My biggest mistake is my highest quality!
My biggest mistake is my highest quality!
I do not do Art by order, I do it for love.
I do Art when I want and what I want, be cheerful, simple or pain.
A real Artist, and not those of pretend.
I look forward to living the present and studying the past, not where money points.
I am aware that choices have consequences, and I take the risk of being different from all those people who do not understand or simply understand,
If painting for love is my punishment and my imprisonment, I want to die in jail, because it inhabits my soul, transforms my life and has an abode in my heart.
I am a plastic artist and not a society puppet,
I speak hard words yes, but lived for real.
I do Art with content, with message, surrender and patience,
Money is good, yes, and it makes the difference, as well as recognition,
but this is a consequence
and comes with time,
As I go wrong, I enjoy each moment being different and facing the world with open arms and look attentive,
For my biggest mistake is my highest quality, because I do not give up, I fight, I try responsibly!
Wins will come from struggles fought daily,
And I will win with what goes out of my mind, I plant good fruits, good seeds, I am an inspiration to these people, who feel, who learns daily and values an artist and invests in culture and art.
I do my part! I Do Art!
Text Denis Carvalho.