My Baby's First Birthday For a Cause
Hello Everyone! Hope you all are doing everything to stay safe, healthy, and protecting your community by trying to stay at home and not traveling until it is necessary.
This post is going to be a little lengthy and the purpose of this post is to share my feelings and to request people whom I know, who knows me, request my family, friends, colleagues and to all those with whom at some point in life I have shared some moments and to even those who care.?
Note: This is not a forwarded post or shared post. It is my post?
I would first love to share with you all that my little princess my daughter will be turning 1-year-old i.e. on May 14th.??We call her "Pihu"
Pihu is a very special to us. Well for every parent their child is special and they mean the whole world to them. It is no different for me. This emotion is only felt when we become parents and we understand the value of being a parent. We also realize how our parents would have felt and the love they might have showered on us, the struggle they had to go through to raise us by providing us with the best of best even going beyond their capacity sometimes. Also most importantly trying to inculcate a moral value within us. We also being parents wish to do more for our child.
Pihu was born last year in the month of May 2020 under lockdown and during the pandemic. There are many parents whose babies were born during the same time and they would have felt the same how I had felt at that time. We were very careful, scared and I personally was very scared, had mixed emotions, and excited at the same time. Scared of the pandemic and not knowing the situation of the hospital and virus, making sure both mother and baby were safe, but I also made sure I looked strong so that my wife and my family remained strong. I was and am truly blessed that I had the support of my family, (Mom, Dad, sisters) friends, and colleagues. I can’t thank them enough.?
Pihu was blessed to us after a lot of struggle. My wife Archna had to go through a lot, but she was very strong and she is. I have huge love and respect for her for the pain she had to go through.
Archna and I always loved children even before Pihu was born. But when Pihu came into our lives, that feeling of being a dad, being a parent was different, I truly felt the emotion of being a dad, felt responsible for that little life which I had to protect and take care of. This Little Soul brought some changes in me. It made me feel for other children who are struggling in life who are on the verge of losing a life if not treated on time, children who do not have parents, parents who are fighting to feed, protect and save their baby's life, and many more. My heartfelt more for them and my heart goes out to them, my hands folded to pray for them. I want to help every child who is fighting for their life but is still smiling, giving hope to many of us that life is not easy but we need to fight. How blessed we both are to have Pihu and we are able to take care of her.
I know it is a difficult time for all of us and things are not easy for each one of us, but there are many who are struggling and trying hard to survive or save lives. With so much pain and so much going on around the world, with so many lives at stakes, so many families and friends losing their loved ones, so many frontline workers at risk and so many doctors, nurse, staff, police, suppliers of essential products, courier delivery guys, defense people, covid warriors, every single person who's trying to help and trying to do everything to save a life.
I would request and urge everyone who is reading this post, my friends, families to come forward and support the needy in any way possible. Even by just staying at home to break the chain. People whom I know personally have lost their lives and lost their fight against Covid and it saddens me a lot.?
Every parent wishes to celebrate their baby's first birthday in a grand way and the best way possible. It was the same in my case but due to the current situation, I thought to celebrate my Pihu’s birthday in the right way and for the right cause hence I am requesting my friends and families to join with me. Though I can not invite you to Pihu's birthday by throwing a party, I am still shamelessly asking you to gift my baby on her birthday by helping someone or donating to any cause that you believe in, which can help save someone’s life or could provide one-time food for someone, or save a child’s life by donating the amount for their treatment. Many are not privileged like us or blessed like us. So it is a humble request to each one of you to shower your blessing on Pihu’s first birthday by helping those who are in need.?
So by now those who are reading this post patiently till here would have understood the purpose of this post and why I shared my emotion. Pihu will be proud of each one of you one day when I will tell this story to her.?
I am supporting a cause for the kids who are fighting a disease called #Spinalmuscularatrophy (#SMA) which is a rare neuromuscular disorder that results in the loss of motor neurons and progressive muscle wasting. The treatment for this disease is one of the costliest treatments in the world. Parents whose kids have these diseases cannot afford to arrange the cost for this treatment as it costs around 23 crores in Indian currency. 16 crore INR ($2.125 million US dollar) is the cost for one single injection #zolgensma that needs to be imported and 7 crore is the tax that needs to be paid for customs duty. Below is the list of few babies that I know are fighting this disease and their parents are doing everything to crowdfund this huge amount. It is not impossible but only possible if each one of us can contribute whatever we can to save a life.?
My intention is no child should lose their life just because of money and when the treatment is available. Every child deserves a chance to live and every parent deserves a chance to see their child live. We can try doing what is in our hands rest to be left in fate or God's Hand, but at least we can say we tried.
I am thankful to God for blessing us with Pihu and for filling our life with her laughter and joy. Thank you to you all for sparing your valuable time reading my post and for doing your bit. Be humble, be kind and let’s do whatever we can to help others.?
Stay safe and stay at home.
Ayaansh fights SMA (
Janish_fights_sma (
Empower Srishti fight SMA (
save?baby yuvaan (
Vedika_fights_sma (
Siyona Shrestha (Sma) (