My advice to someone looking to enter journalism now

Earlier this month I received a message on Instagram from a 16-year-old who had spotted me on her college's alumni page. She wanted to know how I had made the move into journalism. Given the personal connection and recalling the lack of opportunities and career inspiration when I was 16, I responded asking if she had availability that evening as I'd give her a call. 

She confessed she was nervous. Of course, she didn't need to be. But I was once a shy 16-year-old and even years later I can still remember how nerve-wracking it was making calls when I was starting off in journalism. We spoke for about 30 minutes and during that call I laid bare the reality of journalism today: how the industry is having a torrid time, with many magazines closing their doors, and that it's really really difficult to survive - many fantastic journalists are being forced to leave the sector, or if they're freelance, they're holding down so-called portfolio careers.

But of course, I didn't want to be overly pessimistic. I wouldn't want to push someone completely away from a career that have a deep desire to explore. Knowing what I know today, would I have chosen a different path and not entered journalism? No. I still think it's a brilliant, interesting, and varied career, and one that I'd still have a good go at. Yes, I'd love a career with more money and security, but the world still needs journalism (more than ever) and if you understand the almighty challenges ahead (and are ready to accept other jobs on the side like content marketing and teaching), then go for it, I say. It's not like my parents' generation where you stick to one job; you can always slide into another industry, if need be. 

Over the course of the half hour, I shared tips with her, including stepping up your tech skills (especially video), and standing out on work experience. I applauded her for using her initiative to contact me. For scouting me out online and sending a message demonstrated key skills needed for a career in journalism.


