my AEI Experience in JSU

my AEI Experience in JSU

My experience in the United States as a visually Impaired under the MWF Alumni Enrichment institute AEI.

I wish to begin my story by thanking the State department, IREX, the Mandela Washington team and all those involved for creating the AEI program which gave me the opportunity to have such an interesting and educative experience. Not forgetting all the universities staff for making our enrichment a success. We are indeed grateful for such an experience.

My stay in Jackson State in Mississippi

After spending one fat week in Washington DC, I thought this was the only enjoyable place and the rest is just going to be boring but little do I know that it was just the starting. In fact, it was a tip of the icebag. This was the moment when we the fellows were divided into groups and each group was to be taken to its respective university. I felt very sad as it was very enjoyable and interactive to be amongst wonderful and vibrant 200 young leaders.?

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I realize that I was going to miss most of them including my very good friend Phebean of Sierra Leone who made sure to check on me on a daily basis and try as much as possible to see that am not bored or left out at any of our trips and activities in DC. Just after meeting in the Flight, Phebean has been a very good and caring friend to me. she willingly took it by herself to guide me till we reached DC where I was given a guide.?

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Thank you so very much my dear.

Ofcourse I do also miss the staff from IREX very badly.


In the early hours of the 22nd July, we left the beautiful Mariott Hotel for the Airport heading to Jackson Mississippi with our good, kind and inspirational Dr. Sheron simmons.?

After almost approximately 3 hours of flight, we were in Mississippi.?We were then welcome with very comfortable buses from Jackson state University to transport us to the hotel. There I got to meet Mr Lubin who welcomed us with smiles and entertained us on our way to the hotel. I believe this was the time when everyone wanted to satisfy their criousities about Jackson. Questions started raining on Lubin like rainfall in the middle of August in Africa.?From the interactive discussion I got to know My Very good friend David who wanted to know a lot about Jackson and posted a question to Lubin on how He could adapt the American accent.

David later on happens to be a very good friend that never wanted me to feel lonely or isolated.?

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Thank You so much my friend. Am really missing you.

Upon arrival at the Homewood suite hotel, we were well received with smiles and welcoming arms. The Homewood suite was also another paradise on earth. The rooms were very confortable and big. Everything was inside. You really need less or nothing outside. Another amazing thing was there were braille writings in the elevators and also on the entrance of every room indicating the room number which makes it accessible to the blind and visually impaired.

At the reception, keys were distributed and each was allocated a room. At my surprise I never knew a specialist in disability issues at Jackson state University JSU was also specifically invited to take care of me. A very kind and patient man approached and took me to my room. He later on introduced himself as Arror Richardson. He did not just took me to my room but went on to orient me to know every corner and location of materials in the room. He also took me through a short training on how to use the elivator to and from my room.?

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Thank You so very much Dr. Richardson.

A very beautiful, kind and very active young lady was introduced to me in my room by Dr. Richardson as a graduate assistant in disability issues. She gently shook hands with me and introduced herself as Niyah.?Niyah became a friend and a great assistance to me. She willingly and actively makes sure that everything gets accessible for me during our visits and activities. She tries to read every article and describes every item she set her eyes on during our visits to give me a clue of my environment. During our meals outside, Niyah will personally see to it that am well served and will personally make sure that I walk safely with no obstacles.?

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Thank you so very much Miss Niyah for the good work and patience.

After settling in our rooms, we then took a walk to a nearby restaurant where we had dinner and interacted with some of the staff from JSU who welcomed us with open arms and smiles like people from the moon.?My love for Jackson began getting higher and higher. It was a pleasure meeting Mrs. Jennifer in person instead of virtual means. I was amazed with the welcome and smiles coming from her.?

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She is indeed an exemplary person. Am inspired with such kind gestures.?Thank you so very much ma’am for making our stay enjoyable

We had a very enjoyable and interactive moment with these great and down to earth professionals

We then returned back to our paradise on earth hotel in preparation for the following day activities. Of course, I could never forget to acknowledge the wonderful group of fellows I came with. You are indeed great. I am grateful to find myself amongst competent, well dedicated, selfless and professional leaders like you.?

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It is always important to surround yourself with positive people. I am grateful to be amongst leaders ranging from ecosystem builders, researchers, intrapreneurs, advocates, legal practitioners, advocates, speech therapist, software developers and designers, instructors, insinuators, Doctors etc. you people are indeed inspirational.?

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I strongly belief the JSU group is indeed special. These great leaders were all kind and nice to be with. I really enjoyed myself with you. Thank you so much for creating that interactive environment and the willingness to offer assistance.?

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With such great leaders, there is high hope for Africa. Everyone was definitely very kind and helpful.

Thank you so much Courage my neighbor. This is man who always makes sure that I never had any issues going down to the lobby in the morning. He has also been a very good friend and always wants to guide me during our tours.?

