My Battle With Depression
It has taken me sometime to actually speak about depression and how it affected me and those around me. I have written a blog about it on my website (see link) and do casually mention it. Mental Health Week gave me the push I needed to create a video.
I finally sat down and recorded myself and spoke about my mental health issue. My video is nothing fancy. I wanted to be basic, raw footage so it showed an honest, straight up video of me TRYING to explain the cause, how it affected me and what I did about it in the end.
My video premiers in 60 minutes from this post. I have done this to hopefully help those that maybe suffering from depression or anxiety to get help and to encourage individuals, possibly mostly aimed at the macho male population, but does apply to all, to open up and talk about how they are feeling. My wife suffered from depression after our daughter was born. As we did not really understand anything about it 26 years ago, we did nothing about it.
Don't let this illness take over your life. Life is to short as it is to miss out on the good times.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to talk to someone.
You can right yourself.