.



Forgive people so that they forgive you..
Some mistakes are unforgiving. Only few people can forgive on mistakes that hurt them personally but some mistakes harm a whole company or a department and here forgiveness is not the solution but rather a good timed punishment that will make the person who did the mistake take a strict serious lesson to rectify the mistake she or he did and in a way that won’t harm the flow of business or the quality of doing it.
Here, I have to stress upon the importance of the codes of conduct and ethics that guide the employee along her or his career history with a given company. This is essential in a world of Global organizational systems where one can have people coming from multi cultures with different ideas, diversified backgrounds and attitudes. So to keep one unified culture in the workplace, there should be “Strong Value System” (SVS).
This Strong Value System sets the rules of how to deal with the company as a community rather than a building with furniture but rather well furnished with minds, hearts and bodies who will perform, and run the company different departments to form one identity in all what they say, do, act and deliver. This in turn will put its finger and foot prints everywhere from plant to stores where we meet our end user who will eventually and deliberately speak our same language.
Language is not the letters set together to form words but rather the meanings that we all understand, sometimes without uttering a word. Just like the love language doesn’t need to be interpreted with many words but understood from deeds. So the same in the same company, people are all there to achieve one ultimate goal that is to live happily doing their duties to satisfy their business ego.
One company is one home, where people feel one goal, one domain, one hand; to work, to achieve and to succeed. The company is not a one man show it is rather a whole some of a team performance rather than team work; we do perform, achieve and win. We don’t work for the sake of work only to go and come from and to the building, store or whatever. We work hard to find inner peace and outer success.
So where there is one family , the members of this family will forgive mistakes but only where no hurt for one another and no hurt for the whole company but rather peaceful prevailing profound professional business relations that can never be deprived from Human Essence (H.E.).



In fact, there are no resources for Humans..
A human is one of her or his kind, one of their own; each is born with her or his own identity, features and prints not only of their finger and footprints but for heart, tongue and mind prints. So watch out what you eat, drink, carry from inside out. So No stereotyping here when it comes to humans even if they wear the same shirts. We are different people but with common traits.
Yet, choosing the correct candidates for the suitable positions in the company needs science to stand behind it not only to be based on mere experiences or few courses. I would rather call it Human Assets (H.A.) than Human Resources.
Choice is not an easy task so it is not the bunch of resumes that the recruitment responsible will make upon reading what someone just wrote in their resumes but rather what kind of useful contribution one did in the field they worked in and what kind of contribution they will do upon joining this company or that.
Some would spend their career doing nothing but going and coming from the work building, sitting on the desk, just to prove they are there but do they really exist , do they make any difference even if they just left the company will one ever feel they left. Whereas others do have strong presence even if they are not available every single minute at the building but their presence is just like a shining star, just light up the way for others.
The Sky has lots of stars but only one moon and one sun. The same with the company each one will shine in her or his place but the Moon will shine for all and the sun will still comes everyday to announce there is a new day to come, to have a whole steady steps on the road of success. This is the morale that the company has to posses “where there is success, there is happiness”, but this success has to be ethical, valuable and mostly able to be shared and felt by all.
Old people who spent their lives at the company can never be ignored but rather treasured as freelance consultants whenever they want to join because they know a lot about the company and those are the ones who took the first lessons and can even teach to younger generations only if they are capable of passing their experiences in a “new-old “combination where they understand that yes the basics might be the same but still life is not just the same every day.
The young generations on the other hand has to understand that the company will not be built up upon creative ideas and bombastic words unless they prove to have Return on Investment. Do they let people eat good food, wear elegant clothing and live in a luxury home? , or merely colorful life pages but tasteless. Always let people do what they excel at, and changes have to be not only planned but very well planned if not excellent.


To my friend, cc..
No matter how old you are, how much experience you gained; above all you are a human. The real human is being the one who can act, communicate and interact with the human traits he or she posses not with the certificates or the positions they hold in hand; but rather with the heart and mind they bear inside.
This is what makes the difference and this is why a leader can be loved or detested by his or her followers. One can be tough when it comes to the correct and incorrect activities and its return on applications before return on investment, but when people see the outcomes and the profits both tangible and intangible ones , they will understand that sometimes being tough is for their own benefits .
One does not have to praise people all the time but can be near whenever they need a helping hand. A simple advice can open a road of success and a good word can be much better than a whole sum of money; yet both are important for tangibly touching the achievements. Work without outcome is like running to nowhere, and outcome without work has no flavor.
Words lead the way for acts, and then acts guide the road to achievements. If one thinks about action plans you will find them a host of disciplined words sometimes designed and being the architecture of people who know nothing about the implementation phase. Here a big gap occurs and then a truncated vision is reached. Where all become blind to see what is next.
A fresh and sometimes totally external view point can be a safe guard for the organizations. As people may differ in their views, minds and personal experiences but life lessons proved to be alike when it comes to human experiences even if they are being named different names or given special titles. Searching for the meanings will bring similar qualities, morale and ethics that can never be mistaken wherever you are being recruited.
All human races know the correct and incorrect and how to achieve both. It is only a matter of choice which way one want to take. It is easy to lead wrong ways; yet not easy to come back. Does one exert the same effort climbing up the ladder or coming down of it? Do not look at the endings before calculating the consequences; if you look at one end you never know how many endings you can have, especially if you are not alone on the dance floor you can see an ending which is not the same fate for all the organization citizens; yet you can still lead the way for a better endings for yourself and for all. Provided love is the base.