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Thank you, Courage. Am missing your company.

Ghislaine my boss Lady from Benin. She is also another person who always keeps me company and always willing to help

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She is indeed a very kind and strong lady?

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My gratitude to all the great leaders. You are all great. Barbara, the lady who always wanted to guide me but didn’t have much chance to due to the kind people willing to always walk me through, but finally got dance and walk with me during our graduation. Thank you, Barbara! You are such a kind hearted lady. To Stark, my good friend Mary who is always surprise and amused about my daily activities, Ann Marie, my friend Tsholo who always enjoys my company and to all the other fellows. God bless you all.

The Lady that really surprised me with Joy was Elizabeth. Thank you so much darling! I was really glad with the surprise present during our graduation.?She put a surprised Scaff of YALI around my neck when I was call to receive my certificate. My eyes were filed with tears of joy.

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Thank you so much for the Gift. It will surely be a Remembrance.

The following morning, we were picked by very comfortable buses from the hotel to the College of Business at the JSU campus. At the lobby, we were welcomed to the Buses with smiles by very kind and patient women who inturn volunteered to be driving us throughout our stay. I really got surprised at the same time inspired when I later on got to know that these same people were assistant professors and administrative assistant. These women are really down to earth. I have learnt a great lesson from that instance. I instantly learnt that no matter what or whoever you are, always be down to earth and never feel too big or better than others base on your position or standard. Thank you so very much Dr. Sheron, associate professor of entrepreneurship, Dr. Joann White, assistant professor of Management and Ms. Deborah Haymon, Administration Assistant for such kind gesture. Am really inspired. Not also forgetting Mr. Lubin Lewis who also took part in transporting us to and from the Hotel. He is also a very kind and friendly man. He really made our journey very interesting.

I really can’t still stop thinking about the JSU campus such a very beautiful, comfortable, accommodating and educative University.?

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There is where I meet a very good, down to earth and selfless woman who I also admire so very much. She is indeed a role model. She is indeed kind and generous. She is someone that makes sure that I don’t lack anything at the Hotel and during the training. I have always had the love for Nigerian people but it gets more when I met her. Am indeed inspired with your kind gesture. She later on introduced herself as Dr. Lydia Didia. I later got to found out that she was indeed an assistant professor of accounting at JSU.

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Thank you so much Ma’am. Am really grateful. During our departure, Dr. Didia spent much of her time at the Airport with us to make sure that we all boarded safely without any challenge. Unfortunately, when 3 of us were not able to board on the first day due to some logistics, she called IREX on our Behalf and made sure that everything was set and then took us back to the hotel, book a room for us to spend the night and then ordered food for us. She made sure we all boarded in the following day. Thank you so very much Ma’am. We are grateful. Thank you for making me taste Egusi soup (a Nigerian dish). I also got the opportunity to meet Dr. Tomaz, Director of JSU global. All the JSU staff were indeed great and down to earth. They were always willing to help and made our stay very educative and enjoyable.?Dr. Didia and Dr. Tomaz took us through the orientation. All the JSU staff were indeed great and down to earth Dr. Lydia Didia, Dr. Sharon Simmons, ,

Dr. Edith Davidson, Dr. Fidelis Ikem, Mrs. Jennifer Steele and to the entire staff thank you all so very much

There was then a walking tour of Campus orientation led by another beautiful lady who introduced herself as Courtney.

Courtney is someone who really went a long way in helping me out. She has been of great assistance to me. she is always willing to guide me through. Courtney will always want to make sure that am safe and describes and obstacle on the way that she believes could harm me including stairs. she willingly and actively makes sure that everything gets accessible for me during our visits and activities. She tries to read every article and describes every item she set her eyes on during our visits to give me a clue of my environment.

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?Thank you so very much Courtney. Am really grateful.?Courtney was not just kind and helpful to me but to the entire group. She makes sure that everything was accessible for us.

She patiently took us around the Campus and showed us different departments and buildings. ?

An overview of the two weeks program scheduled was presented by my very good friend, and mama Dr Sharon. This is a person that I don’t really have enough words to describe her. She is indeed special to me. ?I could remember a fellow calling me Dr Sharon’s son. It was indeed a pleasure being with you ma’am.?

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Thank you for everything.?Am indeed grateful.

JSU is a university that I can’t ever forget. It was indeed a pleasure being in the midst of very good, down to earth professors, associate professors and staff that are very good at what they do. I have learnt a lot that really transformed my life and made me a better leader.?

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I can still remember the great things learnt during our lectures at the college of Business.

Social Justice Conversation and Cultural Exchange | Cultural Enrichment Seminar

Facilitated by Kenya Hudson.

