My Birthday Message
As I celebrate today, December 29th, another year of life that God has blessed me to see, I look back to smile upon the positive things that have occurred in my life. I look back on the accomplishments that I have made while pushing pass all of the obstacles that have tried to stop me. With faith, determination, and persistence, I will succeed. I thank those who have been a part of my growth and those who will be there with me as I continue to grow. Most of all, I thank God for giving me life and this wonderful gift, a voice to share with the world, to spread the word of peace, love, happiness, and hope, which we all can have throughout our trials and tribulations if we just believe in him.
As I move forward into the year of 2015, I see prosperity, and the great feeling of achievement. I can then say to myself, "despite your age, despite the negativity, despite the obstacles, despite the disappointments, despite the lack of support, you have finally made it. I'm so proud of you, Tina."
God Bless You All, and Happy Birthday to me and Happy New Year to you!!!!