Why would you change?
Everybody talks about change, but do they really want to change. The theories are telling something and the practices are telling something else. People want to be honest but are they really acting honestly as they want to be. People swear on many things everyday but do they keep their oaths. So it is not what you say but rather what you do.
You might speak less and do more and vice versa; the ultimate is when one does what he or she says. This is not an easy task by the way; it requires that the one be compatible with oneself inside out. So compatibility with others is an outcome of self compatibility, this is a psychological aspect, before being a social one. Just like when you fear to take a plane, you will not be ok with the plane until you convince yourself that you will fly with the plane.
One will not change because they respect his or her boss, or admire their ways of handling their duties, treating people or the correctness of the decisions being made. They will change because they have the will to change out of the feeling of bad experiences in their past lives may be or because they can still view a sense of light on the way of change that might shed out the darkness. The boss will only act like the moon in a dark night in a deserted area, where you don’t have any source of light but to call the natural gifts.
Change is neither theories nor methodologies but rather a way of living. A choice one would take to change for the better and may be for the best of oneself and others sakes. It is not only measured by how many technological aspects we managed to add to our lives, how fast and easy that made us capable of communicating with each other but rather the quality of this communication. What fruits we gather from each other’s baskets.
The one way Change communication is difficult and will lead to nowhere. Imagine you are driving fast at your ultimate speed but the road ended so you will definitely collide with this end. To lead your speed, you need to manage others speeds in learning, mentoring, and practicing for the sake of achieving or else the learning gap will become bigger at this point you will be talking and nobody listens.
If you want to change the people around you, embrace change yourself. Appreciate people the way you want to be appreciated or even better. You will read what you wrote in their own words and they will quote you one day or may be for all of their lives. This is the real change, one is looking for; if people use your own words then one managed to create her or his own change dictionary where all can use the same words but in a positive manner .














































































The Woman behind this Book.
I have been always watching myself changing from a small kid to a teenager then to a young lady. My life even started with a small change, I fell from the 5th floor when I was a little kid (2 years old). After seeing the doctors, all didn’t believe! I was very healthy.
I remembered this incident allover my life, it gave me a hidden hand to success. I believed in Miracles .I hit the earth and it didn’t hit me. I passed my childhood smoothly between my loving parents. I was a distinguished member not only in my class but at the whole school. I came to finish my High school studies, to face my first life test. I got 90% in the Egyptian High school finals exams, which are known to be tough ones. I was dreaming to become a doctor. But unfortunately my 90% didn’t lead the way for the faculty of Medicine in Egypt and my parents couldn’t at that time help me continue my studies abroad . I joined the faculty of Mass communication. There I found new subjects very much deviated from my medical interests, I tried to prove for myself before others that I am capable of fighting any circumstances. And to my surprise I ended the first year with a very good general grade. After, I became so anxious to learn more about everything. I started to learn how people can change their attitudes, behaviors and actions. At the final University year and in the mid of my exams, My father died , He was a doctor . He longed to see me in my Graduation gown. Though it was very hard, I finalized my last year with the grade of Excellent the highest grade in the faculty and a general grade of Very Good. After I finished, I joined a private company working in producing stickers and dash boards for cars as a Public relations coordinator. The General Manager told me I felt the change since you joined our company. I started Exporting for the company & at the end of the year I became the Export Manager. In the very same year I was attending the courses for the Masters elementary year. I passed the exams successfully though I was working and studying. Some of my colleagues failed, others left the courses, but I insisted to continue. I started to feel the hidden jealousy from my work mates. It ended up by leaving to a magazine, where I became their editor; I realized I got the talent. The owner soon faced financial problems and I left to another job. I joined an Advertising Agency, and became their Copy writer. There, I added to my portfolio, by which I can say I can write. I have chosen (Communication role in Change Management) to be my Master’s Topic.


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