my art pricing
Looking past the obvious, close observation and engagement of the subject is my process. The challenge is to see beyond the distraction of the conspicuous to capture its unique self. Some of my subjects are quite beautiful, others less so. My goal is to inspire those who see my work to look more carefully at the world around them, to discover beauty in unusual places.
This sense of order, in whatever form it takes, acts as a shield against the unpredictability and lurking chaos of the outside world. #Art #FireWithin Kes 6,500 #0765390261
I like it when a place has been around long enough that there is a kind of tension between the way it was originally designed to look and the way it looks now, as well as a tension between the way it looks to whoever is caring for it and the way it looks to me. Trouble is, the kinds of places I find most appealing keep getting closed or torn down.What do I want to say with my art?
#ART #GRACEFULWOMAN #kes 8500.00 #0765390261
I work in beauty for its suppleness, delicacy and strength.It’s a line of perfection that doesn’t take life too seriously.Its elusive quality can transform a figure in just a matter of seconds. I strive to convey that sense of beauty by capturing its undying magic #ART ELEGANCEBLU #kes 8500.00 #0765390261
Living with beautiful objects that pay tribute to the natural world reminds us to slow down and helps us reconnect with nature
Everything is captured in the spontaneous dance and movement of the brush as it meets the rice paper. There is no going back and correcting when painting with ink and rice paper.
#ART #PINKAORA kes 6,500.00 #0765390261
I like it when a place has been around long enough that there is a kind of tension between the way it was originally designed to look and the way it looks now, as well as a tension between the way it looks to whoever is caring for it and the way it looks to me. What do I want to say with my art? Celebrate the human, the marks people make on the world.
#ART #LEO ksh 6,500.00 #0765390261
The Flower
My work is an examination of the different forms this shield takes, and the thinking that lies behind it. I use domestic objects as the common denominators of our personal environment. Altering them is a way of questioning the attitudes, fears and unwritten rules which have formed that environment and our behavior within it
#ART #THEFLOWER kes 7,500.00 #0765390261
My work is an examination of the different forms this shield takes, and the thinking that lies behind it.This is a sheer zeal and dominance of a modern woman to shine above the locked cell that she has been forever been put by our forefathers,questioning the attitudes, fears and unwritten rules which have formed that environment and our behavior within it
#ART #THEWOMANWITHIN kes 8,500.00 #0765390261
As my artist statement explains,my art is utterly incomprehensible and therefore full of deep significance(B. Watterson). I hope you enjoyed my pieces and I look forward to hearing from you guys
Erick Maina Muinuki