Corporate Dilemma | Common Leadership Curriculum Session #1

Facilitated by Mrs. Jennifer Steele and Dr. Fidelis Ikem

Ethical Leadership | Leadership Training

By Dr. Jean-Claude Assad.

This session gave me a better understanding of what it means to be an ethical leader and how this translates in the professional world. The session built my capacity on how to build systems of accountability that uphold ethical practices and promote a culture of trust and fairness within an organization.

Thank you, Sir!

Civic Engagement | Networking

By Dr. Ebony Lumumba and Dr. C. Liegh McInnis.



Resiliency in Leadership | Leadership Training

By Dr. Jean-Claude Assad and

Zahra’s Flower Shop | Common Leadership Curriculum Session #2

Facilitated by Mrs. Jennifer Steele and Dr. Fidelis Ikem.

Thank you all so much for such educative and interactive sessions. I really gained a lot from all the sessions.

Another very important, remarkable, educative, interactive and enjoyable part of our AEI experience was the visiting of places and networking sessions.

During the receptions and networking sessions was when I met a very kind, friendly and down to earth woman by the name Madam Adesola. I later on got to know that she is indeed a pastor. Well done Pastor Adesola. This Woman was so kind and caring to me. she sat by me and build so much interest and applauded me for the work I do. She gave much encouragement and advice. Thanks ma’am may God bless you!

During our stay in the hotel, I once again got the opportunity to meet a very kind, down to earth and patient Man. A man who had been very kind and helpful to me. He is Dr. Sheron’s husband. Mr. Al Simmons, a fellow special needs teacher and of course, a senior and more experience in special needs. ?Mr. Simmons has been so supportive and humble man. He really understands what humanity is. Through him, I visited the ADDIE MCBRYDE Rehabilitation center for the blind, Mississippi school for the blind and Mississippi industries for the blind. He patiently and willingly spent most of his time going round with me to all these places. Thanks so much for the assistance, Sir. Thanks for also appreciating and advising me. I am really inspired with such kindness.

ADDIE MCBRYDE Rehabilitation center for the blind

?I really got inspired by the great job the center is doing in the life of blind and visually impaired people. This is a center where blind and visually impaired are train on how to be independent in doing their daily activities without having to fully depend on people for help. There we meet a very kind and humble woman by the name Rosie Gibson. She welcomed and introduced us o the Orientation and mobility personnel. The orientation and mobility skills I learnt has gone a long way in helping me to implement one of my proposed projects. Mr. Simmons was equally amazed with such skills. ?

Mississippi school for the Blind

?At the school for the blind, we met Superintendent Jeremy Stinson, a very humble and approachable man who patiently took us through the mode of operation and answered all my questions regardless of his position. And Dr. LaShawna Fant who also took us through the materials used my visually impaired students especially in doing mathematics. She gave me a copy of the book she wrote which I really enjoyed reading. The book: The strange Animal farm is a very interesting and educative book that could go a long way in helping students to develop their rhyming skills. Superintendent Stinson together with Dr. Lashawna took us around the school and gave me the opportunity to share my experience working as a special needs teacher. Thanks so very much. I really appreciate the gesture.

Mississippi industries for the blind.

At the industries, we met Mr. Joe Spicer who took us on the role and activities of the place.

Thanks, Mr. Simmons, for the kind gesture.

Our travel to the Mississippi civil right museum was another remarkable place.

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?I had learnt a lot about the history of Mississippi.

The?museum?houses several permanent exhibits, We explore the movement that changed the nation. Discover stories of Mississippians like Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer and Vernon Dahmer—as well as those who traveled many miles to stand beside them, come what may, in the name of equal rights for all.

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Travel to Atmos Energy

Atmos Energy Corporation, an S&P 500 company headquartered in Dallas, is the country’s largest natural gas-only distributor.?Breakfast and lunch were provided. This was another mind boggling experience and an eye-opener.?

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Travel to Hope Credit Union


We had a great reception and networking with the staff of Hope credit union.

Hope Enterprise Corporation, Hope Credit Union, and Hope Policy Institute) provides financial services; aggregates resources; and engages in advocacy to mitigate the extent to which factors such as race, gender, birthplace, and wealth limit one’s ability to prosper

I-Village | Volunteer Activity

The visit to I-Village was very interesting and interactive as we had the opportunity to volunteer and input our leadership skills.


Travel to Mississippi Capital

The visit to the Mississippi capital was indeed another turning point and center for learning. From this wonderful visit, I got to learn a lot about the process of making laws in Mississippi and how the chambers were form.?

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I was so honored to meet such a very good and humble Senator who gave us a lot of information about the ways of governing. Much questions were raining on him but he took the patience to answer all.

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?He later on gave us the opportunity to take pictures with him in His office.?

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Thanks Senator, am really grateful.


Dinner and Bowling | Social Activity and Networking Reception

The Bowling was an activity that I really enjoyed a lot. It was my first time witnessing or playing such a game but I really enjoyed myself. I can still remember how the ball is grab and thrown to hit the target. I can imagine how funny it was throwing the ball and only get to know the result when people start shouting. I got a lot of fun participating in it. Though my fellow MWF fellows were surprised on how I was able to throw the ball and hit my target but little do they know that the mind is the most important part of the human being. Not having the perfect eye

sight does not make me a disable but rather a differently able. All I need is concentration and commitment in what ever I do. My Motto is visually impairment will never be an obstacle to my progress.

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At the bowling station.


Host Families

This was one of the activities that I can’t forget. During these activities, Fellows were given the opportunity to experience life in the United States by arranging us with local families to host us for a dinner. ?I was among the three that were hosted by Dr. Okechuku D Anyamele, professor of Economics. He took us to his house in Madison where we met his wife and daughter. The family welcomed us with smiles and treated us so special like kings and queens. The food and drinks we had were so cultural and sumptuous. Prof and the wife are so sociable and kind. They interacted with us and made us feel at home. Thank you so very much Prof. I really appreciate.??

Lunch | Networking (Role of Banking in Civic Engagement and Public Management)

The lunch and networking with BANK PLUS was another exciting and wonderful moment of our training. We really learnt a lot. Thank you so very much Bank Plus for the kind gesture and the gifts.

B.B. King Museum,

We had an educative and historical visit to the museum. We were shown the exhibits and real legacy of the great musician BB KING. He was such a great man.

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The great lesson I took from the visit was that One should always strive hard to leave a good legacy. Always be good at what you doing and trust yourself. Being a positive agent with legacies will always ring a bell in the minds of people even when you are no more.

Farmers Market

The visit to the farmer’s market reminded me of an African/Gambian market. I really felt at home when I was inside feeling the presence of fresh crops from the farm. There we meet a very good Mama who later on hosted us for Dinner at the Footprint farm. The visit to the Farm was another exciting experience.?

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We were well received with musical entertainment and fresh food from the farm was served to our satisfaction. The mix and blend of American and Afro-beats got me deeply mesmerized!

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Mama! I am impressed with such achievement.

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The boat riding ?at New Orleans was another exploration

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Travel to the Children’s Museum

My journey to the children’s museum taught me a lot. I really got inspired on how children are given such a very educative place. The great opportunity and kinds of materials in the museum is more than enough to build the mental capacity of children. I belief if such were available for our children in Africa, definitely Africa will produce genius and great scientist in all areas. Am really impress with the way the place is arranged with very kind and welcoming staff. Staff that could educate and make kids enjoy their stay.?

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Please keep preparing the children as they are the future leaders. .

These are just a few among the many places we visited.

It was indeed a pleasure being in Jackson and of course in JSU. I am very honored and grateful to be part of the first ever batch of fellows being hosted by Jackson State University -JSU. It was indeed a pleasure and an unforgetable moments.

?Much appreciation also goes to Dr. Fidelis Ikem, Dean at college of Business at Jackson State University -JSU. Thank you so very much Sir for your immense contribution geared towards the success of this program.?Thanks for spending a whole day with us on one of our bus trips and also for the words of encouragement and kind gesture towards me. I am very grateful for the walk too.

I wont really do justice if I did not acknowledge the kind gesture, support rendered to us by Mr Thomas K Hudson, President Jackson state University JSU. ?Mr. Hudson has been so helpful and open to all the fellows. Regardless of his position as the President, He granted us the opportunity of meeting, discussing with him in his office. Thanks so very much Sir! We are so grateful.

My highest gratitude and prayers go to the entire staff of JSU and all those that put their efforts in making sure that we had a successful, enjoyable, educative and interactive program. Thank you so very much.

Friday 5th August was a Day that I really never wanted to come-this was our graduation day. As this marked the last activity at JSU under the Alumni enrichment Institute. This was the day when we were assigned to prepare a speech and give feedbacks about the program. I can remember the 6 minutes video I recorded and presented on the life of a person with disabilities with the discrimination, stigmatization and segregations meted on them was so emotional that many in the room could not help it but started shedding tears. The hall was as quiet as a graveyard.

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All the places visited were very educative and inspirational. However, I will suggest that places like the children Museum and other historical places be made more accessible by creating Braille writings on different places and accessible objects so as to give opportunity for blind persons to also be able to read independently without having to depend on others. There could also be audio formats that explain and describe objects that can’t be physically touched for the visually impaired to also have a clue of what is happening equally as those looking at a distance. ?Also, I humbly would recommend the creation of audio and/or video records of activities of the enrichment program, edited and shared with the fellows to serve local and international advocacy, mentorship and enrichment purposes.

thank you for taking the time and patience in reading this article.



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